Just two rogues bein rogues

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
1 1509 1

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Sneez n Pillar hav som fun

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Author's Notes

Necro: 905 words

Kitty: 607 words

Big bad fox


Sneeze lazed around in the sun, bathing in its rays with caterpillar. After leaving the clans, Sneeze had met a few rogues but Caterpillar was definitely his favorite. Sure Purrkins was helpful in finding food, but he was OLD and serious. Also he talked real funny and was kinda freaky. On the other paw, Caterpillar was fun!! The tom didn’t mind showing around all the cool places outside the clans. Recently the two had been able to visit a funny little mushroom circle and meet (and eat) a silly little spider. The tom had felt a bit funny after that. His mouth felt heavy and slimy afterwards, but whatever he had felt weirder.

Sneeze rolled over and faced Caterpillar with a dopey smile. It felt nice to have a friend again, especially one as mellow as Caterpillar was. He never had to worry about him getting as serious and competitive Sagestorm once did. 

 Sneeze lazily reached over and batted at the larger tom. ”Psst pst hey hey pillie,,” he pestered with a silly smile on his face, ”We should do sumthin fun.” Sneeze looked out over the expanse of fluffy green grass. Perfect for rolling around in. He ambled to his feet and flopped down on Caterpillar with a little giggle.


Caterpillar has happy to have a friend outside the clans, though he was a fan of the large cat colonies as they were all cats it was nice to have someone who understood. The hardships of living alone, though Sneeze was a danger to Caterpillar in a way, any colony of their right mind would kill those of try to leave in the city, he was happy to stick around for a while. As long as he didn't endanger Caterpillar too much it was fine for now, Sneeze was too young for Caterpillar to feel comfortable leaving him alone. He wasn't too old himself but at least when his mother got taken by the catchers he was almost a year old.

As Sneeze rolled over to look at him, Catepillar looked over at Sneeze without turning him own head, just using his eyes to look over and blink at the other one before breaking into a smile of his own. The joy of the other was infectious and he was a pretty cheery guy on his own terms, even if he often worried about Reedsprout while he was away. It was strange, the feeling he felt towards the other tom but it was best not to think about it, no use in naming it today.

Scrunching his nose at the small pat he huffed before Caterpillar looked back at the orange tabby tom. "Like what? S'a lot to do out here." He asked before being promptly laid on. Letting out a small oof-like noise as the air was ejected from his lung the yellow tom tried to gently kick Sneeze off his side, flailing a little bit. Trying to put his size to use he made an attempt to dig his back legs into the smaller cats side without using his front paws much while he rolled over onto his back. There was no use hiding his stomach when the thin orange tom was already half laying on him.


Sneeze allowed himself to be pushed off of the bigger tom, atleast thats what he told himself. Caterpillar was much bulkier than he was and he knew very well that if the yellow rogue felt it, he could probably launch Sneeze into the sun. Shaking off some dirt and grass from his fur, Sneeze stood up and grinned at Caterpillar. "Somethin liiike--" The tom crouched low and raised his paw in the air poised for a SMAK, "this!!"

Sneeze bapped his paw firmly on his friend's belly, not putting much force behind it at all. He smaked at the larger tom a few times before leaping back and falling into a play bow. "A big scary fox!! Has come to attack youuu" he chimed, pulling a dramatic voice. Said big scary fox was failing to keep a smile from his face. "He must be stopped before he eats all the- he paused to look around "-sacred berries!! The horror!!! Whatever will you dooooooo"


Caterpillar let out a large snort as the paw gently slapping him on the belly. He gave a look to Sneezepaw, who continued to move before he decided to slowly get up. He drug his yellow-furred body to stand upright slowly and his legs seems to act lethargic. To him, Sneezepaw was nothing more than a large kit so he didn't need to act like anything more than an aging Dad. Once he was fully standing upright he shook the laziness from his fur as he tried to appear big as he truly was. Nothing intimidating but he wanted to use his size to his advantage, so he might as well make it apparent to the other cat.

"Ohh.. the berries! Whatever shall I do?" Caterpillar whined dramatically and threw his head back to stare upwards at the sky before he quickly lunged forward to throw his entire bodyweight at Sneezepaw. He was never one for fighting but he knew Sneeze would have to eventually stand up for himself against other rogues or actual living predators. He's already ran into issues with hawks or eagles, whatever it was, and he wasn't about to let a kit go out without any sort of preparation or training.

Trying to push his entire body onto Sneeze, Caterpillar let out a soft laugh. "What shall the big fox do now?" He asked while trying to keep himself composed.


Sneeze knew Pillie was a big cat. Like it was super hard to ignore. But on the other paw, it was one thing to know he was big and another to FEEL how big he was. The smaller tom wiggled helplessly against caterpillar as he was body slammed.  "GAH" he dramatically cried, squirmelling around like a worm pinched by the tail. He kicked fruitlessly at the big tom's sides, unable to get his feet under to kick at his belly. 

Accepting his defeat, sneezepaw went limp, feigning the most tragic of ends."The mighty fox hath been defeated!!"  He held the pose for a few short moments before snickering and lunging his head up at caterpillar. He bonked his forehead against the other's chin with as much force as he could muster. "was just a RUSE!" he announced with a grin, but he knew just one little bonk was not enough to scare off this mighty foe.

Sneezepaw readied his most patented attack, biological warfare. Sneezepaw was already readily positioned for an assault, so with no hesitation, the orange tabby began to lick at Caterpillar's chin with great force. Caterpillar would be forced to make a choice. Let the large devious, dastardly fox go free? or would he suffer the fate of grody wet fur, for the sake of vanquishing his greatest foe?


Caterpillar flung backwards at the licking, if anything it surprised him enough to make him back off from the smaller tom and he shook his head. "The fox is using a secret tactic!" It was akin to playing with younger kits back in the city, playing pretend and acting like an older brother. Him and Bugsy used to play a very similar game when they were younger, except it involved being a dog instead of a fox, didn't really see those around the city too much. Dogs were much more common.

Standing on his hind legs for a moment, Caterpillar let himself fall backwards and collapse as if he was dead. Trying to be as still as he possibly could to add to the illusion though he didn't want to freak out Sneezepaw too much. "The big bad cat has been defeated. You'll have to go on without me!" He whined out as he looked towards the sky. His chin felt a bit wet but that wasn't the worst feeling in the world, he could wipe it clean with his paws once he was done pretending to be dead. After a moment or two he quickly flipped over, rubbed his face on the grass, and looked over towards Sneezepaw. Giving the tom a smile he turned towards the open grass in front of them.

"Where should we go to next?" Pillar asked, thinking of all the areas he's seen but never explored. Though he didn't want to be around Sneezepaw for long enough that the colony came back for their kin he enjoyed having someone to travel with. "Maybe we can see a real fox, though I don't think we should fight it." He was never one to get into fights, not even with predators. Ears leaning towards the open field to try and hear anything he paused, there was one other place he wanted to go to. Maybe he could drag another rogue along to see it. A place by one of the colonies, a large tree.

"I have an idea."