
2 years, 9 months ago

scrapped august prompt

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You’ll never amount to anything more than a puppet.

Kieran twirled his pipe in his hands as smoke left his mouth. “Nothing more than a puppet.” The shiri’s lion like tail circles around his leg sighing quietly to himself. “If only you could see me now.”


Kie looked up from the endless city scenery to the voice behind him. Akashi using his name?? Unheard of. Kie tucked a dusty pink strand behind his ear before looking back to the city.

“The fireworks are starting in an hour if you want to go see them with us-”

Akashi paused noticing the lack of active response that Kie normally gave. He stepped outside onto the balcony beside him, closing the glass door to keep their conversation private. “Are you ok, Honeydew?” 

“Honeydew…” Kie repeated thinking that was a strange nickname even from Akashi, “I’m fine. How far away is this place?” As if nothing had been bothering he corrected his emotions and turned back to his partner. Akashi’s dual toned eyes met Kie’s holding his gaze for a moment before dropping it. If Kieran said he was fine, Akashi wasn’t going to pry anything out of him. “It’s not too far. I figured we could walk so Blanc can see all the stands.” Akashi held a hand out to the other, which Kie only took after depositing his pipe on the balcony table.

“Ugh. Festivals.” Kie said with a fake groan rolling his eyes. Akashi laughed rubbing the other’s head.

“Festivals means sweets! And I know you like that, Honeypot”

“Honey… Pot? Really? Your nicknames are hitting a new low.” The lion mumbled, ears ducking back slightly. He was unable to go on about how Akashi’s pet names sucked, as Blanc danced out of her room dragging Akira alongside her.

“A Ki Ra! They have food! Why wouldn’t you wanna go! Come onnnn! It will be fun!” Blanc whined struggling to pull the hyena kemori alongside her. Akira seemed less than amused. While the other kemori tolerated Blanc it was a miracle he did so without the occasional lash out. Blanc being the embodiment of a child tested the patience of even Kieran at times. Akira looked up to Akashi as if expecting him to separate the gremlin from his arm. But Akashi had his typical slightly amused smile on his face, signalling that he wouldn’t dare mess up her happiness. Akira huffed before finally giving into the girl’s whims. The hyena kemori shifted back to his humanoid form, plugging in his headphones before following her out the door. Blanc’s happy giggles echoed down the hall as she pulled Akira behind her. Akashi and Kie followed slowly behind, staying close enough to keep an eye on them but not invading their privacy.

“They remind me of something” Kie mumbled looking down to his phone to check the time, “Since when did those two get along?” Kieran asked glancing up from his phone to look at the festival stands around them

“I think they’ve always got along. Having a kemori bond and all.” Akashi started, putting Kieran in front of him and wrapping his arms around him as they walked, “As long as she’s happy and Akira doesn’t hurt her they are free to hang out.”

“…I think Blanc is more likely to hurt him, darling- Oh!  Look at that!”

Kieran separated for a moment walking over to a stand. It was aimed towards kids, chocolate bananas dipped in colourful sprinkles of choice. He smiled a little watching as a little girl picked every pink sprinkle the vendor had to offer. Akashi walked up behind his partner, laying his head on the other’s shoulder, “Do you want one, Honeypie?” His words went over the other’s head as Kieran watched the little girl run back to her parents to show them her creation. The way they smiled and congratulated her… He looked back to the sweets in front of him. “My first festival I remember making one of these,” Kieran whispered deep in his own thoughts.

‘ “Kie! Look at these! Look! I want one. Can you make me one?” Chiharu asked dragging her older brother up to the stand. This ‘New Moon’ festival was hosted every year to celebrate some dumb advancement for the cult. Not that Kie exactly cared about that. He wanted out of this itchy robe and back in his bed. But at least for once he wasn’t being trailed by guards or having to follow around his father. Kieran looked over the stand making a face before looking back at his little sister, “You can’t put sprinkles on it yourself…?”

“Of course I can! But I wanna make you one and you make me one! Come onnnn! It will be fun!” Chiharu whined struggling to pull Kieran up to the stand. Kieran sighed realizing he would never be able to escape her. He took the treat offered to him and glanced over the sprinkles in front of him. He ended up making a pink and white heart pattern on the treat before handing it over to Chiharu. She made a mish mash of all the colours for him. Even if it was kinda ugly, Kieran found himself internally tearing up over it. This was nice…hanging out with his sister. Not having to think about his supposed duties to his clan.

“Thanks, Chichi.” Kie said with a smile before looking over to his little sister who was already munching down on his creation. “Hey! Eat it a little slower I worked hard on that!” ‘

“Kierannnn~ Earth to Kierann” Akashi snapped in front of the other. Kieran caught his hand and pulled it down, “Are you sure you’re ok?” Akashi asked ruffling the smaller’s head before paying for three of the treats. Two he decorated nearly the same with black and red sprinkles, having the two kemori in mind for them. But for Kie he made a pink and gold gradient. Kie watched him make these masterpieces before buying one more for him to make. It had been a while since he made something like this. He settled on gold and white alternating sprinkles before handing it to Akashi.

“This one is for you” Kieran chimed, trading with Akashi. Kie smiled looking over the one Akashi made for him. A nearly perfect gradient. He wouldn’t expect any less from Akashi. Kie took out his phone taking a quick picture of their creations before following Akashi off to find their two kids. The kemori were busy trying to win a plush from a probably rigged game. One of those games where you had to through a ball at a target. Definitely rigged, Kieran thought to himself as he watched Blanc hit the bullseye and the target still didn’t fall. Blanc groaned looking up as Akashi approached.

“Snack!” She chirped not seeming to care that she was failing at the festival game. Blanc happily took hers from Akashi then pointed back at the game, “We’ve hit the target like three times now! And it still hasn’t fallen” Blanc huffed as if Akashi could do something about it. Akashi studied the target before purchasing a ball. Akashi turned back to Kie, giving him a little wink before tossing the ball at the target. A bit of perfectly timed psychic magic made the target fall the moment the ball hit it. The attendant seemed amazed but brought down the big prize for Akashi. If Blanc’s mouth wasn’t full her excitement would’ve been much louder. Thankfully all she had to show her happiness was jumping up and down and pulling on Akashi’s arms. Akashi handed over the giant bunny plush before returning to Kie’s side, watching as Blanc and Akira ran ahead, Blanc dragging him up the hill to get ready for the fireworks. 

“Thank you, Honeybear” Akashi teased, kissing one of Kie’s ears and getting an annoyed noise out of him. 

“You are the worst…You’re welcome. I think I might go back now-”

“Oh? Not staying for fireworks?”

Kie shifted feeling Akashi’s gaze on him. How to go about this. “I don’t get the point of coloured explosions. You should go though… Blanc is probably waiting for you.” Kie said quickly thinking that was more than enough for a good excuse. Akashi didn’t take that. His arms crossed across his chest and he huffed pouting at Kie’s decision. Kie knew it was faked and just Akashi trying to make Kie pity him. Kie sighed rubbing his forehead. “Fine. I’ll stay for a bit…I guess.”

“Yes! Come on, It will be fun!” Akashi said mimicking Blanc’s tone from earlier.

“it will be fun..” Kieran whispered, hazy memories of Chiharu haunting his mind. As they made their way up the hill, one of the first fireworks went off. Kieran stopped in his tracks, pulling his hand out of Akashi’s. “Akashi…” Kieran whispered before the second one went off.

“Kie? What’s wrong?”

Kie felt Akashi’s hands on his own but the sound of the fireworks going off pulled at some memory inside of him. Something he pushed back. What was nagging at him? Kieran closed his eyes covering his ears as the next firework exploded. 

‘ “M-Mom?” Kieran called out into the smoke. Crackling of fire and crashing of wooden structures echoed around him. “Mom! Where are you!?” What could he do? All he was was a child. He could barely control what magic he did have. He didn’t have time to consider his options. He just had to go for it. The child ran through the burning house checking every room he went by. His servants were surely outside waiting for the fire to die down before going in after him. Not to mention his father awaiting the news of his failure. Kie bit his lip, stifling a cough as he inhaled more smoke. He wasn’t going to fail again. Not if he could help it. His mind wandered to who had started this fire. The servants had been asleep and Mother was the only one in this building. It couldn’t be that his father started it? As much as he didn’t want to believe that, logic said otherwise. “Mom!” Kieran called again after a series of coughs. He pulled his robe up slightly to cover his mouth, summoning his staff in his other hand, “Mom?” 

A distant coughing noise fell upon his ears, “Mom!” He ran quickly through the smoke into the sitting room. This had to be the source of the explosion! Sure enough, his mother was sitting in the middle of the room, holding something in her hands. “Mom! Come on! I’m gonna get you out of here!” Kieran started moving carefully through the fallen beams to get to her. 

“Kieran… Kieran, dear. I don’t need saving.”

“But- But mom- I-” Kie stammered having to stop as the ceiling cracked. It was going to give in- “Mom! I need you! I can’t….I can’t…” He whispered reaching his hand out to her. “Please?”

She looked up from the stick in her hand, light pink hair fell over her face but Kieran could see her smile. She had a lovely smile. Tears stained her bright eyes, as ash fell down from above her. “Kieran, you’re going to do great things. You’re more than what he makes you out to be. Don’t forget that, darling” ‘

Kieran opened his eyes looking up towards Akashi, “Turns out she made her own fireworks…set off the fire herself. I’ve hated them since. The sound they make before exploding. It reminds me of her. All I remember is her face.” Kie whispered leaning his head into his hands, “Her face as the skin melted off into ash… the fire wasn’t even my fault. It wasn’t anyone’s. But no one went in to save her except me. That’s the problem with being immortal. You watch everyone you love and care about die off one by one. And you can’t do anything. You can only watch. Sit by the sidelines and watch…” The shiri stood straight with a light forced smile, “ah…sorry. Too much huh? Oversharing or whatever. I guess I just… don’t have good memories of fireworks.” 

Akashi found their eyes meeting for a second before he walked closer. “I’m not going anywhere, Kieran” the polar bear whispered kissing the top of the other’s head. Kie laughed gently hitting his chest before leaning into him.

“I know… and I hope to make better memories with you, Sorry about… whatever that was” Kie mumbled into Akashi’s shirt. He smelt like fresh fruit, kinda like blueberries. A scent that Blanc normally wore. Akashi let go for a moment to take his jacket off and lay it over Kie’s shoulders instead.

“It’s not your fault… Ready to go back, Honeybunches?” Akashi asked hand gently cleaning off his partner’s tears. Kieran shifted pulling the jacket tighter around him before nodding and taking one of Akashi’s hands. Akashi put his arm around the other’s shoulder, rubbing small reassuring circles on him, “she doesn’t blame you…Kieran…I think…I think your mother would be really proud of how far you’ve come. Life sounded hard for her and for you. But you’ve made it so far. I hope you recognize that, dear.” Kie played with Akashi’s gloved fingers tilting his head slightly. Reassurance seemed out of place from Akashi, but it was welcome.

Kie looked up brushing his hair back, “I’m sure the underworld treats her better than up here. Thank you. I’m doing my best…for you and Blanc and Akira…and anyone that ends up living with us…”

Akashi laughed shaking his head, “So anyone in your immediate family circle? Have you ever thought of doing your best for yourself?” 

“You are the best for me.” Kie said defensively flicking the other, “You gave me an actual purpose in life other than running the cult, dummy.” 

“Dummy??” Akashi huffed pretending to be hurt, “So mean! And I thought you loved me~”

“I! I do love you! You’re my partner! I-I love you more than anything in this world” Kie stammered quickly believing Akashi’s little act. Akashi snickered finding Kie falling for his acting hilarious. He ducked down slightly placing his lips on the other’s forehead.


“You’re so gullible, Honeylove.” 

“Am not! You’re just a dumb brat!” Kie huffed gently hitting him off. Akashi rolled his eyes picking the smaller up instead. “put me down weirdo! You’re so dumb.” Kie muttered putting his head against the other’s chest and shutting up for a second.

“I love you too, Kieran.” Akashi finally said back as they reached the clearing again. He gently sat the other down before rejoining his sister’s side. Kie stood dumbfounded in the spot he was left. How could that idiot be so casual about everything? Kieran ruffled his hair before catching back up to them. 

Blanc and her childish gleam. Happy to stare up at the sky as fireworks burst around them. She didn’t even seem to notice that the other two left for a moment. Emersed in her own world. Kie smiled looking over at her. At least she was enjoying her summer. The kemori pointed up at the sky as a big gold and pink firework burst above them, “That one Akashi! That one is you and Angel!” Blanc chirped pulling her knees to her chest and smiling to herself, “Boom! Woosh!” She whispered happily making firework noises as she watched. Kieran leaned back on his hands with a small smile. Adorable. Perhaps it was best to move on. Follow his own advice for once. Kieran scooted forward leaning up against Akashi as they watched the fireworks up above. 

‘ “Kieran?” Chiharu asked as they watched the fireworks up above. “You aren’t going anywhere… right?” 

Kieran was quiet staring at the sky as if it would give him answers. “….No… I’m not going anywhere.” He whispered as a large blue firework went off overhead. Chiharu nodded seeming content with his answer, “Kie Kie. Why do you like fireworks so much? They are just loud colourful explosions that give no meaning to life. That’s what Father said.” 

Kieran snorted leaning his head on his hand, “well… Mom makes them. So I guess that’s why I like them so much. But things in life don’t need meaning to enjoy them. Like the festival games, or the candy we ate. Father is a jerk, just ignore him… It’s best to live in the moment and enjoy yourself right?” Kie asked with a bit of a smile glancing over to his sister for a moment. Chiharu made a soft sound as if she understood now before looking back up to the sky. A childish gleam, an innocence that had yet to be crushed. That’s what childhood was all about. Enjoying the little things… while you still could’