Kittykoi Fall Event

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
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Chapter 5
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

The Fall Event for Kittykois! (September 2021)

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Bonfire- Piers

It had already been a long day of apple picking, but Piers wasn't even close to being ready to go home yet. He was waiting for the bonfire to start when he noticed a couple games that had been open.

He decided to try his luck at a small game stall, which had little apple themed prizes. The idea was simple, get the ring around the apple juice bottle. Placing his money on the counter he took his three rings and tossed them over the empty bottles. To his disappointment he didnt land a single one, but he wasnt ready to give up yet. Paying for a second round he managed to land two of the rings, obviously learning from his first round mistakes. He was very excited to win a small apple plushie, but at the same time he wasnt really sure what he would do with it.

He had managed to waste enough time that the bonfire was already starting when he got there. Taking a seat he grabbed a marshmallow from the bucket, and a stick, and began to roast it to perfection; Which to him meant burnt to a crisp. As he was eating his marshmallow he noticed a little kid that was crying, the mother trying to calm.them down. Apparently the kid had lost their toy in the apple fields, and they weren't able to find it again. Overhearing the conversation gave him and idea. He went over and, with the mother's permission, gave the apple plush he had won to the child. Though it couldnt replace the lost stuffy the child was ecstatic and promised they would never lose it.

Making his way back to his seat he had a warm smile on his face. As much as he had enjoyed his day, having fun with apple picking and games, his favourite part was being able to help make that little kid smile.