
3 years, 3 months ago

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Kie giggled at the way Akashi kissed him. Gentle butterfly kisses across his chest and towards his stomach. Akashi multitasked well, fingers working on removing Kie’s multiple belts as he nipped at the other’s sensitive spots. The fox shiri was enjoying himself, quiet gasps, little laughs. He didn’t bother being quiet. Akashi wouldn’t want him to be anyways. 

“Akashi- shouldn’t we take this to your room” Kie whispered trying to take one of Akashi’s hands to slow him down. The other simply laughed glancing up to the other.

“Mm? Only other one here is Blanc. Worried she’ll judge how pretty you are, pumpkin?” Akashi purred back kissing one of the other’s hands. Kie made a quiet flustered noise looking off to the hallway.

“Wh-whatever. Keep going then.”

Akashi found that amusing, slowly working on removing clothes from the other. He managed to toss off Kie’s jacket before a certain someone walked in. Almost as if summoned by her name.

“Big brotherrr! I want pancakes right now.” She stated firmly. Kie opened his eyes at the sound of her hooves against the floor. Dammit. Now he was going to be heated for the rest of the day. He watched as Akashi sat up and stretched. That lightly amused smile never leaving.

“Pancakes? What flavor?”

“Strawwwberrry! Red red red! And black! Red and black pancakes!” Blanc chirped spinning around with her kabuki in hand. She was wearing lighter weekend clothes. Consisting of one of Akashi’s t shirts and a patterned blue skirt. Kie swallowed running his fingers through his hair as he watched Akashi stand and start towards the kitchen. A soft groan left the elder’s mouth.


Akashi heard that and turned around slightly to Kie, “Don’t worry pumpkin I’m sure you’ll love these.”

“Yeah yeah! Strawberry chocolate! Yummy yummy! So sweet like uhhh dessert!”

“Dessert.” Kie repeated slowly sitting up and adjusting himself. His hair was a mess. He rebuckled his shirt and pants before walking to the kitchen. Akashi obviously was skilled here, knowing exactly what he was doing. Just watching him cut strawberries made Kie hungry. He sat at the counter leaning his head in his hands and trying to suppress thoughts of hunger. Meanwhile Blanc took her spot next to him, chattering away about how much she loved pancakes. It wasn’t helping Kie. But Kie smiled and nodded as she spoke to him, never once saying anything mean. Akashi watched them carefully before turning around to cook the first batch. Admittedly he was happy that they got along. If Kie didn’t like Blanc then Akashi would’ve kicked him out decades ago.

Blanc made a soft popping sound as Akashi made her plate. He cut her food up for her and finished it off with a few more strawberries and chocolate sauce in the shape of a smiley face. “There we go, one red and black pancakes for my sweetest darling.” Akashi said with a hint of a smile as he placed it in front of her. Blanc clapped before picking at her food. Despite being given a fork she preferred to use her hands. Kie rolled his eyes slightly at this but smiled looking away.

“Does my pumpkin need me to cut his food?”

“I’m not hungry. Thank you…” Kie found himself saying, going directly against the overwhelming pain in his stomach. Akashi ignored that plating a pancake anyway so and moving over behind his friend.

“Hmm that wasn’t my question.” Akashi said simply placing one hand on the other’s stomach, feeling a slight vibration as he did, “Plus when’s the last time you ate, pumpkin?” He had a sickeningly sweet smile on his face as he teased his friend. Kie sighed looking at the plate that was sat in front of him. He couldn’t even stomach the thought of taking one bite. But he picked up the fork poking at the food. Akashi watched him for a moment before pulling Kie into his lap.

“H-Hey I can feed myself.” Kie stammered feeling one hand touching his cheek and the other taking the fork from him.

“Shhh I’m making your life easier.” Akashi said gently. He lifted a small bite to Kie’s lips. Kie bit on the inside of his mouth. “Eat it or I’ll baby bird you.”

“That’s dis-“ Kie started only to have the food placed in his mouth. The fox’s ears flicked down as Akashi ensured he chewed it. But it did taste good. It tasted so good. Kie sighed internally, taking the fork from Akashi and getting his next bite on his own.

“See I know what my pumpkin likes~ sweet food.” Akashi teased, placing his hands in Kie’s lap and his head on the other’s shoulder.

“Yeah yeah whatever. I’m just hungry so everything tastes good.” Kie mumbled taking a few more bites. If it was up to him he would let Akashi cook for him everyday. He quickly finished off the plate listening to Blanc talk about other things that Akashi could cook. “My personal favorite thing is apple pies.” Kie laughed leaning back against Akashi. “From the one that Akashi made me last time. Wow what cooking skills he has..” he teased. “His skills in bed match that of his apple pie skills.”

Blanc tilted her head, “What skills in bed? Bed making? Akashi makes my bed! He’s very good at that.”

“Oh yes. ‘Bed making’” Kie said with a thoughtful nod.

Akashi scoffed holding Kie tightly around his waist, “Hm I shouldn’t even mention your bed making skills, pumpkin. Absolutely horrendous if I say so myself.”

“Well Blanc says you’re amazing at it. Maybe I need a refresher.” Kie returned glancing up to Akashi, sticking his tongue out.

Blanc quietly sipped her juice watching them go back and forth on bed making skills of all things. Adults were weird. Or maybe this is what friendship is supposed to be. She eventually got up and stretched wandering back off to her room to play. Knowing those two they would be at it for hours. Talking about weird adult things. Blanc has better things to do than listen to them. Like finish her friendship bracelets! She wasn’t working on a special one for her brother and his friend. Angel and Bearie. A B. But it could also stand for Akashi Blanc…maybe she needed a new idea for it…

Her ears perked at the distant sound of Kieran laughing at something followed by the sound of Akashi’s voice. Those two…so sweet. Even if Blanc didn’t need fully get their relationship. She held up the three friendship bracelets. She decided B.A.K. was good enough. It included all three of their names! The whole family. She slipped her own on before walking off to her brother’s room. It was quiet, but when she tried the handle it wasn’t locked. No worries. The deer slipped the other two under the door before skipping back off to her room.

Today was a good day.

Everyday was a good day when there were pancakes.