interrupted desk work

2 years, 11 months ago

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the keyboard clicking pauses for what should have been momentarily, bunny taking a short break from her work to stretch, though she glances over at the photo the physical manifestation of her hallucination left for her. it captivates her entirely every time she looks at her, and yet she leaves it there, believing the episode of disassociation is worth seeing dollie smiling, even if she may not know it was never truly her. something in her mind tells her quietly, thats you! overlapping with thats me!. it disorients her every time, losing hours just staring at the image as if her brain is trying its damnedest to understand what it is, though she cant really bring herself to look away. she picks up the frame, wincing when she starts getting what feels like a migraine. probably from staring at the screen so long, she thinks, not realizing the girl in the photo is as different from her lost love as she could possibly be, not thinking about the way she looks subtly different, ignoring the way the photo makes her feel strange like no other thing does every time she looks at it.

"i miss you."

she places the frame back down, still staring as she crosses her arms on her desk, leaning down to rest her head on them. her work wont get done for another 2 hours as she completely loses herself in the photo, though she still considers it worth it to see that smile.