Kie's Day Off

2 years, 11 months ago

Kie needs a day off and also needs to stop checking the time lmao

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Author's Notes

For Ashuri Day in the life prompt 2021

A quiet buzz echoed in the room. The fox lion shiri slowly opened his eyes to stare into the darkness. His tail slowly moved but being tangled in his partner’s it didn’t move far.  His bright pink eyes slowly looked to the bedside table. Cass was calling. He sighed to himself before grabbing his phone. He checked the time before answering it. 

One Am.

Why so early

“Hello?” Kie whispered moving away from his partner to keep from waking him up.

“Hey, KieKie! Etyrnity finally made it to America. You told me to call you when we got here!” 

Kie rubbed his eyes. Cass was so awake. Timezones. The shiri sighed slowly laying back down listening to his other partner ramble about the things he had to do that day. His eyes slowly closed again, struggling to not fall back asleep. In the background of the call, he could distantly hear Noir saying something about letting that poor soul sleep. Followed by Ashe reminding Cass of the timezone difference. Kie smiled a bit to himself. He didn’t mind. It was reassuring to hear Cass’s voice. Being on tour…long-distance relationships…it was hard to keep up with… But they made it work. If it meant weird calls at weird hours so be it. 

“Heh. I gotta go now Kie, but it was nice hearing your voice. Sorry for waking you up-“

“It’s fine Princess. I’m glad you’re having fun.” Kie whispered stifling a small yawn, “you can text me pictures ok…I’m going to go back to sleep haha.” 

“I will! Goodnight Kie!”

“Hmm, Goodnight Cass.” With those final words, Kie hung up on the other. He ensured his phone was on do not disturb before sitting it back on the bedside table. He rolled over nuzzling the crook of Akashi’s neck. Akashi made a soft sound in return. So he was awake. Kie gently kissed his cheek as Akashi shifted to hold the smaller against him. 

“Who was that” Akashi whispered half in it. Kie manoeuvred his leg in between Akashi’s, hands tangled in his hair. His pink eyes looking up to meet Akashi’s dual-toned.

“Who else is calling me at the crack of dawn.” Kie half laughed, fox ears twitching as Akashi kissed one. 

“Mmm should block Cass’s number at night,” Akashi said jokingly before laying his head snuggly in between Kie’s ears.  Kie scoffed. Not the worst idea he’s ever heard. But he wasn’t heartless. The fox simply hummed in response before shutting his eyes. It was too early for this….

Kie woke up to distant talking. Akashi and Blanc were already up. What time was it? What was on him? Kie pushed a heated blanket off and to the floor. His ears flicked. Akashi really did the swap himself with a pillow and blanket trick again. Hm. Kie stretched picking up the blanket and draping it around him before grabbing his phone. 

Nine Am.

And Akashi hadn’t bothered to wake him up. Lovely. What if he had something he needed to do that day? The shiri stretched dropping the blanket as he did. He stumbled up almost tripping over his own tail as he made his way to Akashi’s closet. Some of his own clothes were neatly hung up from the last time he was here. But he focused more on Akashi’s side of the closet. Kie chose one of his own jeans and crop tops and then stole Akashi’s yellow strappy jackets. It amused him how big the other’s clothes always seemed to be on him. He buckled it together before stepping out.

 The rest of the house always felt freezing. Or perhaps it was mostly while passing Blanc’s room which was a literal freezer. Either way, it felt like an asylum at times. Akashi’s apartment was almost purely white with only occasional hints of colour from places Blanc had drawn on the walls. Kie recently had been moving plants in, bringing some life to what otherwise felt like he wasn’t locked up. Akashi was still half-dressed drinking what smelt like coffee. Blanc on the other hand was sitting at the counter eating whatever Akashi had cooked for the day. It smelt like…bacon? Hopefully, Kie never knew with Blanc around. Pancakes as well. Kie felt a familiar food-related headache coming on. Where were his pills when he needed them… On the counter near Blanc, he could see a covered plate accompanied by a drink sitting out for him. 


“Good morning munchkin~” Akashi’s sing-songy tone had Kie blushing slightly. Too early for that. Kie gently pushed his hands away before Akashi could ruffle his hair. But Kie didn’t bother to stop the kiss that accompanied it. Blanc made a quiet ew saying something about not kissing in front of children. Kie made a light face as Akashi pulled back, “You taste like coffee.”

“Mmm, you like that don’t you? Mr My coffee order is so long it’s like a small essay.” Akashi teased “Blanc and I went to your favourite cafe today.”

“Without me?” Kie whined walking past his partner to his plate. He pulled off the cover hiding what little happy emotion he had. “I swear you are trying to fatten me up sometimes” Kie mumbled pulling a piece off of the chocolate croissant. But it was so good- Kie rarely had sweets, as much as he loved them. Guilty pleasures he only partook in while he was with Akashi. 

“As Darling always says if their cheeks aren’t squishable they aren’t worth my time-“ Akashi joked getting a glare from Kie shot in his general direction. “Kidding, kidding. But you need some substance for the day. I saw you order this last time.” Kie’s ears flicked back and he smiled as he looked back to his breakfast. He was amazed Akashi knew exactly what he got. He picked up the cup taking a slow sip to judge it. According to Akashi, Kie’s coffee order was absurdly long. But Kie always retaliated by reminding the younger that you know exactly what you like and don’t like after spending centuries on earth.

Kie sighed softly sitting the cup down, “overheated. Was my normal barista not there today?” 

Blanc giggled sipping her own frozen drink, “Bearie thought it would be funny to tell them 121 instead of 120” Akashi snickered taking Kie’s drink and walking to the fridge.

“And it was! Honey love you looked so sad-“ Akashi laughed pulling out another cup and sliding it over to his partner. Kie blinked somehow not surprised. He would have to get Akashi back later.

“Shut up Barcodes. All you get is a black coffee. They literally cannot mess that up.” Kie huffed sipping on his correct drink. Perfect. He smiled a little tail wagging back and forth. 

“Uhuh. Munchkin with the oatmilk raspberry mocha cappuccino with a touch of hazelnut heated to 120 degrees then poured over ice then blended. Extra whip, marshmallows and a chocolate drizzle. Honestly, I’m amazed your barista puts up with you.” Akashi said taking Kie’s drink and trying it.

“Pulse blended mind you. That setting is best for this. Or else it’s too smooth or too crunchy.” Kie tapped his cheek as he watched his partner steal his drink, “Also I tip well. I give her about fifty every time.” 

Akashi made a bit of a face as he handed the drink back, “You’re picky munchkin.” Kie scoffed rolling his eyes at the other.

“I’m picky? Well, I settled for-“ Kie paused remembering there was a child in the room. He simply hummed going back to eating. Akashi grinned, tail giving a light amused flick.

“Settled for…?” Akashi teased wrapping his arms around Kie, gently kissing his neck.

“Shut up, Barcodes.” Kie huffed hitting Akashi’s hands off of him. Akashi laughed pulling back and ruffling the other’s hair. Kie sighed but smiled to himself, rubbing the spot Akashi kissed before going back to eating.

“Fine fine. I have to get ready for work anyways.” Akashi yawned dramatically, “oh the woes of a minimum wage job~ however will I survive? How will I feed my sis? We will starve at this rate-“ 

Kie rolled his eyes huffing softly, “Yeah starve from lack of attention. You don't even have work today, dummy.” Akashi scoffed as if offended and dramatically pulled Kie from his chair, “Hey- put me down!” 

“Oh darling, sweet honey dearest! We won’t be able to celebrate your millionth birthday this year I fear! We lack the funding-“

“I'm not even that old! Funding my a-“

“Sh! No cursing even in these wretched times~” Akashi said silencing his partner’s lips. 

“You are so weird,” Kie mumbled as Akashi slowly dipped him towards the floor. “Let go of me,” Kie said calmly before seeing a wicked grin on Akashi’s lips.

“If you insist, honey love!” 

Kie smacked the floor with a solid thud. Before Kie could grab him Akashi had fled the scene to his room. Blanc had spun around to watch this nonsense. Kie and Akashi always seemed too playful in the morning. She yawned watching Kie run Akashi down to their room. Lovebugs. She thought to herself before turning back to her food.


“Bearie bearie can I have this!” Blanc’s high pitch childish voice broke Kie’s concentration. He was busy trying to write a script up for his next 'sermon'. Normally he had some insect write it for him but...He was bored of following Blanc around and listening to her try and talk him into buying her things. On a normal day, Kie would’ve gone home to stream. And he would have streamed till sometime late at night only to make what was considered petty cash in his opinion. When you come from such a family as his own you are set for life. Working is just something to pass the time and distract him from his hell of a life. But he decided one day off wouldn’t kill him and ended up here in a mall with two absolute gremlins. Sometimes he wondered why he put up with them. Blanc being young and acting even younger. He loved her though. Treated her as his own. And...Akashi being...whatever Akashi is. Kie internally laughed at himself. Kie was popular. He was pretty. He could get anyone in the entire world to like him. And he ended up going after a slayer that didn't know how to not smile. Akashi made his life better though. He would never regret this decision to be with Akashi for as long as he was stuck on this earth.

 In Blanc’s hands was a giant bunny plush. Fitting. Normally she made her own stuffed animals and whatnot. Blanc was a decent seamstress in Kie’s opinion. He crossed his arms glancing around the store. Just another stupid cute pastel store. With a bunch of dumb collectable toys and figurines and whatever. Blanc only wanted to come in here because she says colourful stuffed animals. He sighed splitting off from the pair and wandering throughout the aisles. Most things weren’t his type. Too pastel, too big, too small. You name it he found something wrong with it. Boring. That was all he could think. If he wasn’t so nice he would be home right now. He glanced at his phone. Only 5 pm. Ugh. The shiri clicked his tongue as he looked over the stuffed animals in the aisle he had wandered into. He pulled out a dumb-looking polar bear from the shelf, squishing its cheeks and half laughing to himself, “if it doesn’t squish it’s not worth your time…” 

“You like that?”

Akashi’s voice startled Kie into dropping the bear. He scoffed and slowly ducked down to pick it back up, “Of course not. I just…thought it looked dumb..” He said quickly making up a lie before sitting it back on the shelf. “Did Blanc finally make up her mind?” Kie asked turning away and brushing his fingers through his hair. Akashi nodded, picking up the plush that Kie was holding once the other turned away,

“Yeah, she wanted the bunny. I had to talk her out of the deer since she has so many already. I”m going to go pay ok munchkin? Blanc ran off to go look for ice cream.”

“You really need to stop promising her sweets to get her out of the house. That’s so unhealthy.” Kie huffed putting his hands behind his head, “I’ll go find her.” The shiri sighed as he walked through the mall. He rarely came here on his own. Too many people. Too many cameras. Just walking out of the store he had two flash in his face. He did his best to ignore the occasional insect trailing him with a camera or trying to ask him a question. It wasn’t their business what his thoughts on the world were. As if they even were on his level to talk to him in the first place. It wasn’t too hard to find Blanc. People normally steered clear of her. Probably because she was busy chatting with herself. Looked insane to the outside eye. Kie wrapped his arm around her shoulder as he came up beside her, “Hey doll.” He said smoothly, noticing she was busy reading over ice cream flavours. It seemed every time they went on a ‘family’ outing of sorts they always ended up stopping by here for a treat. She pointed at something whispering about toppings she wanted. Ah…right. He had to order for her. Paying or whatever. Because apparently, Kie was an adult…with a paying job.. Kie brushed his hair back listening to Blanc whisper her order to him before repeating it to the insect working there. He ordered a strawberry milkshake for himself and a sundae for her. 

Blanc and Kie ended up outside in the nearby park. Kie watched blankly as Blanc sat on the swing and fed her kabuki ice cream….as if it could eat. Weird. But…in a good way. Kie was sitting on top of a slide, keeping an eye on her as well as their surroundings. Paranoid is what one could call him. More concerned for her safety than anything else. He had texted Akashi where they went but he had yet to respond back. Typical Akashi. Leaving him with babysitting duties. He sighed pulling the straw out of his drink to lick whip cream off.  He supposed in a way Blanc was as much his responsibility as she was Akashi’s. Not his little sister like Akashi saw her but more his kid he supposed. Weird…adopted..gremlin. Remind him not to have kids. A pair of partially gloved hands slid over his eyes followed by an annoying “Guess who!”

Akashi was lucky that Kie had his guard down at the moment. The cultist hummed moving his head back to lick one of Akashi’s fingers, “Judging by the taste it’s some sad soul that has no friends and likes to bother me instead.” Akashi huffed sitting down behind the other and laying his head on Kie’s shoulder. Kie smiled to himself brushing his hair out of the way, “What took you so long, darling?”

“Nothing. I got you something-”

“Oh?” Kie started before seeing a wrapped present being sat in his lap. The fox shiri glanced up to Blanc before looking back to his partner, “this better be child friendly.”

“Oh, it’s extremely child friendly.”

“Uhuh. Last time you said that there was a head in the box.”

“Well…it was a child.”

Kie made a face and turned back to the present. He carefully unstuck the bow, turning around slightly to stick it on Akashi’s head. "You’re the gift now,” Kie said with a small smile. He held eye contact a bit too long. Kie felt a small flutter in his heart before quickly turning away. Moments like that reminded him why he picked this particular idiot over anyone else. He quickly resumed his normal slightly uncaring gaze as he looked back to the box, suppressing a smile as he heard Akashi laugh softly behind him. He unwrapped the present in one movement, finding a box under the paper, “Is this a neverending chain of paper and boxes.” Kie said slightly unamused as if this has happened to him before.

“No no…just open it.”

Kie hesitated slightly but slowly opened the box. Inside was that dumb polar bear plush he saw earlier. It had a cute bow around its neck and a yellow jacket similar to the one Akashi always wore. Kie scoffed rolling his eyes as he took it out. “This is so dumb.” He stated but held it close to his chest, “I hate it.” He mumbled looking over the name tag and seeing that Akashi had written his name on it. “Akieshi. You spelt your own name wrong.” 

“Nope! That’s what Blanc calls us. Ship name or whatever. You know you love it~”

“I do not. This is so dumb. But I’ll keep it or whatever.”

“I can go return it if-” Akashi started reaching over to take it out of Kie’s hands.

“Do not! And it’s a He. Excuse you. His name is Akieshi. And…he’s mine.” Kie stammered holding it tightly to him to prevent Akashi from taking it. Akashi simply smiled and put his hands back in Kie’s lap.

“If you insist cutie pie! I’ll take one kiss as payment please”

“You’re disgusting!” Kie huffed pushing the other off before sliding down the slide “You can have your kiss if you catch me, Barcodes~”

Blanc silently watched the pair run around the playground. She slowly pulled out her phone to take a picture of the two before returning to her ice cream.  What an eventful day she thought to herself. She slowly stood from the swing as she finished, white pigtails bouncing as she skipped after them, on her way to remind them that she had been promised chicken nuggets. 

Kie giggled as Akashi swung him around, before he could say something Blanc cleared her throat. Akashi gently sat Kie back down allowing the shiri to brush himself off, “You promised her chicken nuggets before we left.” Kie quietly reminded him. Blanc nodded gently tapping her foot. Kie backed away as those two talked, glancing at the time frowning at what else he saw. Other than it almost being eight at night he had several missed calls from a certain shiri girl. Ugh…Lyra. Of all the days to be annoying. The dumb pink-haired shiri was technically in charge of his streaming or whatever. Not that he cared. He often skipped out to do his own thing. Lyra was like...a really dumb little sibling he supposed. Of course, he was grateful she gave him this little getaway from life. But he didn't want to work every day for the rest of his life either. Kie looked back up to the pair. Blanc and Akashi were busy talking about what they wanted for dinner trying to come to some consensus about things. In the end, whatever Blanc wanted would be picked. Because Akashi was sweet like that. Kie sighed but smiled to himself before sending a quick text to Lyra. Work could wait a day. Whatever it was it wasn’t the end of the world. Today was his unofficial day off and he was going to enjoy it with the two ashuri he considered closest to him over wasting away in front of a computer screen. He sighed pocketing his phone, he could deal with her being upset with him later. “Hey, you two, whatever you guys want tonight I’m fine with paying. Mr Minimum Wage.” Akashi snickered at that. He made far from minimum wage and Kie knew that. “But I call shotgun-”

“Hey, no fair! Whoever gets to the car first gets it!” Blanc huffed in return. Kie simply shrugged slowly backing up towards the parking lot.

“Really now? Better get running then cutie pie!” Kie said stopping for a moment to let Blanc run past him before putting his hands behind his head, “Haha…” The polar bear shiri ruffled Kie’s hair as he approached him, stealing another kiss before offering a hand to him. Kie linked their arms, playing with Akashi’s glove as they walked towards the car, “You think she’ll notice that I’m not chasing her?”

“Hmmm maybe-” Akashi whispered in return dipping down to pick Kie up, “But let us just say you tripped and fell. And all of a sudden darling Kie dearest can no longer walk.”

“Wow since when was I the klutz? And I doubt I would break my leg that easily.”

“Since right now! Poor Honey Love. Can’t even walk on smooth surfaces-” Akashi continued to tease getting a laugh out of the other.

“At least I’m not the one with barcodes on my outfits.” Kie snickered laying his head down and looking up to the dark sky above them. “…Thanks for a great day off, A-Ka-Shi.” Akashi snickered adjusting his partner to better carry him. 

“You’re welcome, Kie-Ran. Tomorrow will be even better.”

Kieran smiled looking at the dumb plush that laid in his arms. No matter what they would get up to tomorrow he was sure it would be just as good. He laughed slightly squishing the bear's cheeks, "It better be..."