Watch your step!

3 years, 14 days ago
3 years, 14 days ago
1 1050

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 14 days ago

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Elaborate Rooms prompt

Harlow's feet were tired, sore and chapped. His legs ached and his eyes drooped, even his ears seemed to sag. The young male was incredibly tired, head lifting slowly as they actually entered the Freyr. He couldn't even seem to enjoy the absolute beauty of the space, the glittering carvings, the intricate lamps, even the stone work was enough to normally take his breath away. He was far too tired to care, the mental and physical toll the journey through the mists took on him was enough to make even his dad collapse. He could only vaguely hear their guide when they mentioned rest, though the word did make his ears perk. A fresh spring came to his step as they were lead towards what he would assume was the denning area. The sting in his paws seemed to fade as he was lead to a lavish room, even the entrance was far fancier than anything he had ever seen. "Here's where you'll be sleeping, the pelts and pillows are fresh. Call one of us if you want the lantern extinguished, otherwise enjoy yourself." Harlow nodded thankfully towards the lion that padded away, hesitant to enter the den. Should he even go in? Was he worthy enough to do so? The questions bounced off of his hazey mind, his thoughts drifting to the thought of a warm bed and a nice long sleep. Despite his hesitancy he would step forward, gingerly sticking his head into the den.

The gold engravings caught his attention, paws gingerly rubbing them before his gaze caught the sunken bed nestled in the den. Not thinking he stepped towards it, only to tumble off of the sloped walkway and onto the floor a few feet from the den. Heat sprang to his ears, slowly raising his frame to look around and make absolutely sure nobody saw his mistake. He breathed a sigh of relief, raising his legs to make sure he didn't sprain or break anything when he did fall. Nothing was amiss other than minor bruising, though the sleep had been slapped from his body with the thud he made against the floor. Harlow stood, shaking his lilac pelt out before slowly swiveling his head about. His gaze landed on the shelving built into the walls, brow raising towards the intricate helm and armor bits with the Freyr symbol carved into them at various points. He approached them slowly, plucking the helm from the shelf with a careful paw. The detail in the metal work was amazing, deeply engraved and heavily detailed. This clearly wasn't meant for war or battle of any sort, which caused his head to tilt before he gingerly put the helm back. Why would any lion have armor just for show? Could it be a family heirloom? Something for ceremonies? He'd have to ask later, when everyone was rested.

As he turned to explore the immaculately cleaned corners of the den a secondary object caught his eye, it had blended in fairly well with the shelving but when the light caught the figure it caused the blues and purples of it to dance and sparkle. Curiosity spiked heavily in his mind, frame turning to trott over to the secondary shelf in wonder. How had he noticed the armor before these? They all seemed to be intricately carved statues of lions, the one that caught his attention posed on a single foot with their paw raised upward as if attempting to catch something. He had a hard time believing that such a lion existed, their tail blades curled into fine S shapes and what appeared to be a thick liquid flowed from their ankles and neck. Just as gingerly as he had handled the helm he pulled the figure from the shelf, carefully observing the details in what he now knew were pointed wings and scales running down their neck and chest. In fact this lion appeared not to have any fur at all, his face was spiked and the goop made itself clear that it was a mane. He squinted softly at the figure, pressing his paw to the face of it only to find his pad poked by the spikes on it. A lion like this couldn't exist, could it? There was no way. He had been to the Oasis and even Mitus wasn't this extravagant. Setting the figure back down he frowned lightly once more, all of the figures seemed to be various lions. Some he could even identify, Kirin, Aush, Oryx. How another lion had met all of these let alone had the time to sculpt them and color the sculptures amazed him, gaze drifting towards the bottom shelf where the newer ones seemed to rest. These were harder to identify, though the lightest three seemed familiar. It finally dawned on him that they were the three attempting to open the orphanage out in the unknown lands, the three going around attempting to heal the planet with their music. A smile slipped to his muzzle, the sight comforting. He moved to pull the figure of Eleonora from the shelf only to find the three siblings joined together. A chuckle left his lips, deciding to leave it be and turn back to the rest of the den.

The soft pelts off to the side seemed to call his name, paws moving towards them in a trudge. This wasn't necessarily a nest but it seemed comfortable enough. Maybe they were just a lounge of pelts and pillows? Did they entertain guests that often in the Freyr that they had a specific lounge area? Harlow came from a nomadic family, so even the pride was a bit of a mystery to him. With a soft huff he flopped over into the pillows, not quite exhausted yet but able to feel the tug of sleep at the back of his head. He dozed a bit, waking with a start at the sound of footsteps and a quiet conversation outside. Figuring he should lay in an actual bed he sat up with a soft stretch, straightening the pillows out before padding carefully this time towards the dip in the ground that would be his bed. A yawn left his lips, aching body curling into the plush nest and mind quickly falling into slumber.