Kittykoi Fall Event

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

The Fall Event for Kittykois! (September 2021)

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Author's Notes

Going apple picking.

Apple Picking- Alice

As she arrived at the apple farm she was excited at the idea of being able to pick apples herself, as well as being able to bob for some. She had never been to an actually apple picking event before, so she was really looking forward to the idea.

Grabbing a little basket to fill she joyfully started to walk around looking for a nice solitary spot to start picking some apples. She was a bit anxious about being there by herself, after all it was very different from going to a festival to her.

As she found a nice little patch of trees, that seemed to have been overlooked by the majority of visitors, she began carefully picking some apples. She knew she wanted roughly twenty to thirty apples, depending on size, for her baking. She wanted to make apple pie, apple crisp, and apple cider, though if she could carry more she would grab enough for a few jars of apple jam as well.

As she was picking her apples she noticed a handsome looking man who was also at the festival, seeming to be fluttering all over for apples from different spots. Eventually he came by her tree and she couldn't help but turn into a blushing mess as she dropped an apple at his feet by accident. He picked it up and handed it back to her, bringing a warm smile to her face. She thanked him, then as quickly as he had arrived he was gone.

Grabbing her last few apples she couldn't help but think how she should have said something more to him when she had the chance. Her basket almost overflowing with apples by the time she finished her daydreaming, she decided it was enough and maybe she should do her bobbing then head home.

Making her way to the area where you could bob for apples, she found a nice solitary looking pail that hadn't been used that much yet. She stuck her head in the water and tried her best to grab an apple, though all she really got was wet. As she wiped the water from her eyes to try again she noticed that across from her at the same pail was the guy from before. He smiled at her, and asked if he could maybe have a turn. She nodded, blushing again, watching as he easily got an apple.

Deciding to talk to him a bit more she asked him for tips on how to get an apple. He happily obliged and told her his secret, then waited as she tried again at grabbing her own apple; Success! She managed to grab an apple, the two of them smiling at each other. As she put away the apple she got, and in the time it took for her to look back, he had left again.

Sitting there for a moment with her mound of apples, and wet face, she though about this kind and mysterious man. Her mind wondering about if she would ever see him again, or this this had been her only chance and she blew it. All she knew for sure was that she would be back next year for more apples, and hopefully another meet-cute.