Other RP Things

EmuCat Venfaaniik
2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
6 2020

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Information on RP canon.

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GreenParty member

King Dermavend III - King of Aedirn. We have a good relationship. Una's cousin. Now fleeing to Redania.
Count Caldwell - A count I left as an adviser to Villem. Failed to keep the bandits under control and has made many poor choices as of late...Girthy. Well-fed. Moustache, but rest shaved. Hair short.
Sargent Daniel of Spalla - A Sargent who was with our escort.
Gustave Perrault - My Royal steward.
Eric - One of the Quartermasters. A cheerful rotund balding man. Has a tincture he uses for people who need a pick-me-up.
Max - A gangly redheaded youth helping Eric with his work.
Schultz - A random soldier whose name has become a running gag.
Hans - One of the older knights.
Gruebe- One of the older knights.
Dervan - An elf we picked up from a village. We rescued him because he was being stoned for "consorting with Nilfgaard", but the villagers had no proof. He currently helps at the smithy.
Elizabeth - A 16-year-old servant girl. A redhead with freckles and green eyes.
Lippy Gudmund - A Skellig barbarian pirate leader. Rough and crude, but good-humoured.
Mark - The head servant. Dark haired and well-groomed. He fancy.
Janusz - The main prison guard. Took a bribe >:c
Richard - Another prison guard. Led us out.
Ling - One of the group from the East. Zerrikania. A mage (of sorts?). White hair, 5'4. Uses artefacts with rubies.
Hassan - Newly appointed head merchant. From Ofir.
Othos - Head of the City Guard. About 60. Wears a monocle, uses a cane, smokes a lot.
Feldan - Servant of the Odos. An elf with a shaved head.
Kiso - Servant of the Odos. A dwarf.
Larry Noteeth - A prisoner in the Jail. In for stealing a sack of apples. Has no teeth.
Pegleg Jones - A prisoner in the Jail. In for sleeping with a noble's daughter. Has a pegleg.
Gilbert - Alchemist dwarf with the Strays. Friend of Gascon. Fond of alcohol.
Black Rayla - Rescued from being hanged by the Scoia'tael. Officer for King Demavend. Hates Scoia'tael. Half-elf. Unpredictable.
Arthur, son of Gloin - Mercenary who insulted Una. Paid with his head.
Elliott - Random peasant who moved the wagon for us.
"The Mirror Man" - A creature from another world. Demon? God? Who knows. Belagorn made a deal with him. Don't use the word "wish" around him!
Eldain - A Scoia'tael commando. Was looking for Faust. Died in battle.
Andrea - A priestess of the Eternal Fire. 5'5, Ashen blond hair, pale skin, red eyes...and her magic apparently smells of death.
Stan - An elf who works as a stablehand in Crumhorne. Stan the Horse Man.
Talim - The owner of the stables in Crumhorne. Polite and accommodating to Una, once he realised who she was.
Gwen'dolin - Faust's mother. (Not met personally).
Kevin - Young spotty lad who drives Belagorn's wagon for him sometimes. Cheerful, simple.
Xavier Lemmens - One of the Aedirnian soldiers. Was the only survivor, and was burnt badly in the attack on Rosberg.
Gustav - An older knight who served for Reginald in the past. Accented.
Velma - Female troll. Loves Frederick. Makes soup. Has a magic stick?
Frederick - Dead body kept by Velma in a cage. Refused food? Apparently a merchant.
Astolfo - "Leader" of The French "The Free Riders of the Endangered Northern Coterie of Hagge." Pacifist.
Isbel of Tretogor - A mage we rescued. Grey hair, lets herself age visibly. Pacifist.
Albrich - A mage hired by Aep Dahy to attack Una's army. Liked fancy things, wasn't very wise!
Vrygheff - Nilfgaardian general.
Ardal Aep Dahy - Nilfgaardian politician. Grudge again Edon? Sent an assassin to Edon, and now a brigade and mage after Una.

Thomas of Pont Vanis - A powerful mage who helped give Faust some pointers...for a fee.
Setana - A young boy from Kaedwin. Orphan. Killed the tavern-keeper's dog, now guards the tavern to repay.
Arthur - Mayor of Hammerdeep. A gnome who wants to open the town to humans.
Malcom Molnir - Leader of a group of dwarven mercenaries.
Archibald Hoog - A dwarven archaeologist. Member of the Hoog clan.
Grom the Grudgebearer - An ancient dwarven king, awoken from his stony slumber. Now owes Una a favour.
Gabor - Our guide for our venture to Mahakam.
Brouver Hoog - Leader of Mahakam.
Pedersborg - Innkeeper of the tavern at the Dragon's Eye.
Captain Pepparkorn - Captain of the Guard in Lonely Rock. Hugged Una...
Malla - Leader ram of the dwarven ram troupe.
Zvonek Breckenriggs - One of the drakvaagers from Lonely Rock.
Old Maria - Owner of the Old Maiden Inn in Lonely Rock.
Ivor Breckenriggs - Head of the Breckenriggs clan. Invited us to a feast.