Character Questionnaire

2 years, 9 months ago

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1.) Favorite Food?

Anything sweet. He likes candy and cake the most.

2.) Favorite color?

Blue and yellow.

3.) Biggest Fear?

Being abandoned or having no friends.

4.) Most treasured possession?

He travels a lot, so he has very few possessions in general. His favorite thing, out of the very little he owns, would probably be an old beat up jar, which he uses to catch fireflies on summer nights.

5.) Favorite place to go?

Neovia! It's very similar to his old home, Laetia so he feels right at home there.

6.) Who or what is the love of your character's life?


7.) Favorite song?

Pompeii - Bastille

8.) Where would your character like to live?

He's not the kind of kid who's comfortable with settling down in one place. But Neovia is his favorite out of the places he's gone.

9.) What has caused your character the most guilt?


10.) What does your character think is the greatest virtue?


11.) Which living person does your character most admire?


12.) How does your character feel about his parents?

They made his home a place of love and kindness. His early childhood couldn't have been better.

13.) Favorite game to play?

14.) Favorite time of day?


15.) What habit does your character have that annoys others?

Loudly talking in quiet places, eating noisily, and drumming his fingers on tables.

16.) What habit do others have that annoys your character?

People walking too slow in the street.

17.) Leader or follower?


18.) What does your character do when he's bored?

Explore the city and annoy gentlemen in top hats.

19.) What does your character want most?

A family.

20.) What does he want to be when he grows up?

Probably a traveling salesman.

21.) What would your character do if he won the lottery?

Waste it on something dumb like a ton of huge houses spread all over the world.

22.) Favorite kind of weather?

Pouring rain.

23.) What does your character's voice sound like?

Still thinking about it.

24.) Favorite type of music?

Top 40 hits on the radio. He likes whatever's popular.

25.) What word does your character overuse the most?

"Excited," "hungry," and a variety of different swears. 

26.) Siblings?


27.) Does your character get sick often?

No, he's pretty healthy.

28.) Does your character have any sort of criminal record?

Rusty is guilty of loitering, stealing a couple things, and speeding in a horse drawn carriage.