The true horror of story traveling

2 years, 10 months ago

Mild Violence

the story of what happens to a character thats been floating around the cloister for.....19 years or more.

tldr:they become a "semi-episodic" mess.

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how do you introduce this story? does a camera turn on with a buzz of static as she introduces her new video/ask blog? or maybe a cool action sequence,a sitcom where it introduces all the characters as they all wave. maybe a musical intro with the characters flying past the screen with sweeping cinematic shots, maybe congregating on a couch at the end? thats the dilemma , I can try to tell you the story but it would be very long and mostly would you even open it? I can tell you the story however, of what happens when a character has been alive floating through the cloister for as long as i have.

My name is kaily I don't know how old i am so don't ask but i'm fairly sure i'm drinking age.

I live in a place called the cloister (cluster+oyster not the religions building with a court yard in the middle man i wish)

I am a porarian. a shapshifting species. but thats all i can tell you cause the lore is more complicated than sonic and has been rebooted just about as many times. 

thats the problem really . In the cloister everything is constantly shifting and resetting itself ,but not completely, leaving traces of the previous reality and distant or out of place memories that build up over time if not regularly maintained by zeitgeist.

let me see if i can explain this in a way people in your dimension understand. in this loop you are reading this on a toy-house literature right? quaint.

it is like...I have lived through so many 'one-offs' that if you were to read them back to back it would take you over 19 years to finish. 

in some im a sailor and in some im ademon character named 'fae' who foils the good boy oblivious to-good-for-the-world-angel main character , sometimes i'm a mother. ive dated so many now faceless figures that i have no memory of or feelings for. i have tried holding on to (the memories of) the ones i love but the power of chaos and entropy drive them unstable and take them away from me. ive been the personal award-winning pet of soem guy that honestly i never knew but strangely had this feeling that i had known him forever and loved him dearly, whoever is wrighting my story must have a thing for mind control cause the sheer amount of times ive been kidnapped by a mindflayer or a vampire or a demon or an eldritch horror is BAFFLING. most of the time i'm just hanging out with all the other characters. sometimes i'm in a band , sometimes where family,sometimes i'm a fabulously rich owner of a mansion that somehow has all the jobs in the town but i never get tired, and sometimes im dirt poor.

but through all of that , I am still me , most of my personality and composition is still there story to story,but it is like a trance falls over me and i am fully immersed in the moment and whatever 'story' i'm in . the problem comes when things go unstable or if something is left over from the other stories that make no sense. how can i be fabulously rich and poor at the same time? i have like 30 jobs and go to like 4 different schools but don't actually remember working or learning anything. and also im a full grown adult wai- no not again, oh gods , please. 

when reality starts to fall apart i am suddenly violently immersed, how long was i out , can i remember everything, what did i forget this time? who are these people??? 

its like a horrible nightmare that i am fully awake for. and simultaneously like a beat in a song that goes on for waaaay longer than it feels like it supposed to. the suspense and anxiety keeps perpetually building but the monster never comes, either that or it just keeps coming , it goes on and on and on . 

If you have lived as long as me like this , than you can break out and maybe even somewhat control the world around you. with permission of coarse . 

that is how i "teleport"

the downside is that you are now self aware of your own deterioration , and the deterioration of others.

i can somewhat stabilize myself, others are not so lucky.

I have had to watch so many others deteriorate as they run out of thought or fall asleep or walk 'off strange' and just...stop existing. sometimes they change completely like what happened to Domonic. 

sometimes im talking to by best friend and i suddenly realize i dont even know them ,or they swapped place with a different person with similar composition out of nowhere, or duplivated into two people or fused with another person to amke a new pweson. or my brain cant even comprehend them , they look like a lumpy undulating rippling flesh silhouette of basic shapes. 

all in all, it is like we reside in the imagination of a girl that has a great imagination, but terrible memory.