Boys suck

2 years, 11 months ago
1995 1

Titles suck uwu

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The front door slammed into the wall. Akashi clicked his tongue softly hearing that. “Blanc, doll…no slamming doors” Kie sat up slowly turning as he watched Blanc run by and to her room. No response. Not even a silly one. Kie blinked and slowly slid off of Akashi’s lap.

“There goes dinner.” Kie sighed waving Akashi off, “Girl troubler? Is she dating someone?”

Akashi fixed his hair and stood, “The only boy she’s close to dating is Chikage.” 

“Chikage~ Hm. Vaguely know the kid. He’s cute but doesn’t seem her type. Thinks he can hide everything.” Kie hummed turning on his phone and lying back on the couch, “if it’s boy troubles you two can take the dinner reservation. Being there for her is more important than that. We can always reschedule.”

Akashi dipped down lightly kissing the tips of Kie’s ears, “Thank you sugarbutt. Stick around, when I’m done helping her I’ll get back to you, promise.” 

A soft raspberry left Kie’s mouth, “Pfft. Yeah, whatever I’ll watch one of your dumb DVDs or two have fun.” 

“Will do babe~” 

Kie watched Akashi leave the room before sliding off the couch to pick through the movies Akashi had. A lot of chick flicks. Not that he minded as he picked one that seemed most his type.

Akashi on the other hand had much more to deal with. Blanc wasn’t playing sad breakup songs, quietly talking to herself. Akashi knocked twice before opening the door, “Hey, bunny?” Blanc didn’t look up from her pillow as Akashi came in, slowly curling up more around it. 

“He broke up with me” Blanc mumbled as Akashi’s hand touched the back of her head. Akashi closed his eyes. Blanc had mentioned that Chikage was going to marry her and things like that. But it was hard to tell what was real and what wasn’t. From what he could tell they were close friends and as long as Chikage didn’t hurt her, he had no reason to intervene.

“I’m sure he’ll-“

“No. Akashi. He blocked me on everything. He doesn’t want to talk to me. His twin told me that he didn’t want to see me? He couldn’t even tell me himself. I…I really liked him! And one slip up and..he’s gone. Like everyone else. Gone.” Blanc sat up pulling her pillow closer to her chest. “And I’m alone…again.” Her whispers continued after a moment, small white and black paws rubbing her own ears to comfort herself.

“Honey…you aren’t alone. I’m here for you, and Kieran, who else do you need?” Akashi asked pulling the kemori into his arms. A gentle finger bopped the tip of her nose before replacing her hands with his own.

“I want what you have.” Blanc whispered nose twitching as Akashi touched her, “I want…I want an Angel. He’s so accepting of you- he didn’t bat an eye at what we do and…I thought Chikage was like that! He seemed so nice till he found me and- I did everything right. I didn’t slip up. I didn’t do anything weird. I was normal…for him. I changed for him and then I ended up being thrown away for one dumb slip-up!” Blanc growled pulling at her hair, “one stupid slip up. Why was he even there? He should’ve never known…”

“Blanc, Bunny. Sweetheart. Look at me.” Akashi said sweetly tilting her head up slightly to look at him, “You’re right. You need an Angel. Kie is accepting. He’s loving. He doesn’t care about any of your quirks. He likes you for you. Chikage? Forget him. If he doesn’t appreciate you for you, he’s not worth your time. You said it yourself…You changed for him. You should never have to change for someone, darling. Be yourself, Blanc. Because there’s only one of you out there. And I don’t want to lose you to some idiot like that” Blanc sniffed rubbing her eyes as Akashi comforted her. She slowly nodded putting her head back against his chest.


“Yes, doll?”

“I love you.” 

“I love you too, darling.” Akashi hummed kissing her forehead, “Come on. We’re going to forget about that guy. You deserve the best, Blanc! All of the best” Blanc stumbled forward as Akashi pulled her out of bed. She wanted to protest for once. She didn’t feel like going anywhere. She wanted to stay in bed and cry. But Akashi’s upbeat energy was enough for her to agree. She felt a bit bad for busting up their date night. Her brother was always too sweet to her, that sometimes his own partner ended up being left hanging. As they walked back out, Kie was gone. But his phone was still on the couch. Akashi didn’t pay any mind to that, knowing well that his little honey bear wouldn’t leave his phone anywhere overnight.

Blanc didn’t talk in the car, despite Akashi turning on her favorite playlist. She eventually turned it off after the second song. It reminded her too much of him. Fancy restaurant. Kie must’ve picked it. He had fancy relationships with fancy people. In fact, he seemed to know everything about everyone. Perks of being old she supposed. Things were better once they were inside. Crêpes! She didn’t bother with anything savory, strawberries and cream were enough to put a smile back on her face. Akashi was happy to see her smile again, even if it wasn’t just over food. He could see why Kie picked this place. Despite his little lion almost never eating, he was a sucker for sweets. Apparently, it had a waitlist for several months. And Kie had been talking about it all week. No worry, he would bring something home for the other. And pull somebody strings here and there to get them another table next week. 

“Bearieeee! Are you listening?” 

That was more his Blanc. Sing songy, rocking back and forth as she licked whipped cream off her fingers. Akashi nodded putting his hand on his head. She smiled and squeaked softly.

“When we go home, Can we watch a movie? And..and can I sleep in your bed tonight?” She asked quietly tapping her fingers together. Akashi smiled warmly, reaching across and taking one of her hands.

“Of course darling. Whatever you want.” He rubbed her hand in between his own. So small compared to his own. 

“Whatever? Ice cream in bed?”

“If we have some of course,” Akashi said reassuringly before pulling his phone out under the table. A quick text to Kie solved that. 

On the way home, she was singing again. One fluffy paw stayed in one of his hands all the way back. Blanc was happily chattering about nonsense, she seemed happy. Forgetting things again. Akashi opened the door to his apartment letting Blanc go ahead to his room. Kie paused a movie as they came in, sitting up straight and yawning. He had changed out of his cute pink outfit to one of Akashi’s jackets and shirts. Akashi whistled softly sliding up to Kie and handing him a cutely wrapped box, “The restaurant was amazing she loved it. And since you kept talking about it…I got you one.” Kie tched slowly taking the box and opening it up. A slight smile crossed his face before he closed it.

“Golden sunrise is a stupid name for a crepe,” Kie said simply. Akashi shrugged starting to take it back only for Kie to slap his hand away. “Hey, this is my gift get your own.” Akashi rolled his eyes but smiled.

“Tell me how it tastes, pumpkin. Did you get what I asked?”

“Yeah, I was way ahead of you. You think I haven’t been through a breakup?” Kie scoffed opening the box back up and happily taking the first bite the moment Akashi turned away. “I got cookies and cream, chocolate, vanilla, and uh those weird ice cream sandwiches that Blanc asked for last time we went shopping.” 

Akashi pulled out one of the pints and a spoon, “Hm? I thought you hadn’t dated anyone before?”

“I- I have…sorta. I wouldn’t call it dating. Or anything actually. Don’t talk about it-“ Kie stammered waving him off before going back to eating.

“Mmhm~ Well Thank you for the favor, honey. I’ll return it tonight.” Akashi said softly stealing a bite of Kie’s food before going off to his room. Kie whined quietly as his food was stolen before unpausing his movie. 

“Stupid dummy…” Kie mumbled to himself but curled up in Akashi’s jacket as he thought excitedly about the date night they would finally get after Blanc’s girl problems were solved.

“I found the ice cream! Your favorite flavor too.” Akashi said cheerfully seeing that Blanc had picked one of her favorite movies for them to watch. The bunny perked clapping her hands together as Akashi opened it up and held a spoonful out to her. 

“Mmm! I thought we were out” Blanc chirped before moving to sit back on the bed. Akashi smiled and shrugged a bit before sitting next to her, draping an arm around her shoulders and ruffling her hair.

“A little birdie picked some out for you.” He replied letting her lean against him as he continued to feed her. “Better thank him later.”

“I will!” She responded cuddling against his side as the movie played. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep mid-movie. Akashi carefully tucked her in, laying next to her to ensure she stayed asleep. He glanced over messages from his little bird. Asking how much longer, a silly message teasing him about how his sister was dating him more than he was. Akashi scoffed before slowly leaving the bed, giving Blanc a quick goodbyes kiss and ensuring she was tucked in. 

Kie barely looked up as Akashi came back out, “How is she?” 

“Sleeping now. You know Chikage?”

“Hm? Not exactly. The cult has connections. I know almost every ashuri in town, which to target which to not. I know a bit about him…” Kie mumbled engrossed in the movie he was watching, “You took so long. I’m so bored.” He sighed laying back dramatically. Akashi glanced to the tv and back to Kie. 

“Well in that case let me change the-“

“Hey! No no! I’m watch- I’m uh…it’s already playing so let’s just finish it.” Kie stammered pulling Akashi to the couch and pushing him back. Akashi smirked ruffling Kie’s hair as he settled in his arms.

“Why are you wearing my clothes, honey bear?” Akashi whispered into Kie’s shoulder, half-listening to the movie in the background.

Kie purred, tail flicking back and forth, “hm? Oh. Some jerk splashed me with their car on the way back. Figured your clothes would fit me better than Blanc’s” Akashi played with Kie’s hair sliding his hand up to the inside of his fox ears, tracing his flame’s outline.

“Humans are jerks.” Akashi whispered removing his hand as Kie’s ears fell back, “Sorry our date night didn’t go as planned, sweetie. But I promised to repay all the favors you did for me tonight- if you don’t mind the couch that is” Akashi winked switching the positions to sit on Kie’s waist.

Kie rolled his eyes, pulling Akashi slowly to him, “You’re so weird. Stupid idiot. Think something like that will pay back all the favors I did for you today?” The fox flicked his tail as if annoyed but eventually smiled, “Sure I don’t mind the couch, love.”