Errorface's Info Dump

5 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Some info on Errorface I want to archive

Chapter 1: unpolished backstory Chapter 2: Old journal meme

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It's an old journal meme, but since most of the info is accurate/in character I want to keep it up

Old Journal meme

Journal Meme

1) Hello! What's your full name? Do you like your name?
It's just Errorface actually...

2) Neat name! How old are you?
I-I'm not exactly sure...
(There's no concept of time in the SD card)

3) What exactly are you?
A Patapon glitch. Well, you see, I wasn't exactly supposed to exist, it just happened.

4)  Hmm, what's your favorite food/drink?
Food? Drink? I never had any

5) Cool! Have any siblings? If not, have you ever wanted any?
Not really. It might be nice to have some though.

6) Interesting, have parents? Which of your parents do you look more like?
No. I was just, created out of chance.

7) Who's your best friend, do you have more than one?
Well, there's this one real Patapon character who stops by every once in a while. We talk sometimes.
(I haven't written this one out yet, but the jist is he met Taterazay and they became friends)

8) Oh, that's cool! Have a crush/lover? If so, what do you like about them? Is there anything you don't like about them? Be honest I won't tell!~
(He kinda has a crush on Taterazay. Yes it's an OCxCanon thing leave me alone)

9) Do you ever plan on having kids or adopting? Do you even like kids?
Kids?! I-I don't know... It seems like a longshot... I haven't even met a lot of kids if any...

10) Do you have any secrets? If so, your secret is safe with me!
(Check number 8)

11) Interesting, okay! What's your weakness, have any?
Well, I don't have or know how to use a weapon. I've tried all the bows, swords, spears and more that I've found, but nothing clicks with me.

12) What are some of your greatest fears? Have a phobia?
I don't want to loose him (taterazay). He's the closest friend I've got.

13) If you could make a wish come true, what would you wish for?
I'm not sure actually

14) Can I hug you? 

15) How would you describe yourself in three words?
Mistake Floating, searching...

16) Ever been bullied or picked on? If so, did you ever get them back?
I've met a few others while exploring the void and they were scared of me, even called me a bad omen or the reason the world is the way it is. I try to avoid them

17) What are your favorite things to do?
I collect things, just anything I find interesting.

18) Have you killed anyone or committed a crime?
Not that I know of
(there's no government system)

19) What was your favorite toy as a child, and whatever happened to it?
I've never had a childhood, and I don't think I've ever found a toy

20) Ah, interesting, well this meme is almost over! Just one more question, what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
Huh? I can't remember.