chiken nooget

3 years, 9 days ago
1681 2

Mild Violence


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Wails of sirens hit Kie’s ears as he came back to control. His glowing pink eyes slowly faded as he stared at the bloodied bodies below him. His hand ran over his kabuki, before desummoning it. Blood was all over his hands, his shirt, face. He was strangely emotionless for this. In his own moment of bliss. He licked one of his hands clean as he watched Blanc start chopping up bodies. When did they get here? Where was Akashi? He spun around to see Akashi in the middle of slowly ripping some poor soul’s syoran away. It was crushed in an instant, sparks of its light quickly fading. He took a step, before having to catch himself. The world was spinning slightly. Dammit Mercy what were you doing? He had faint memories of fighting, torture. But his head hurt. He couldn’t think much farther than that. He felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by finding himself being pulled into a bit of a waltz.

“Are you ok, peachy-pie?” Akashi purred in his ever so charming voice. Kie tilted his head, as their dance slowed. He couldn’t help a light smile at that dumb nickname. Kie rolled his eyes looking over Akashi. He was always amazed at how clean he was after these. Despite being on level with the other two when it came to killing methods. Kie carefully rubbed a dried bloodstain off of Akashi’s cheek before laying his head on the bear’s shoulder.

“Yeah fine.” He didn’t mention his gap in memories. His lack of knowing what he did. Akashi wouldn’t understand that. Probably just see him as crazy. Well…He was crazy but… Akashi didn’t need to know how crazy he really was. Unless he already did. Maybe he could tell the difference between him and Mercy. Kie grimaced at that thought. How come he never mentioned it then? Did he like Mercy more? Maybe he was more into the bloodthirsty side of him. He did have a thing for cannibals. Kie glanced over to Blanc who was silently gnawing on a finger as she continued chopping the bodies up and bagging them. Kie shuddered to look back up to Akashi. Akashi had followed his gaze but simply smiled at his sister. Kie admired how close they were, he was almost tempted to ask how they met.

“Do you need a ride home?” Akashi asked spinning Kie around to avoid letting him look at Blanc. Kie didn’t answer at first. Akashi had been to his place maybe once. And he had babysat Blanc for Akashi maybe twice. He had yet to manage to get the crayon marks off of his wall. But his penthouse was on the other side of town, and his body felt like it was ready to give out. Lack of nutrition would do that to one. He didn’t want to impose. Despite being friends with the pair for quite some time, he rarely spent time at their place. He was about to decline, deciding he’d spend the night on the streets in all reality. Before Blanc chirped as she completed her job. She coated the bags in frost to keep them chilled on their ride home and stood up.

“Sleepover! Angel gonna sleep over! I want chicken nuggets for din-din” Blanc’s voice was loud. Kie’s ears ducked as she said that. Sleepover? What did that mean? Sleepover… He didn’t want to seem dumb so he found himself shrugging when Akashi looked at him for confirmation.

“Sure, we can get chicken nuggets, love. Get your things in the car. Do you need help carrying anything?” Akashi asked letting go of Kie as he went to help his sister. Kie tried his best to clean himself up while he waited, eventually deciding to use his psychic magic to carry Blanc’s load to the car to speed things up. The amount of…meat? she managed to get off of bodies was absurd. She took everything but the hair. Thankfully. It was disgusting enough as is. Blanc was singing about some dark children’s song as she got into the backseat. Kie hesitated to get in the front, feeling awkward having to sit next to either of them, but a light push from Akashi had him getting in. Admittedly despite being rather tech-savvy, some modern tech still went over his head. Like cars. Cars didn’t make sense to him. After Akashi took time to teach him, at least Kie could now do his seat belt on his own. Akashi and Blanc were going back and forth about food on the way home. Kie curled up slightly in his chair, putting his head against the window to tune them out. He must’ve fallen asleep at some point. Next thing he knew, Akashi was holding him.

Someone had changed his clothes, a light-colored t-shirt that was slightly too big for him and shorts. Not his usual style…but comfortable. His eyes were half-closed, watching as Akashi walked him down a hall. It was so clean in here…His eyes flicked down to his hands on his chest. Someone had washed him up too. Akashi? Deep down a bit of panic washed over him. Akashi had undressed him for that. Why did it matter if some peasant knew what a monster he was? Akashi pushed open a door and walked Kie to the bed, going through the trouble of tucking him in and everything. Kie kept his eyes closed, waiting to hear Akashi’s footsteps. But it never came.

“I know you’re awake, sweet peach”

Kie’s eyes flicked open and he started to sit up only to feel the blood rushing to his head and slowly laying back down, “Yeah I am- When did we get here?”

“An hour ago. I’ve already washed you. Are you hungry?” Akashi asked sitting on the side of the bed, moving pillows behind Kie to help him sit up.

Kie sat up with his help, staring at his hands. So he did know then. He put his legs together glancing away, “no I’m fine.”

“When’s the last time you ate”

“Why do you care.”

Akashi smiled gently tapping Kie’s nose before standing, “I’ll be back, peachy-pie~” He paused at the door, before glancing back, “Do you prefer I call you something different, Kieran?”

“…Why do you ask,” Kie whispered staring at his hands. Akashi didn’t leave, waiting for a proper response. Kie glanced up, “I don’t have a preference. Kie is fine. I chose the name myself…”

Akashi rapped his fingers on the door frame, that slightly amused smile coming back, “Ok, Kie darling. Don’t go anywhere~”

With that, he disappeared back into the hall. It’s not like Kie could leave if he wanted. The fox laid back into the pillows, staring up at the ceiling. Blanc was talking about chicken nuggets. That’s all he remembered from that night. Memories of fighting were quickly fading as he locked them away. The killing, the excitement. Kie rubbed his head. Hungry. Tired. Sad. Why was he sad? He curled up under the covers with a silent sigh. He didn’t hear Akashi coming back, but he felt the bed covers moving till something pressed against his mouth. Warm. He opened his eyes, as Akashi pulled away.

“What are you doing,” Kie whispered, watching as Akashi took a sip of something. He smiled and sat the glass on the bedside counter, hand carefully tilting Kie to look up to him. No words were exchanged before their kiss. Kie pulled back as something slipped into his mouth, trying to keep himself from swallowing. Too late. “What was that?” His voice borderline panicked, but it dulled the pain in his head whatever it was. Akashi simply playfully smiled before handing the glass of water to him.


“You could’ve just handed it to me?? What is wrong with you. Freak” Kie took the water, however, drinking half before handing it back.

“A lot, but you like that don’t you honey boo?” Akashi teased, crawling over the other.

“Hm. I regret ever saying I was fine with you kissing me. You disgust me.”

“You know you love it, darling,” Akashi teased, dragging Kie back down to properly sleep next to him. “So mean, saying I’m the disgusting one? We got so close today too~!”

“Stop it.  Shut up.” Kie stammered, trying to create some space between them, but Akashi wasn’t letting him move. “You are the worst.”

“Mmhm~ The absolute worst. That’s why you love me, doll” Akashi purred, voice vibrating against the other. Kie huffed, rolling his eyes. Freak. So disgusting. He squirmed a bit more before giving up and letting Akashi hold him. What was he a doll?? A literal doll? The fox shut his eyes trying to ignore anything else Akashi might try to pull. Admittedly deep down, he enjoyed being held. The feeling of their tails resting on top of each other, the occasional little noise from Akashi. He smiled, shifting to cuddle more into his arms. Of course, if Akashi dared to mention how he acted he would happily leave. But Akashi was silent, thankfully.  

“I don’t love you like that” Kie defended quietly, only hearing a light hum in return, “…thank you for letting me stay, barcodes.”

“Anytime, munchkin”

“munchkin” Kie mumbled a small laugh escaping him before he stole a kiss. “I like that one.”

The way Akashi smiled back made his heart skip a beat. what was this feeling?  His face felt hot from blushing and ears tilted back against his head. He hid his face back against Akashi, trying to ignore it. He’s a conman idiot. Probably drugged you or something.. Kie was satisfied with that thought. After all, he was a god, he was raised to lay waste to the land….but something as simple as love was threatening to mess with that.