First Encounter of Daitan and Miyako

3 years, 2 days ago

A small story about how Miyako and Daitan met

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"Now, Miyako-chan. Finally you can meet him in person. May I introduce? This is Daitan, he's probably the most talented ninja in our clan yet. He's best in his age and he can easily reach the adults level too". The boy, who was standing in front of the doctor, had neutral and dark blue clothes. He got watched by the little girl, who was standing behind the doctor, the doctor's little future helper. He taught her in medical knowledge. The girls' father did never wanted her to become a kunoichi, so now she is standing there, behind the gray-haired old man, staring at the young ninja. His middle long, black hair seemed something in-between messy and tidy... And under his empty blue eyes dark circles showed up. "You look kinda exhausted", Miyako now said slowly, causing the boy to look at her in surprise."... Exhausted?", he asked again as the little girl nodded. "yes", she said and stepped away from the doctor. "How comes you think that?", Daitan now asked, but looked at the doctor. "She saw your dark eyebags", the old man slightly smiled, having his face catching  folds.

Daitan shrugged, then got into the patient's room, even without invitation... This wondered the little Miyako, who stayed behind when the doctor came in too. The girl stayed at the door but her eyes pierced the young ninja from behind. "The same mixture as always?", the doctor asked. "Yes, thanks Akira-sensei". The child would not stop watching while the doctor looked up the medicine. Suddenly, Daitan looked over his shoulder, monitoring the door. He seemed to be in a bad mood, caused by the 6 year old girl at the door.

"Stop watching me from back there. I know you're there anyways. I'm only here to take what my master ordered. It's disgusting knowing you watch me from behind", he said. How mean! Miyako slightly teared up. "B- but.... But I worry about you! You have dark circles under your eyes, you look unhealthy and exhausted and sleepy...". The girl continued talking till Daitan fully turned around and interrupted her. "What's wrong with you?!", he asked and laid his head a bit to the side. "You look so bad", the girl told the boy and came into th room. "Thanks, I appreciate that", the 12 year old boy sarcastically answered. He did not move his hands but only watched the girl. "No! You look unhealthy, I mean unhealthy", Miyako fastly threw into the conversation. "I look like that every day, you got a problem?", Daitan asked in an annoyed voice. "Then you always look so awful?!", Miyako shouted out in surprise. Daitan sighed.

"Daitan, I've got the order now", he heared the doctor, causing Daitan to stretch out his hand. "Thanks for you telling me I look awful", he added to the little girl while taking the medicine and looking into the package shortly, then he turned to the doctor. "Thanks, sensei. I'll give it to my master right away". Miyako looked up to the ninja. She just wanted to ask the doctor, whether he had something for Daitan too... But after averting her eyes just for a short moment, she looked at the place Daitan had just been in surprise. He had vanished without a sound and without a trace. Miyako looked at the doctor. "Will he be alright?", she asked but the doctor shook his head. "He's working way too much but he would not listen". Miyako shook her head in misbelief. How could someone not listen to their doctor?

The next day, Miyako stood up early. Everyone had been woken up because of the death of an important person. Fugichi-san, a well known ninja had died at a mission... The mentor of Daitan, as Miyako could recall from all the stories. Daitan should be on a mission Stil... Miyako looked into the sky. It was noon already... She lifted up the basket, wich was filled with herbs and entered the mansion again. "Huh?". She instantly stepped into the room as she saw a familiar face. Daitan was sitting infront of the doctor, who had just disinfected the open wound on the boys' arm. He did not even twitch and the doctor started bandaging the arm.

"Does the wound not hurt?", Miyako asked. The ninja did not react first, then he finally answered. "No. It does not", he said without averting his eyes. "For real?!". That was too loud for Daitan, who rolled his eyes. "Yes, for real. Stop getting on my nerves". A slightly aggressive tone was mixed up in the boys voice, Miyako was surprised. "Are you... Are you sad?", she asked in a caring voice. How utterly rude of her... Not to ask him first if he was okay because of his master...

"Why should I?", Daitan answered. The doctor left and Daitan checked the bandages out. "You just came home from a mission, wounded, and got to know your master had died on his mission", Miyako declared. Daitan averted his eyes a bit. "He's a ninja. He did know what would await him sooner or later. It's no different with me", Daitan said in addition, while his voice however lowered. Miyako sat down infront of him. "I can see... You actually are tired... Maybe you should get some", she said. "Some what?", Daitan asked, his voice got calm and cold. "Some rest". Miyako looked at Daitan, who instantly stood up.

"I don't need rest. It won't help me", he declared. Daitan wanted to go but Miyako grabbed his clothes tight. "Going on another mission without getting rest won't do anything better too", she said. Daitan did not turn but shook off her hand and left.

Author's Notes

It's an old story, wrote it about 2 years ago... So only mind the content