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"Aren't you afraid?" Ren asked, frowning.

Rose raised an eyebrow as she shrugged on her jacket.

"Afraid of what, exactly?"

"Y'know; getting hurt and stuff," Ren replied, worry written all over his face. "What if you get killed or something?"

It was a legitimate concern, Rose knew that. Paramedics worked to help people, but in a crisis these people could get confused or belligerent. Rose had even been made to take safety courses before she was allowed to go out on calls.

And yet, Rose had never really been scared to go out there. She had been yelled at countless times. She'd been pushed by a patient before. There was even a time when she was threatened with a knife. But none of it stopped Rose from getting out there and doing her job.

"Nah," Rose said with a smile. "I'll be fine, don't worry."

Ren still didn't look convinced.

"How about I take you to ride along with me one day?" Rose offered, relieved when Ren's face relaxed a little.