Take a Life, Give a Life

5 years, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

This contains an animal dying, and starvation.

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Emry slowly walked forward, glancing around the still valley. The moon shrouded the lanscape in white, giving everything an eerie appearance. Emry shivered, and not just because of the chilly air. His breath flew out like smoke in front of him. It may have been the beginning of summer, but the nights were still freezing. He clutched the sleeves of his uniform, trying to stop any heat that might be escaping. He would have worn his winter wear, but it had been torn, and was now unuseable. Wish I had my cloak.. But father needs it more than I do.. His hands shook slightly, and his stomach formed a pit. No no.. Can't think about that. The small teen quickened his pace, trying to distract himself, not only from that, but the gnawing feeling in his gut. Summer had been late this year, and the gound was only just now melting. Blades of grass poked through the earth, promising life and hope, but not to Emry.

    "Want to be a cow.." Emry muttered. "Then I could eat all this dumb grass. But noooo when I try, all I do is throw up. Unfair." Though he said he couldn't eat the grass, it didn't stop him from eyeing it, his desperation driving him to perhaps try again. He kneeled down slightly, reaching for it, then shook himself and carried on walking. He glared upon the ground, angry at all that was happening. Not a bird to be heard, not a howl, not even a cry. It was silent. It seemed only Emry was foolish enough to be walking around this early in the morning, but the pain in his gut made sleep impossible. He closed his eyes, remembering. Thinking of the figure of his father curled up in bed, ill and aging. He would not make it much longer. Pool Valley village had run out of food supplies over the unusually brutal and lengthy winter, and were devouring the plants they kept quicker than the could regrow. What little food was left was given to young children and the elderly, such as Emry's father, or was supposed to be. But his father had refused it! Why? How could he? He needed it! Why not eat it? Emry growled to himself, unable to understand. He had run out of the house in an urge, an urge to live. He needed to find something, anything! That could be eaten. He clenched his eyes shut tighter, a big mistake. 

   The skinny boy tripped on one of the many rocks in the valley, fallen from the icy mountains above. He cried out in surprise and pain, rolling down a hill into a deeper valley.

    "Ah! Stop it stop it stop it!! I said stop!" Emry yelped, his small eyes widened then closed as dirt flew into his face. He crashed into a boulder, smacking his shoulder and wrenching it out of its socket momentarily. He gasps and clutched it, making small whimpers of pain and frustration. Everything was getting to much to bear, his eyes started watering, his breath hitched, and he grabbed onto the leaves besi.. The leaves beside him. Leaves! Not grass! Leaves! Emry suddenly smiled in triumph, the gods had finally given him a break! It was fate! He peered at it frantically, trying to see if it was edible or not, the moon was starting to fade away so it was getting harder to see, but no fear, the sun promised its rise, and he had no need of sight, for he could smell it.

    "Horseradish?? Gross! Bleh," He stuck out his tongue in disgust, "Nasty! But.. beggers can't be choosers." He rapidly started gathering as much as he could, unaware of eyes watching him..

    A rustle alerted the excited boy to something beside him. He froze in place, not wanting to get whatever's attention. The rustling grew louder and Emry gulped. Please don't be a leapard.. Please don't be a bear.. Or a coyote or.. or.. Before Emry could finish is half-thinking, the animal revealed itself. A fattened rabbit hopped into view from behind a boulder. Emry gave a soft sigh of relief and started collected the horseradish again, stuffing it in his pockets as he had not planned ahead and broughten a basket or satchel. He slowly stopped, looked at the rabbit, then at the horseradish, and finally at the rabbit again. A rabbit would be a better meal than this stinky plant, and more filling. Emry started thinking of his father's wrinkled face smiling that half smile at him in pride. He quickly looked around for anything he could use as a weapon, but the land was barren except for horshradish and dirt. Not being discouraged, he plucked a particurly plump root and hurled it at the rabbit. The rabbit shrieked in fear and began to run away.

    "No run this way! Toward me! Not away!" Emry yelled at the terrified rabbit. Emry was not the sharpest knife in the armory, that's for sure. He yowled and chased after it, stumbling slightly on grass and leaves slick with dew. The rabbit, fur puffed up in fear, quickly outran him, but both of them were trapped in the small valley, the walls too high for the rabbit to jump, and too steep for a human too climb. This could only end badly, no other way.

    Instead of getting enraged, Emry slowly calmed down and quieted, the only sound being from his harsh breathing, that slowly got longer and longer. He stopped in his tracked, widened his legs and sunk into a stance. One arm tucked up to his side, the other suddenly shot out toward the rabbit. A bolt of ice shot from the ground, impaling the rabbit in its shoulder. It screamed in pain and squirmed, trying to free its body from the point's icy grip, but it was no use, it was stuck. Emry grinned, pleased at himself then slowly walked to the rabbit and kneeled. The rabbit slowly stopped its cries, and turned its head to Emry, and stared deep into his eyes. Emry shifted, uncomfortable. He saw something inside it, something like.. a spark, held in its gaze. Emry shook slightly and rubbed his own shoulder, which he had wrenched on a rock earlier, the same side as the rabbit's. He kept watching that spark, and as it started to fade realized what he had done. He had taken a life. In his hunger he had not thought about the consequences. He now knew why the rabbit had looked so fat. Emry wanted to throw up.

    "I'm so s-sor.. sorry.. I d-didn't.. I didn't know.." Emry moaned softly. He picked up the rabbit and cradled it in his arms, stroking its head and ears. It did not struggle, Emry could feel the heartbeat so much like his own, but gradually getting softer and softer until. Nothing. It stopped. The rabbit went limp in his arms. Emry sniffled softly and peered into its eyes once more, then immediatly looked away. What once held a burning spark now was just an empty coldness, devoid and lifeless. He melted his icicle, then got up, still cradling the limp body. He looked all around the valley, then walked up to a place where the wall was not as high. He somberly shifted the stone with his magic to crumble down, and he walked up and began the treck home.

    The quiet boy walked into pool valley, the sun just beginning to rise. The rabbit he had been craddling was now clutched at his side, what was the use if it could no longer feel? He sighed softly, staring down at the earth, kicking small stones as he walked. He could see a few flowers blooming for the first time, which made him close his eyes. A soft bark made him stop and look around, until he spotted a large dog panting at him. He tilted his head and walked towards it, giving a small smile. The dog seemed to smile back at him, but its eyes seemed to hold great sadness. Emry held out his hand so the mutt could sniff it, then he pet the beast's great head gently. The dog might have been huge once, but now it was just skin and bones, skin hung off it everywhere. Emry sighed softly, but smiled. He liked dogs, and this one was friendly enough. 

    "You're such a good boy huh? Yeeees you are!" Emry's speech slowly evolved into baby talk and babbling, but the dog didn't seem to mind. It seemed happy that someone was paying him mind, and panted at the smiling teen. The mutt had been abandoned during the famine, its family no longer able to feed it, and had cast it out. It had spent its remaining days wandering around looking for scraps that did not exist. Too weak to hunt, it stayed in town, waiting. It turned its somber gaze onto the fat rabbit Emry was holding, and gave a long whine. Emry snapped out of his babbling, and looked at the dog.

    "You're not going to last much longer.. are you?" Emry whispered. The dog gave a soft bark. Emry stared at the rabbit. He needed it badly. His stomach rumbled needily, and he clutched it with his free hand until it quieted. The starving boy looked at the dog, then teared up. How could he be so selfish? Though Emry was skinnier than he normally was, this dog had not an ounce of fat on him. It probably wouldn't last much longer. But.. What about father? This could be the meal that heals him, that gets him well.. he could recover..! Emry closed his eyes and thought to himself, shaking slightly. He would want others to have it.. Emry sighed then smiled, looking back at the dog, then held out the rabbit.

    "Take a life, give a life," Emry spoke softly. The dog's tail wagged and it grabbed the rabbit out of the boy's hand, then licked the hand clean. Emry giggled softly. The dog made a low, soft bark, and turned around, heading away from the village. With that rabbit, it could gain enough strength to hunt on its own, and live.

     Emry got to his feet and started walking to his home. He started to shove his hands in his pockets and felt the horseradish. With a start he remembered the valley full of it and he grinned. There was enough there for the village! They all could have a meal for once! Not a very pleasant meal, but food was food nonetheless. Emry grinned wider, then ran home. He looked to the sky and spoke one last time before entering the small cave. 

    "Take a life, give a life, save lives."