The Howling

5 years, 7 months ago

This was a prompt for a character exploring strange noises in the night.

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There it was again, that dreadful howling. Emry rolled over in bed, attempting to cover his head enough to block out the horrifying cauterwall. Every night from dusk till dawn for the past month it had been happening. It didn’t sound like the normal howling of wolves or coyotes, in fact that hadn’t been heard in a long time. No, this was something of a different sort, something sounding more.. human. But it couldn’t be, could it? What type of person could make such dreadful noises? The worst part of it was that it had an odd tone to it, in a way whimsical. That’s what really scared the people of Pool Valley, the strange musical quality to it. It was still dreadful, but the slight melodic tone to it made it much creepier. It caused all people to be on edge, there were whispers of the howling being that of a damned spirit, but Emry didn’t believe it for a second. He groaned pitifully. He was just so exhausted. Everyone was. A real night of sleep hadn’t been achieved ever since it started. Every person in town was miserable, and many passed out in the street during the day. No work could be done.
“Creators be DAMNED!” Emry growled and sat up, his final slivers of patience having finally been lost. “I swear I’m losing my mind!” Emry muttered to himself, getting up and putting on his shirt and socks. I’m not going to take this one. More. Night. Emry brooded to himself. I’m going to find that.. That.. THING. And shove dirt in its mouth! Surely it has a mouth at least.. It must! No way in Kaster would it be a spirit.. Jumping up and running to the door, he put on his final articles of clothing, boots and a long fur cloak. Emry had finally gotten a new set, his old having been worn out and dirtied beyond repair, which was a common occurrence for him. The boy was constantly getting into trouble, and was quite honestly, a clutz.

    Emry felt the softness of the furry shawl, smiling to himself. He much preferred this outfit to his martial arts uniform. With his uniform, his unusually small and skinny frame was amplified, and oh so noticable. He positively hated his diminutive and petite size, so he loved the regular clothing for the fur and cloth that was padded, not only making it warmer, but also making Emry seem bigger than he actually was.

    Emry practically trotted along the abandoned streets, no one wanted to go out with the dreadful noise occurring, nor be out at such an ungodly hour. But Emry didn’t care. He lived as he pleased, day and night had no meaning to him. The teen looked up at the night sky, full of a multitude of uncountable stars, seemingly framing the fullness of the moon. It would have been a peaceful night, if it weren’t for that infernal raucous. Emry groaned loudly. He just wanted it to stop. And if he had to trek out at this time of night, so be it. Glancing around his surroundings, he noticed the sound seemed to be coming from a nearby valley. The lanky boy ran to it, eager to find its source.

    “OooOoooo eeeeehhHHhh!” More howling erupted into the night. Good, it’s louder, I must be getting closer! And holy heck that is horrendous.. Emry mused, shivering slightly. He entered the valley and looked around. It was completely barren, no plantlife to be seen. Dark, moonlit rocks covered the ground and carried up the valley’s sides, so no grass could grow even if it wanted to. But Emry didn’t think it would want to, this place was positively creepy. Fog rolled across the valley, making it almost impossible to see ahead. He gulped, looking around. Shaking nervously he stopped. What if there really was a spirit? This would be just the place for one.. All creepy like. But there can’t be! Emry took a step forward, then nearly jumped out of his skin as the howling seemed to come from right beside him! Running a few steps away, he turned and looked. There, right in front of him.. was a troll! Emry’s eyes widened. He’d never seen one in person, and how could he have? They were so elusive, and rather dismissive of humans. Although Emry’s father claimed to have known one once.. Just one. Emry shook his head, clearing away all thoughts of that. Trolls were powerful beings, almost like gods. What was one doing here? The troll smiled to itself, and stared on ahead, its eyes pools of blue. Why hasn’t it seen me yet? Emry tilted his head and took a few steps forward.

    “AhhhHHHooOOaaa!” The troll burst out, one hand on its chest, the other reaching outward, like it was performing on a stage. Emry covered his ears with his hands, trying to block out the horrendous wailing. So that’s why it’s here.. It’s the one making the sound! Though.. What IS it doing? The troll was smiling, and the sounds coming out of its mouth seemed to have a slight tune to them, if only the notes were actually somewhat in tune! Emry took a soft breath in and groaned.
The troll whipped toward him. “Who’s there?” The troll called out, with a smooth, feminine voice, surprising considering what sounds it was making earlier.
“Uhhh.. Nobody,” Emry said slowly, frowning softly. The troll’s face brightened. She was staring above him, and grinned, showing off a mouth full of sharp teeth with a broken tusk.
“Ohhh but there is somebody! Awww are you a child? I love children!” She asked, looking rather excited.

    “A CHILD?” Emry fumed, clenching his fists. “I’m seventeen thank you very much!”

    The troll snorted, “Seventeen’s nothing. Once you’ve been around several centuries you’ll understand. You’re like a baby to me.” The giant strided over to Emry, allowing him to get a better look at her. She was a rusty color, with spots of a lighter orange-brown. A cloak trailed behind her, and though she wore clothes, her feet were bare, with dangerous looking claws. Though she had a kind face, her pale eyes didn’t look at him, but were bright with joy.

    “Who are you anyway? And aren’t you trolls supposed to be in tribes?”

    “I am Khazri. I’m alone here. There’s no tribe with me, yes that happens sometimes, though the others will never say so,” Khazri mused. Then softly whispered something in Katitsh, too quiet for Emry to hear.

    “Oh um.. But what are you doing here?” He asked, fidgeting slightly.

    “Why singing of course! This valley has such a great echo, it’s exquisite. But this valley is a sacred place! Can you not feel it?”

    Emry shook his head, very confused. “But that was more of howling!” Emry argued, “And you do it all night! It’s been keeping the whole village up at night!”

    “Howling, singing. Same difference,” The rusty troll grinned, “But what do you mean about keeping you up? There’s a village nearby?”

    “Just down the way. Very close.”

    “S’etch tr’ial veerrzach!” The troll agonized in Katitsh. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea there were humans around here. My goodness what should I do?”


    “But this valley, it needs protection!”

    “Uh.. it’s a valley, nothing’s gonna attack it,” Emry almost scoffed, crossing his arms.

    “Oh not that type of protection dear,” Khazri shook her head, “I’m afraid I cannot leave it unguarded.”

    “Oh um… then… Uh..” The boy strained his mind for some sort of alternative and groaned softly. The troll smiled softly in amusement. And spoke up softly.

    “Why don’t I just sing in the daytime, when no one’s sleeping?” Khazri mused, a kind smile on her lips. She clearly found the small boy endearing.

    “Uh.. That’ll do.” Emry sighed in relief, then rubbed his eyes and yawned.
“Tired Emry?” Khazri put a furry hand on his shoulder.

    “Of course.. It’s so late..” He yawned, then sleepily stared at her. “Wait, I never gave you my name. How did you..?”

    “Oh magic things. Yep, very magical,” she fibbed then started pushing Emry along. “Now you go straight to bed, you hear?”

    Emry had never been so confused in his life. “Um, yes ma’am?”
“There! Now bye-bye! We’ll meet again Emry.” Khazri gently pushed him out of the valley, clearly aware of her massive strength, she was well over eight foot.
Emry slid down the hill. Rumbling sounds grinded behind him. The teen whipped around to see a stone wall raising up at the front of the valley, the troll was clearly using her earth magic to seal it up. Emry sighed and started back home. He certainly had a lot to tell his father this time..