Penny for your Thoughts

GoId zombee
3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
2 1169

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

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Oh, how she relished in the sound of the clashing of swords, like music to her ears as she took a drag from the long, thin pipe that she held delicately between her fingers. There was a buzz in her head that kept her grounded, funnily enough. It was like she was swimming; through the singing blades, through the thoughts of those around her. Xander. Basileios. The other fighters. They were focused, she knew that much. Basileios was more distracted than he normally was.


Xander was enjoying such, as he was not much into swordplay. She could practically feel the way his eyes rolled each time his brother lectured him. It amused her.

On her arm was the man’s fiance. Basileios, not Xander, she had to remind herself. She often got the brothers confused, but only because their thoughts seemed to meld together. One in the same, they were, but she could still feel tension. If it wasn’t for Lasair, she would try to pry. Of course, she would never… do anything with such information. It was simply for her own enjoyment. Her own distraction. They all deserved such every now and then, right?

Red smoke swirling from the end of her pipe and she focused, instead, on the woman at her side. Though Ruri stood unbothered, her sightless eyes closed to the darkness she was so used to, she could not help but dance in the thoughts of this one, delicate to the touch, but raging in the mind. And it brought a smirk to her lips.

“You have been awfully quiet, my friend.” She prompted with a lazy wave of her hand, smoke dancing at her fingertips before she brought the pipe to her lips again. A warmth spread through her lungs, and she let out a sigh in… relief. At least, what she believed to be relief. The scent of sweat and work was ever-present to her senses, warmth on her skin. Despite the open windows - which she knew due to the gentle breeze that tugged at the edge of her simple skirt - there was an obvious hot weight to the room.

And she loved it.

“Your man seems to be doing… well.” She prompted, brow furrowing as a laugh danced off her tongue at the sound of Xander’s voice ringing out, yelping in surprise as Basileios, from what Ruri could gather, caught him off guard for the hundredth time that afternoon. “As for his brother… eh.” Her nose wrinkled in another soft laugh before she lifted her free hand to the air, waving gently at the pair. “Hit him again!” She called, earning nothing but a scoff from both men. If the other fighters looked to her with annoyance, she wouldn’t know it. She didn't care if they did.

Her eyes opened, peachy gaze turning uselessly to the woman beside her. She could not see her, but she knew that they were wildly different. Her skin was soft, sophisticated; a stark contrast from Ruri’s that was calloused and dry, from nights spent in the alleyways or the floor of the tavern. Lasair’s voice was whimsical and educated, while Ruri’s was blunt and slurred with the high that would forever buzz her busy mind.

Two opposites, brought together by men who could be considered the same.

“Well?” She brought the pipe to her lips, but not to breathe in its smoke, but to chew on the tip.