Those darn kids

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
1 748

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

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Chapter 1

Glen grumbled as his students flowed in. He squinted his eyes and straightened his papers as well, trying to ignore all the students bickering and talking around him. Everyone waved and he grumbled back, wanting to be anywhere but here. He took a glance around and just as he thought about him-

“Hey, sorry it took me so long, but here's the copies!”

 A voice and taller person chirped over all of them, revealing to be Mateo, him beaming as he placed some assignments. He adjusted his glasses as he placed them, and Glen skimmed them, and then sighed, moving over and smiling, giving a quick(and hopefully secret) kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks, hopefully your students aren't monsters when you get back”

This got a laugh from Mateo as he shrugged his shoulders.

“Nah, they are my angels!You all behave for Mr. Shields!

    He waved at the students, which all retorted back somehow, and all the students finally sat down and Glen got his papers in a group again. He was sorting through them when one kid raised his hand.

"Yes Tyler?"

" Is this a group thing? "

He looked at the papers and sighed  thinking as he organized them into piles. " i.. I suppose so, if you guys aren't gonna act crazy" he looked up and squinted his eyes" and I choose groups"

Tyler squinted back but nodded " coolio" and he looked down as he grabbed a pencil, others mirroring him. 

As Glen explained everything, he pointed students to groups, and they worked quietly for the most part, to his surprise. He was back at his desk grading and working out other assignments when he finally heard some whispers. 

"Imagine how funny that'd be! "

"Or how cute, this isn't supposed to be mean! " 

"Stacy! Stop eavesdropping! "

Glen snapped his fingers, which made the two Bickering students jump as he spoke" hey, no talking between groups, work" he sat down again and it indeed did stop, the only odd thing was them being so silent after that, if Glen had to be honest. 

When they left, Glen looked over the room before just sitting down, enjoying the break he got. Well, not much of a break since the kids were, again, being awfully quiet. 

He shook it off as he worked on grading the papers then turned around when he heard his door open

"Yes? " 

He watched them jump then realized it was Tyler. He looked at him with a surprised expression. 

"How did you? -"

"It's a silent room. "

"... Right. "

"... Can I help you? "

"Oh yes! Um.. I think some of your papers are in the library! "

Glen thought about the sentence and seemed to not completely understand the conclusion. Did Mateo accidentally leave some behind? It's also very odd, he thought, that Tyler of all people was helping him put 

"So.. You should probably go get em' "

Glen contemplated then got up

" Yep, you're right. Thanks for telling me"

"No problem!"

He sighed as he walked to where the printers were, and he was still extremely confused as to why he was even alerted to these papers. 

When he got in, he almost instantly grabbed the papers. Indeed, it seems Mateo mat have left some.. Then again they're still warm… 

No matter, he was determined, and went to walk out and back to the classroom quickly. But that plan was severely stopped by running into someone. 

They both didn't fall, but when he looked up to give them a look of disapproval, he only saw Mateo, which also was about to give him a look. 

When they both looked at each other, they're eyebrows raised and then Mateo smiled awkwardly. 

"Oh, hey! So sorry! The kids told me-"

"That there was papers that we left"

Both give a quick chuckle and then start to quickly pick up the papers, then trying to pick them up as quickly as possible. 

They heard a small, almost not audible snicker from so where and both gave an exasperated look at each other. 

" Did Tyler tell you? "



They both stood with their piles in a half uncomfortable silence until Mateo cleared his throat and then smiled. 

"Well it's good to see you."

Glen smiled. 

"You too. "

A comfortable silence fell over them as they walked until they had to walk in different directions. Mateo gave Glen the rest of the papers and waved. 

" we also have to make sure to find a good detention time for Tyler"