As it Was

GoId zombee
3 years, 3 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
11 5879

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

Lasair and Bas finally have an honest moment sigh

+38 gold for Bas, +34 gold for Lasair

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The night was far from young by the time they slipped through the doors of the Beggar and Flagon and out into the moonlit streets. With alcohol on their breaths and grins on their lips, it was safe to say that the evening's sullen mood had turned around. They had even gone as far as waving the carriage off, electing to enjoy the fresh air on the walk home and talk quietly amongst themselves in hushed tones as to not wake up the city. It was lighthearted banter and sweet nothings, a brief release, as they ignored the weight of the conversation they knew they would have to have behind closed doors once they arrived home.

His hand still ached from punching Jericho in the jaw- his jealousy and anger taking over in a way that was terribly rare for him. It was a reaction that not even he was expecting from himself, and a stark reminder as to why he chose to fight with his words rather than his fists. Knuckles against bone was hardly a pleasant feeling, and he found himself absently massaging at the ache as they wandered home, offering only a halfhearted joke about how he was a dreadful knight in shining armor.

He felt terrible, he really did. Neither Jericho nor Lasair deserved the cold shoulder he gave them, let alone the rage that followed. But it also felt… good. Exhilarating. Lasair’s laughter as Jericho hit the ground still rang in his ear, too, a joyous sound that almost seemed to hold an underlying tone of relief. This truly had been a strange night. A strange night that he was sure would stick with him. The only pondering he had was over the parting words between him and Jericho. 

"We have to talk." 

His gaze flickered to Lasair at the thought, wondering what they had shared in the booth. Did this have to do with the robbings, or did she tell him... His lip twitched into a half-grin as she looked back at him, pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind as he hid the concern from his gaze. They still had monsters to slay, and he hoped to keep her behind the lines of fire as much as possible.

Their fingers remained interlocked as they finally stepped foot into the manor, leaving the nightlife behind. As they left the fresh air, he could suddenly feel the buzz heavy in his mind, his steps shuffling despite trying to keep quiet. He trailed after her back to the room, shutting the door behind them with a tap of his foot. Darkness engulfed them once more, like a swallowing embrace from the shadows in every corner. It was a comforting darkness, though. Familiar, warm, secret. It was here that he felt that he could allow himself to melt into the waves of exhaustion and emotion that had made him act so… irrationally.

He let out a sigh as he pulled his hat from his head, raven hair tumbling free before he ran his fingers through it idly to ruffle it. Pulling the cloak from his shoulders, too, he hung it on the back of the door, pausing to run his fingers over the soft fabric. It was not his magic, but it was magic nonetheless, and it felt odd. Touching it, using it, knowing what it had managed to do to him. He still felt uneasy, but it had been nice being able to cruise the tavern without constantly looking over his shoulder. He made a silent promise to the handiwork that he would try to get along with it.

And that was when he realized he had had way too much to drink.

Wincing at himself, he chose to speak, as if to quiet his ridiculous thoughts. “I feel like I should apologize.” He turned back towards her, squinting through the darkness at her silhouette. It would take some adjusting, after spending so long under the lights of the tavern and the moonlight. He took a step closer to her, seeking out her other hand and curling his fingers around hers. “For everything really, I’ve been a bit of an ass.” His lips curled in a lopsided grin as he tipped his head to where the piece of clothing now hung. “Especially over the cloak. I appreciate it, I really do.”

He pulled her closer, then, bringing her knuckles to his lips for a gentle kiss before pressing them to his chin with a soft squeeze of her hand. “So I’m sorry. And thank you.”