Unexpected encounter

2 years, 10 months ago

bunny meets hollis for the first time in years

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Bunny saw a familiar woman, brown hair and blue eyes, someone she thought she recognized from her childhood. cautiously, she walked over, calling her name carefully,


the woman turned, looking bunny up and down, a confused look on her face.

"yes, but....im sorry, who are you?"


bunny paused for just a moment, knowing she would need to say her legal name but struggling to get it out.

"its m...mag...magnolia. uh, h-honeysett. we, we grew up together, kind of."

she looked at bit shy, anxious that hollis wouldnt remember her, though her fears are quickly eased when hollis' face lights up in remembrance, turning soft.

"magnolia, maggie!"

she goes to hug bunny unprompted, causing her to suck in a sharp breath in surprise, though she does hug back before hollis pulls away.

"you look so different, what have you been up to?"

bunny fidgets nervously, trying to think of an appropriate response, one that wont immediately cause concern.

"ive...i took up swordfighting, as a hobby. and, uh, i visit the gym kind of regularly, its relaxing for me."

hollis smiles, playfully putting her hand on bunnys bicep, causing her to blush slightly.

"i can tell! youre very- very uh,"

she gestures at bunny in entirety, laughing and coughing nervously.

"you- you look great!"

bunny spoke softly, almost embarrassed,

"um, thank you. what have you been up to?"

hollis rubs the back of her neck anxiously.

"not much, really...nothing exciting, hah. i just have a boring office job. anything interesting with you?"

"uh, y......es," the 'y' was drawn out, "ive, i..."

bunnys focus is immediately drawn to dollie, and the work shes been doing with renaud. she knows she cant tell hollis about any of that, probably ever.

"i w- i work at johns hopkins, as a part time professor."

"oh! thats, wow thats...thats big! congrats!"

she reaches to put her hands on bunnys shoulders excitedly, realizing its a little awkward to be looking up at her with her hands at head height. theres a moment of awkward silence while hollis glances at her hands on bunnys broad shoulders, blushing when she looks up and sees bunny looking down at her shyly. she pulls away suddenly.

"uh, haha, so...um, surely you must be popular with such an important job! and- and y-your looks! surely you have a boyfriend?" she paused, thinking about their childhood, adding to her question, "or...dahlia?"

she didnt seem very confident with the question, and bunny wasnt confident she could answer.

"i- she- um, shes..." bunnys hands trembled. she pulled at the hem of her shirt nervously.

"she, shes..."

"with you..."

"with me." she started tearing up, trying not to openly sob, looking past hollis at nothing.


"always...with me."

hollis looked up at her concerned. she placed her hand gently on bunnys forearm, though pulled away quickly when she flinched and looked down at her with tears in her eyes.

"bunny are you....doing alright?"

"no i-" she took a step backwards, "i need to go, im sorry dollie- i-i mean hollis, im sorry."

she took a card out of her bag, hands shaking as she handed it to hollis. it had her college contact information.

"if you...if you still want to talk after this."

hollis took the card, looked it over, and looked back up at bunny, not knowing what to say.

"go on, you fearful rabbit. flee."

bunny looked down at hollis wide eyed, quickly turning to leave. hollis watched her walk away with confusion, seeing her shaking her head, putting her head in her hand as well, pulling at the hem of her shirt again.
