With a Cherry on top.

2 years, 10 months ago
574 2

Drakiel was always treated with delicate desserts and teas when he visited the Misty Peaks Tea Shop, yet he loves to bake as a hobby as well, and wanted to show off what he could do. After some hard work, he has a gift or two for the cute guy he'd been eyeing at the Tea shop...

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The room was filled with a particularly sweet smell, Drakiel had just finished taking the last batch of cupcakes from the hot oven. He was proud of these ones, they'd come out perfectly and at a great time too. Over the last few days, he'd been making the perfect combination of flavours and toppings for a box of cupcakes to gift to his beloved, because that's how he felt he showed his love best. Baking was one of his favourite things, especially when he could make sweet treats for his friends. When he visited 'The Misty Peaks Tea Shop' he was always treated, so he decided it was his turn to give back. A little while later of leaving the fluffy cakes on a cooling tray, they were ready to be iced. The yellow base was now topped with a light pink cream and decorated with a bright, fresh cherry on top. Placed into a box of 12, the beautiful cupcakes were ready. He looked at the clock on the wall, and smiled to himself. Taking the box in his arms, he moved to leave the house, shutting and locking the door behind himself, he set off to one of his favourite places.

He walked into the tea shop, not too long before closing time, and sat at a window table with his box of cakes. He waited patiently to see the familiar head of rosey-pink hair appear, and when he did, he couldn't help but smile. He waved Jasper over, greeted by that familiar, happy smile. "You seem to be in a good mood today, mind if I make it slightly better?" Drakiel cooed softly, leaning his chin on one hand as he watched Jasper approach.
"I-I wouldn't mind at all, what did you have planned?" Jasper slowly glanced down at the box sat infront of the other, his eyes brimming with joy when the box was opened to reveal the contents.
"I'm sure the owner wouldn't mind if you tried one of my cakes for once, instead of me hogging all of yours." He patted the seat next to him at the table, to which Jasper sat down and immediately reached for one of the cakes. "I couldn't help but make them pink."
Jasper let out a small chuckle. "Oh, but what isn't pink with us?" He smiled, peeling the white casing from the cake as he took a big bite, sighing in bliss as the sweet taste of strawberry filled his mouth. "Oh heavens.."

The pink-haired demon was overjoyed to see Jasper's reaction to the treat, it brought him no end of happiness when people enjoyed his gifts of sugar. "Ah, but don't fill up on all of these cakes, save some. I have something more planned, if you'll go and smarten up?" He smiled, reaching forward and gently fiddling with the work-apron still attached to Jasper. "I mean to take us somewhere nice, and I think your work attire would stick out, as much as it looks cute on you."

Jasper's cheeks lit up in a deep, red blush. He wasn't expecting a surprise or two. What else did Drakiel have planned? He was filled with nothing but excitement as he nodded, finishing his treat by popping the bright red cherry into his mouth, and quickly rushing to change clothes.

Drakiel only smiled and giggled to himself as he watched the other frantically scramble away to get ready. What a cutie..