love letters

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 23 days ago
2 552

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago


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oh my love, how could you let her touch you that way?? Give you the disgusting scars on your arms, the bruises that won’t go away, and even worse… the names! how could you let her do that to you? your soul aches and yet…you never say anything…oh you do not..




you used to confide in me, though… why was that? what did that mean? why did you show your beautiful, raw self to me, a mere friend?

was i more than a friend to you? what did that mean? why have you never told me what did that mean? Naomie, i need to know. you have never told me. what was i to you? did you care as much as i did? would your heart feel like it was coming out of your chest when talking to me? actually no, scratch that, not even talking, but would it burst when you’d spot me?

mine sure would. i am in love with you. you give me a reason to live for. I would do anything for you, anything, I’d sell my soul just to feel your gentle touch one more time. please forgive me, i know i have done terrible things. my intent was pure, i just wanted to be with you until the ends of times.