Rainbow Quartz Substories

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
2 1256

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Such a life of a Pokemon, from serious fights to everyday mundane shenanigans.

This... Is the story of Pokemon in a yakuza clan.

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Author's Notes


Standing on the Jaws Of The Abyss' highest point, the wind blows strongly as your team look down into the Canyon. Adrenalin courses through your team as they nod to one another, a symbol of trust, and begin to scale down the large peak. The wind threatens to batter your team against the rocks, taunting and teasing that you're in for a hard adventure but your team persevere. 

Your team are about halfway down when a strong WOOSH and the buzzing of wings startles them, they look around to see a Flygon hovering around them. It's curious big eyes are delighted "Hello, hello! Welcome to the Abyss!" it flies in a few small circles, then lands by your team. "It's a loooooooong way down still, yes, yes! You won't even see the best parts of here at your slow rate! I've got lotsa energy! Want a ride?" The Flygon stretches their wings out, offering your team to ride on it's back!

Do you accept the sightseeing offer? Or do you tell the Flygon to, almost quite literally, to buzz off?


Chapter 1 - Conquer

Now Serguisz is a very busy businessman. He had negotiations left to right, meetings to attend. He juggled this along with the fact that he had a Pokemon to take care of, a little Cleffa whom he loves and cherishes for. Baobhan Sith... His beloved companion... And today, she was scheduled for a little expedition at Jaws of Abyss but without Serguisz's guidance, would she be doomed? Of course not! She was her trainer's Pokemon, the only human she solely looks up to! She reassured him that she's going to be fine on her own as he simply nodded in agreement, albeit reluctantly. And so, her first adventure on her own! Although if one could be honest, it was a lot more difficult than she imagined it would be. 

The dangerous winds blew against her as she slowly trudged through the mountains with her stubby little feet. Dammit, if only she brought over that weather goggles, she would be able to see her path fully! But she must overcome this place! She must swiftly conquer this adventure cleanly! Then all of a sudden, boulders started to head towards her, rolling down as fast as it can akin to that of a small-scale landslide. Shit, what now?! She couldn't just dodge them all, her body was too small for that! And even if she's able to dodge all of them, there's a good chance that she might fall off the cliff. Just as she was about to meet her doom, she heard wings buzzing from above the heavens. The Cleffa looked up to see a Flygon descending down as if he was a gift from the gods above! With a beat of their wings, they blew off the boulders to the other direction, saving the fairy mon from getting severely injured. 

"Oh my, what perfect timing you have, good mon!" She exclaimed, putting up her nice girl facade as best as she can. "Ehehe, thank you so much! Yep! Yep! You're quite a charmer yourself, y'know?" The Flygon gushed back as Baobhan waved her little arms around. "Oh, now, I'm only speaking the truth, kind mon!" She complimented, buttering up her words even more. However, she stiffened a bit when the dragon looked at her with a worried expression. "What are you doing around these parts? Are you exploring? It's too dangerous for you to be around this part of the mountains, y'know?!" The Flygon prattled on, almost as if they were scolding her! How dare he! Oh well, she just had to smile and bear with it for a little longer. "Oh! I know! Why don't you hop on my back and I could take you to the safer areas! Plus! You get a good view from the skies! So... Whaddya say, lil' miss?" The dragon offered excitedly. Now, there were two options to this: she could take the offer and ride on a dragon like a badass, or just flat out shoo them away after that tone they made towards her. Then again, it would be rude to refuse an offer like that... And if what Serguisz' lectures taught her anything, it was to seize all opportunities as much as she can! 

"Why, I would love to! After all, aerial sightseeing seems to be a trend these days!" Baobhan replied with the same amount of energy as the Flygon's, who in turn, became even giddier than usual. "Alrighty! Hop on it and I'll take you on a relaxing ride! Just... Hold on tight!" The Flygon winked as the little fairy quickly climbed on the dragon's back. Once she was all settled, the two took off at high speed!

This was her first adventure and she's already in peril with this wild dragon not giving a damn of how she's feeling right now but... It wasn't like she was a hundred percent complaining either. This Flygon's got potential, she thought to herself. Maybe she could recruit this one to join their clan perhaps...