Please look here before asking questions, it might already be answered here! As new questions are asked, they may be added here, as well.

1. Where do I find the Traits? Mods list?
https://softbots.carrd.co/, with this section specifically for mods: https://softbots.carrd.co/#addons

2. I see that afflictions are on the Addons page. Are afflictions mods?
While they are on the same page, they are not considered mods and are something you can only get through an exclusive slot or very special events.

3. Can my SoftBot have hooves/bird feet/etc?
Sorry, but no! Their feet must be paws.

4. Are there any restrictions to what colours can be on SoftBot fur?
Nope! Go nuts, the only colour restricted things are their blood and face.

5. Can my Softbot's horn be a different colour than their blood? Can my SoftBot have multiple horns?
Nope! Their horn is part of their internal tubing, so it must remain the same colour as all their other tubes! Also, only one horn, please!

6. Can my SoftBot with a wings mod fly?
Wing mods must be small and flightless! The only SoftBots who have flighted wings are those with blessings.

7. Can I make a SoftBot based on a canon character?
As long as they look different from the source material, go ahead! Please keep in mind that your SoftBot, if being used in the ARPG, must abide to the lore of the world and their specific rank. No Civilians acting like Guardians or using magic because that's how they are in their canon, please!

8. Can SoftBots have kitty noses in feral? Can their humanoid form be anthro?
No and no. Feral SoftBots have nares, like reptiles! and Humanoid SoftBots must have naturally coloured human faces and humanoid proportions.

9. Can SoftBots have more than just their one horn?
Nope! They must have a singular horn in the middle of their forehead, no more, no less.

10. Can I port an old OC to a SoftBot?
Of course! Feel free to port any OC you like to the species so long as you have a MYO slot for it :>

11. Can my SoftBot use magic?
Civilian SoftBots can only use a very small amount of magic that helps them in everyday situations! Typically, it's things that can be done through electromagnetic forces or basic pyrotechnics, such as weak telekinesis for picking small objects up or using a small flame to light a fire for cooking. Guardians are trained in higher tiers of combat magic and Nobles have some innate ability as well, but only Royalty have a good grasp on other types of magic!
Things like changing colours, shapeshifting, casting glamours or spawning sparkles/objects are out of the question for all Civilian and Guardian SoftBots.
SoftBots are less reliant on magic and more reliant on the technology around them as a general rule of thumb.

12. Can my SoftBot have exposed skin in places other than the face region?
No! Outside of the head, all SoftBots are covered in a dense layer of fur. Having patches of it missing on their body would be a death sentence as it gets colder!

13. Can my SoftBot's horn be curved?
Normally, no! If the Hylica Catalis affliction is present however you can make the horn as weird and curvy as you want.

14. Can my SoftBot have accessories covering up their tubes like stickers?
No! SoftBot tubing must be unobstructed.

15. Can I give my SoftBot disabilities? (deafness/muteness/blindness/amputation)
You may! We do not discriminate against SoftBots with disabilities. You may even design prosthetics or a scifi wheelchair for them as well! We just ask that tails and at least one ear be exempt from being made out of a prosthetic as fully mechanical ears and tails are an exclusive trait.

16. I'm done with making my MYO! Where do I submit it for approval?
Please message our Masterlist account with the link to the MYO slot, the full unobstructed reference art as well as the list of traits! You can find the ML account here.