World in my Pocket

GoId zombee
2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
18 12152

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Probably the best moment they've had to date??? who would've thought

Basileios = 79g

Lasair = 62g

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"Get ready, darling, we are going out," he had told her, pulling the cloak that she had made for him off of its hook and draping it over his arm. He had taken to arranging for his own clothes for the disguise, now, tired of the way John looked at him when he returned his shirts with missing buttons or torn seams. He was sure the man didn't judge, but it didn't mean he enjoyed the look any more than if he did. Running his hand down the wrinkles of his white buttoned shirt, the collar unbuttoned and sleeves rolled to his elbows, he waited for Lasair's approval before opening the door.

Where they were going, he wouldn't tell her, but he insisted that they walk. It was such a nice evening and it would be a waste of a sunset to peek at it behind small window curtains rather than stroll beneath its colors.

It was no secret that a little party was going on in the center of Faline, hosted by restaurants and local shops in order to boost morale and patronage. Food and drinks and music and dancing were to be enjoyed beneath the setting sun and flickering torches in the summer breeze. It was just what they needed, he mused, a little outing to boost their spirits and get a little fresh air without the gossiping ladies breathing down their necks.

In fact, his ruse was given up almost immediately as they stepped into the streets, the shadows long and light painting the world around them with a soft orange-red hue. The sound of music could be heard drifting on the breeze, a local band playing a song of upbeat tunes made for dancing. It was dancing that Basileios was far less familiar with, as the crowd came into view. They clapped and they skipped and they twirled around, no rhyme or reason to their steps, crashing into each other with loud laughs. It was far from the ballroom steps he knew, chaotic enough that his head hurt if he dwelled on it.

Perhaps after a few drinks it would make sense.

And while their arms had been interlocked before, he pulled away just enough to slide his hand down her arm and tangle their fingers instead, giving them a soft swing with each step as they went.

"I hoped for us to be free to do as we please tonight, my dear." He murmured, parting only once from her side and holding their hands high over their heads as excited children nearly ran right through them. He sighed. Those of the common crowd were so… disorderly.

"Without your cousin," he continued as he pulled her back to his side, "without those silly women with hats larger than their sense." He looked to her with a lopsided grin. "It's not quite our scene, but I do recall the last time we had a great time despite the chaos." He gently squeezed her hand as they delved into the heart of the crowd, the scent of fruit pies drifting through the air.