Don't Break Mister Kissy Face!

2 years, 11 months ago

Aysu gives their older sister some dating advice.

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Clacks echoed throughout the house, soft beams of light darted around, reflected off crystal hooves. The pace persisted back and forth from the hallway, to the living room, back into the darkest corner of the hall, back through the hall, and into the living room. Rinse and repeat. The clicks repeated so much in fact, that by this point, the house would only be habitable for two people; one deaf person and one extremely anxious Gem Waterbabe. It was just Aysu's luck that they weren't deaf, and the clacking didn't turn out to be their husband. The loud clacking had harassed their large ears enough to where they finally emerged from the darkness of their room.

"Hira." They rasped. The clicking persisted.

"Hira." They tried again, this time a little louder. The clicking intensified.

Finally, Aysu inhaled with all the frustration they could gather and yelled, "It's one in the afternoon! People are trying to sleep!!" The clicking stopped, and painful silence rang through.

"I thought you didn't have to sleep." The Gem Waterbabe responded, oblivious to her error.

"Sometimes it feels nice. Especially with your loved one." Aysu responded.

"Cynred went into the woods a little while ago if you're looking for him." Hira said, nodding to a window.

Aysu shook their head, shifting from the doorframe to lean against the wall. "No. What in the HELL are you doing, thinking it's acceptable to use the entire house as a Wii Fit?" They asked, eyes narrowed.

Hira paled, her expression went blank and her irises shrunk. If Aysu was any more dense, they would think two snipers with blue lazers were aiming to kill her.

"Oh god. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod!!" She forgot how to breathe for a few seconds, catching her breath before losing it again. "I totally blew it-- she wanted to kiss on the first date. I didn't want to, but I liked her and she liked me-- we both liked J-ska!! We were perfect!"

Aysu's expression softened, as their eyes fogged slightly, Hira's voice fading in and out of their head as a metaphorical J-Ska band danced on their brain. They only re-focused when a single sentence in Hira's panicked babbling hit their eardrums.

"I bit her fucking face!!"

Golden eyes snapped forwards from a lopsided position the same way those vintage toy phones would. It took them a second to process it, then noticing words, "bit," face," and that the mystery person was female. Their lips stretched to a grin.

"Ohhh, you don't know how to kiss!" They concluded.

"Aysu, that's not--"

"Don't worry, you can practice on me! I'm an experienced individual after all. I have about 880 more years of experience than you, and I'm married."

"Aysu, not to drop this on you so suddenly, but you are LITERALLY my sibling. Also, if you count the years we were alive, I'm older than you by like, six years."

"But I'm married." The amnesiac said, completely missing the sibling part.

"Okay, you are married, but practicing kissing on my little sibling is just plain," Hira scrunched her nose into a grimace, "...gross."

Aysu stared at her for a second-- scratch that-- an entire minute, before running to their room. "Hold on one sec." Hira sighed and crossed her arms. When Aysu returned, they held their hand up in somewhat of a fist, but one end had a face drawn on it. Smeared lipstick surrounded its "mouth."

"Hey hot stuff, I'm Aysu's friend and I know aaall about kissing girls. I'm single too. Wink, wink." Aysu said in a high-pitched voice out of the corner of their mouth. Hira did not look amused. In fact, she had the look of a giraffe about to charge at the zoo fence while helpless spectators look on. "I am going to murder you right now if you don't stop that." Hira said. "Come oooon, kiss me!" Aysu persisted, switching to their normal voice, "Kiss him!! Kiss Mr Kissy-Face!!"

"I'll break Mr. Kissy-Face!" Shouted Hira, grabbing Aysu's wrist and hand, pressing it backwards. Aysu still spoke in the fake voice. "Hey, bitch get your paws off m-- agh OW hey sto--OW!!"

"Not until you cut the kiss crap!" Hira replied, bending their wrist further, but not enough to break it. Aysu's knees bucked while they tried to hold their self up. "Okay I'll stop! I'll stop, I'll stop!!" They finally yelled. Hira let go of them, and with nothing to resist against, Aysu fell down flat on their butt. Hira sat next to them, bringing her knees to her chest and burying her face in them. "She hasn't texted me since..." The Gem Waterbabe mumbled. Aysu's brow furrowed. "Hey...It's okay. On my first date with Cynred, I threw up on him." They replied, putting a furred hand on her crystal shoulder. Hira huffed, peaking up. "But you two already bonded. You were already friends before that." She said. Aysu looked to the floor awkwardly. "Well, how did you and... your date meet?" They asked.


Aysu's laugh was louder than any hoof that could have clicked through the house, booming so boisterously that it could wake not just the dead, not just the undead, but the nonexistent. Hira's face burned and turned the color of her hair.

"W-well, how did YOU meet your husband?!" Hira queried.

"Oh, in the arctic under a bunch of snow. He was trying to bury himself alive."


"Romney did it and we didn't see it coming. They threw the book at us and I swore on it. I won't be able to be buried in the same cemetary as my parents."

Hira stared at Aysu, bewildered at the complete nonsense they were saying. "Wow," she exhaled, "you really changed since you were alive. Not really in the good way."

"How come?" Aysu asked, snapping back to reality.

"Well," Hira began, "although you were autistic, your mental state wasn't extremely deteriorated from a thousand years of being undead."

"Blame the video games. It's literally all I did for a good 400 years."

"You're still kind of the same, though. You were always a little shit, but I still loved you."

Hira thought she went deaf, because the rather talkative Mizushi had become dead silent. She glanced at them for a moment before standing. She took a small piece of paper out of her short pants pocket, placing it in Aysu's hand.

"You can have this. Maybe it'll help you recover some memories. Happy Valentine's day." She ruffled their hair, walking to the living room. The clicks of her crystal hooves calming as Aysu looked down at the paper, like a fond memory.