The Reunion

2 years, 10 months ago

Mild Violence

Regalia was having a rough start to their day, and then it got a lot more complicated…

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Author's Notes

I hand yall… some angst… 

Brief mentions of my friend jenn’s (angelictactics) oc Chelle! 

It’s been a few months- wait… months? Or years? Regalia couldn’t comprehend anymore, time was becoming more and more intangible. Regardless, it’s been a while since the incident, and Regalia had started to become increasingly more depressed as time moved forward. It felt like nothing mattered anymore. Why should she care about things happening around her? She killed her girlfriend, all over a stupid arguement.

You didn’t mean to.

“But I did.”

She might even still be alive, you don’t know!

“I watched her fall… she didn’t respawn.”

Regalia clutched her head with her right hand as she talked to herself. She walked down the subway tracks to make her way to the central station. She had told Chelle she’d meet them there. But her head was throbbing. 

Did I forget my meds? No, I remember, I had to take it with gross lukewarm tap water.

She shivered at the memory, then sighed. Maybe she might have to cancel the meet up, she really wasn’t feeling up to it and she didn’t want to worry her friend more than she already does. Regalia turned the corner and saw the central station, still a ways away, but she could see the bright lights. 

“Well, I’m practically there… might as well go-aH FUCK-!”

She swore as she unceremoniously tripped over the train tracks. She could feel something dislocate in her foot and it stung terribly. The downside of being a brilliant mechanic is the need to replicate as much of real life as possible in her prosthetics… and she did it, she had feeling in her padding and pressure plates. But that also meant it fucking hurt when something broke.

“Fuck, are you serious? I just patched the toe cables! UGH…”

Regalia limped her way towards the central platform to find no one there.

Good, Chelle isn’t here yet. I can go in my locker and fix my foot before she gets here.

She hoisted herself up on the platform, with some effort, and plopped down in front of her locker. Regalia immediately went to work; she detached her left leg, then detached the toe bracket holding the ink tubes in place. 

“Ah, the bolt on the big toe was loose. Must have buckled inward when I tripped. Easy fix.”

It only took her about five minutes to repair her broken foot, and then she heard the subway train come by and drop off a passenger. Her large ears twitched at the sound of footsteps coming towards her from behind. At first her wave of paranoia hit, but it quickly subsided as she figured it was probably Chelle.

“Hey Chelle, just give me a moment. I’m almost done, broke my foot like a fool and had to fix it.”

They chuckled to themself a little, until they heard a voice.


They dropped their screwdriver and froze in place.

That’s not Chelle.

They shook their head to snap themself out of their funk just enough to attach their leg. Regalia stood up and turned to face the stranger, only to find out she was definitely NOT a stranger.

“Oh my cod… Kaala-dil?”

There, standing in the middle of the central station, was their girlfriend. She was alive, but had also undergone hardship. Her left arm and leg were replaced with her own prosthetics, a sleek black and red design that matched her beautiful long and curly hair. Kaala also had a rather vicious scar on her mouth, bad enough that it exposed some of her beak. Regalia felt tears stream down their cheeks as they took a step closer.

“It’s really you… I… I thought you were… I- I’m so sorry-“

They didn’t have time to react or finish their sentence as Kaala tackled them to the ground. She bared her beak with a deep growl and brandished her claws.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you! How could you just, PUSH ME OFF THE PLATFORM?! You left me to die!”

“I… I tried to find you-“


She hissed as she pinned Regalia to the ground.


“I-I don’t want you dea-“

Kaala punched them in the cheek, her eyes were bright with rage and her hair color sifted through dark and rich reds. Then she began to punch them multiple times and scratch them with her sharp claws. Regalia just lied there as the love of her life tore them to pieces. They knew this was wrong, that they should fight back. But they couldn’t bring themselves to try. They did almost kill her, why should they deserve mercy? Just because it was an accident, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and that it was ok…

They watched with sorrowful eyes as Kaala started to tear up. Her movements became more shaky and less precise. 


She began to sniffle as she continued to slap and punch Regalia, but a lot slower and softer this time. Kaala took deep breaths as she raised her fist again, prepared to strike. Regalia watched as their life passed them by at a glance, soft tears rolled down their cheeks as they whispered.

“I remember you… my beloved…”

Kaala froze, it almost felt like all time froze. They watched as Kaala’s expression turned from anger to horrific regret. She broke out into a full on sob as she pounded her fists next to Regalia’s head. After a few moments, Kaala collapsed on top of Regalia as she continued to cry. They immediately wrapped their arms around her and pulled her in for a tight embrace. 

“Kaala-dil, bavati flen votoc trtheni…”

“Waklo sentra vokten… Regalia…”

Both lay on the ground in each other’s arms, motionless save for Regalia, who stroked Kaala’s hair softly.

Author's Notes

“Kaala-dil, you’ve been through so much…”

“So have you it seems… Regalia…”