Mage Quests

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
6 598

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

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1, Pouflons of a Feather

“I can’t dooo this”. Vionnet groaned. Dramatically, she slammed her head on the table. Her silken ears flopped down behind it, covering the table and the messy array of study notes and quills and books with soft white fur. An inkpot fell over and spilt over her notes, and she stared at it for a few seconds in utter silence, and then groaned loudly, and even more dramatically.

Vela watched at the whole disaster unfold and, to her credit, held it together for a good few seconds- even managing an air of sympathy, before she started to laugh, so loud that she snorted and scared her pyropine- who was dozing on a pile of books, but woke up with an indignant squeak and ran onto Vela, nestling in her hair.

She gasped, wheezing for breathe. “I-I’m sorry it just”. She burst into a fit of giggles again, and soon Vionnet was laughing with her.

Eventually, they calmed down and started to clean up their notes. “You can do this Vi”, Vela said “I know you can! and honestly- it’s only first year”, she picked up a pile of paper and then continued, “don’t stress it too much. We’re here to learn after all!”

She smiled sunnily at the other pouflon who grinned good naturedly in return. “I know I know” she said, shaking her head. “Thanks for studying with me- it really does help pass the time, it’s so boooring being stuck in the library by myself for hours on end. You’re a good friend, Vela.”

Vela blushed, shocked by Vionett’s sincerity. She blushed, and smiled softly. “Thanks”, she said, “you know, you are too.”

And feeling rejuvenated, the two pouflons got ready to work once more.

(Word count: 287)