Rainbow Quartz Substories

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
2 1256

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Such a life of a Pokemon, from serious fights to everyday mundane shenanigans.

This... Is the story of Pokemon in a yakuza clan.

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Author's Notes


Almost immediately upon entering the Buried Relic, your Pokémon collide with a Swoobat! The Swoobat, clearly, has been fluttering about willy-nilly, considering the several scratches and minor wounds on its body. The Swoobat seems relieved to have met your Pokémon, though, as it begins to explain itself; apparently, the Swoobat is very ill, preventing it from navigating & flying properly. It begs for your Pokémon to help find it anything to treat its ailment-- berries, herbs, medicine, whatever it may be. Do your Pokémon heed the Swoobat's emergency request, or do they ignore the sickly Pokémon's dilemma?


Chapter 2 - Healing Magic

The last rumbling trip they did went off with a bang! Serguisz seemed rather proud of the little Cleffa for not only bringing a lot more supplies than intended but also recruited another Pokemon! Although, the Flygon went straight to Kazuhiko the second the team arrived but it matters not to the purple-haired trainer. And now, he has sent her off once more to go on another rumbling expedition once more, this time, Baltasar decided to send over one of his Pokemon to go along with Baobhan Sith. But if the star mon had to be honest with herself... She'd rather do it alone, having company is annoying enough, it had to be Miracle Man of all Pokemon. 

"I could've done better with the stupid Flygon... Why did I said yes...?" Baobhan grumbled to herself as the musical Snover was blissfully unaware of her complaints. Today, they were tasked to recruit more Pokemon, good Pokemon, for the clan. Swiftly and efficiently is what Serguisz had requested before turning his chair around to work on some business expenses. Bringing Miracle Man might help things, given his friendly nature and persuasive skills that are almost on par with the fairy mon. Besides, maybe he could sing for Pokemon as bait or something. "Oh now, don't be so down, Miss Baobhan! Everything will be fine! Besides, it won't be that long before we could pass by someone! I heard today's weather is good so more Pokemon will show up, right?" He beamed with excitement. This was his first time venturing out with someone so this was great! It made him feel... Useful to the team. He'd only been around for... A few months, and so far, he loves every second of it! As he was about to prattle on about how fortunate it was to be with them, several panicked squeaking was heard from a distance. And it's coming towards... 


Before the two Pokemon could say anything, a Swoobat rushed towards them, albeit a bit wobbly with the landing. "Watch where you're going!" Baobhan hissed by instinct as the fluffy bat mon yelped in surprise and fear with the sudden reprimand, cowering a bit. "Ghk-! I-I'm sorry! I-I just..." The Swoobat stammered with their words, unable to form coherent sentences. Did the world seemed like its spinning? Was there a really slow earthquake? He could only hear worried echoes from another Pokemon, a Snover... "Are you okay? Please! Just hang on tight!" Miracle Man panicked as the Cleffa simply shrugged. Oh, so she was THAT sort of Pokemon... Well, it didn't matter to him now! If she can't help, he will! 

Pulling out his foraging bag, he pulled up a few Oran Berries, much to Baobhan's shock. "That's our only supply! Don't waste them!" She screeched before Miracle Man shot her a glare. "This is no time to be selfish! We have to help them!" He scolded her before turning to the sick Swoobat. "Here! Um, please eat these. It'll help you recover your energy!" The mini pine tree insisted as the bat slowly munched on the blue berries, regaining a bit of their strength... Enough for them to talk properly. "T-thank you, kind sir! I'm truly in your debt!" The Swoobat bowed, struggling to get up a bit as the Snover helped him prop up. "It's no trouble. Uh, if you want... We could take you home ourselves! Just tell us the directions and we'll walk you there!" Miracle offered with a gentle smile, much to Baobhan's dismay. 

So much for a lengthy expedition...