Intro Section for His Petpage

2 years, 9 months ago

This story is the beginning part of Rusty's Petpage on Neopets and the reader's first introduction to him.

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You are wandering aimlessly through the Haunted Woods on a cold and rainy night. In search of a light of some kind, as this never ending dark is beginning to scare you, you keep walking until you come across an iron gate. A crooked sign above it reads, "Welcome to Neovia."

"The city is as dark and foggy as the rest of these woods, but what else is new?" you say under your breath. There are many people out and about, the women wearing long dresses and bonnets, and the men wearing coats and top hats. Street lamps glow dimly, not quite breaking through the blackness.

As you walk through the city streets, you hear hollering coming from one of the little houses. A boy runs down the sidewalk accompanied by a brown dog. He seems as though nothing has ever fazed him or will ever faze him. Not a care in the world. 

The street lamps all around him glow much brighter as he runs by. What secrets does this rambunctious and wild-eyed child of the streets hold?