Boo Lore

2 years, 30 days ago
2 years, 29 days ago
5 1375 4 2

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 30 days ago

Explicit Violence

Everything there is to know about Ghosts/ my version of Boos
Boos belong to Nintendo this is just my interpretation as there is a lot of things left for interpretation

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Boo species and chances of becoming one

While technically everyone can become a regular Boo after death, certain factors make the chance higher of becoming a different sub-species

As of now, these are the canon Boo types (will be updated):

-Regular Boos
-Dark Boos
-Bomb Boos

-A regular Boo is as it's name suggests the most basic type of Boo.
They are commonly white little blobs with dot eyes, sharp teeth and a long tounge.
Slight variations of regular Boos can still occur like a different color in hue or dark markings around the eyes in the Boo form if the individual is more powerful no matter if it was granted power or power of mind/soul.
To be able to contain both a human and a boo form (since changing is heavily draining) the individual needs a gem of some sorts which stores energy. Born Boos are excluded from this rule.
Their magic is commonly limited to floating, moving objects and fazing through walls.
Examples of regular Boos are: Millow, William or Sebastian

-A Dark Boo is the purest form of a dead soul. They are purple/lavender in color with yellow dot eyes, sharp teeth and a long turquoise tounge.
If you were perhaps a child or a very kindhearted person, your chances of becoming a dark Boo are higher.
Their magic adds emiting purple smoke with healing or venomous properties on to their regular Boo abilities.
Examples of Dark Boos are:Keith, Madison or Leila

-A Bomb Boo usually manifests the more time the dead soul spent without finding the thing that kept them restless. They are black/dark grey in color with yellow dot eyes, sharp yellow teeth and a long tounge.
Slight variations of Bomb Boos can occur depending on the length the restlessness lasted.
Their magic adds emiting black smoke which is highly explosive on to their regular Boo abilities.
Examples of Bomb Boos are: Roxy or Zeke