Close Call

2 years, 10 months ago

Olivia pulls a very stupid prank

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Author's Notes

This takes place during Splatoon 1. Fia is 12, Olivia is 13, and Viper is 18. 



Olivia ran with Fia hand in hand away from a very VERY rightfully angry lieutenant. Olivia just laughed that loud, boisterous, hypnotically charming laugh she always bellows. And cod if that wasn’t gorgeous, Fia didn’t know what was. She was in a daze with that laugh and her hand being held by a literal goddess.

Oh great zapfish I’m such a lesbian...

Fia squeaked as she was abruptly jerked into a thin alley by Olivia. She was then pulled in close, her back to Olivia’s chest as she covered Fia’s mouth. Lieutenant Vicky and other octolings ran past them, and before long, the sound of footsteps vanished. Olivia sighed in relief as she let go of the shorter octoling. Fia all the while blushed profusely and delicately touched her lips, she was still faced away from Olivia.

“Oh, that was close...”

“Phew, you said it. I’m sure I’m gonna hear about it tomorrow, but it’s all good.”

Not that kind of close Liv...

She turned to the oblivious lieutenant with a raised brow and a smirk. 

“So what, exactly, did you do in her office? I didn’t get to see.”

The response she got was uncontrollable giggles, Olivia covered her mouth with a wild grin on her face.

“Okay okay- pffffff you know she has, hehehe, she has that photo of Viper?”

“Yeah? She takes it with her everywhere. Honestly she should just give that up she’s-“

“Yeah it’s a lost cause, but anyway, I took the photo and pff... I photo copied it onto a- pffff… hehehe… onto a 40”x60” poster and hung it on her wall!”

Tears streamed down her face as she recoiled then bursted into a rough and savory laugh.

“And then I took a pic and sent it to Viper!”

Fia only shook her head with a smirk until the last part of Olivia’s sentence. Her eyes bugged out in horror.

“Wait you... sent a text... of the prank… to Viper?… our commanding officer?…”

Olivia’s laughter softened as she clutched her sides.

“Yeah! Oh it’s gonna be so good!”

Oh no.

Fia delicately grabbed Olivia’s hand, then pulled without a word as they began to run deeper into the alley way. At this point she noticed Olivia stopped her laughter all together, but still sounded upbeat.

“Why are we running Fia? I told you we’re fiiiiiiiiIIIIIIII-“

Both halted and Olivia shut her mouth so fast as she saw her commanding officer, Viper, who stood in front of them before they could even turn the corner. Fia instinctively let go of Olivia’s hand, saluted and bowed, and PRAYED Viper didn’t catch that. She looked to the side and saw Olivia didn’t follow suit. 

“Aaaaaayyyy Commander Viper, what’s up? Did you get my-“

Viper hissed to silence her immediately and bared her large and sharp teeth. 

“Oh I saw your text. Is this what you do instead of doing your job? I always get shit when you fuck up, and when I cover for you, you just go do it again. But not this time, I’m gonna tell the higher ups that you should be revoked of your duties and forced to do field testing for a month.”

Her tone was calm and collected, but every word dripped with venom and her overall presence was truly horrific. She had to do something, she can’t let Olivia get demoted.

“Ex-excuse me... Elite Commander Viper?”

She could feel all eyes on her as she still bowed. From what she could see, Viper had straightened herself out, her feet formed a perfect ‘v’ formation. 

“Rise Private Corali.”

Fia looked up and was greeted with Viper’s cold stare. Her arms were crossed as she waited for her response.

“Please forgive 2nd Lieutenant Kelipao, I had...”

She gave a quick glance towards her best friend, who gave a grave look back. 

“... manipulated... the lieutenant into pranking 1st Lieutenant Vicky. Lieutenant Kelipao does not deserve punishment... I do.”

She could feel Olivia’s burning stare. She’s never, ever, taken responsibility for other people’s actions before. She just, she just can’t lose her friend to field testing in the research facilities. She... loved her too much...

Viper’s tentacles twitched, then began to sway. Her gaze softened, not from care, but from what looked like satisfaction.

“Corali, you’re always so responsible, unlike some people.”

She gave a quick glare to Olivia then looked back at her. 

“Here’s what’s going to happen. Because of your honesty, I’ll let this slide, I wouldn’t want to put this on your record and ruin your chances of ranking up. And besides, Commander Corali would probably do a much harsher punishment anyway. Let me talk to the lieutenant quickly then you two can be on your way.”

She gave a very noticeably fake smile, then pulled Olivia aside to talk about something. Just based on their body language, it wasn’t good...

She knows I bluffed, but is still choosing to let it slide...what’s her game?...

Her train of thought ended when she saw her friend come back, Viper gave a haunted smile to both before she patted Olivia on the back and walked away. Fia turned to Olivia and saw something close to unrivaled fear on her face, but also something more gruesome. Olivia noticed her stare and quickly grinned as she straightened herself back up. She wrapped an arm around Fia and pulled her in close.

“Alriiiight, so I’m never ever EVER texting her pics again. But you know what, I don’t regret having a good time with you. I will say though...”

She brought her left hand to Fia’s right cheek, she then delicately tilted her head up so that they would lock eyes.

“Why did you take the fall? That could’ve been extremely dangerous.”

Fia had short circuited and her face became unbearably hot, Olivia probably felt it.


She blinked when Olivia coughed to catch her attention. 

“Oh oh I uh... I didn’t... I didn’t want you to lose your job... over a dumb prank.”

She felt Olivia’s thumb start to rub small soft circles on her cheek and oh cod she felt dizzy. She unknowingly leaned into the touch with a sigh.

“Fia, was it really just ‘cause you didn’t want me to lose my job? Or... was it something else?”

Fia’s eyes widened as she quickly looked down, unable to make eye contact. 

“I just… want you to be okay Liv.”

It seemed Olivia was okay with that and let go of her to take her hand instead. Fia blushed profusely with a soft squeak as she squeezed Olivia’s hand. Both walked side by side together out of the alley. 

“Thank you Fia, you didn’t have to do that but you did. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”

Olivia gave her that sweet crooked smile Fia loved so much. It was so cute and heartwarming. She returned the gesture with a sigh.

“Sounds like a plan.”