

SoftBot Society
  • Humans programmed SoftBots with a few animal-like behaviors they thought were endearing, like a love for playing with pet toys and the ability to purr!
  • SoftBots have the ability to set their own natural scent to whatever they want. Humans gave them this ability so they could set their softbot up to have a scent they liked, but now SoftBots do it for their own preference
  • The rings they give each other (that actually go on their horns, not fingers) have the gem embedded after the vows have been made, and said gemstone is actually made using a mix of blood from both the softbots being wed!
  • SoftBots are very community driven. They will help each other out without question- neighbors will protect neighbors.
  • Nomads tend to be heartier SoftBots! they are known to be fluffier than normal due to their affinity toward the wilds. They are often in small family groups that help each other survive the harsh landscapes of poltera without the aid of cities that normal SoftBots need in order to survive the cold. They also tend to know areas with abberation activity.
  • The blood affliction Gangreana Senilis can cause internal rusting and, in advanced cases, causes filigree metal growth... but did you know that once the filigree growth starts, it continues until the whole softbot is eventually encased in it, unable to move! 🙀 There are treatments being developed that slow the spread and advancement of this affliction- but currently once you have it, it will inevitably completely immobilize and kill you. SoftBots that don't have this affliction tend to regard it as beautiful, much to the dismay of the ones who have to live with it.
  • SoftBots are born in their feral forms and are blind/deaf for 2 weeks before they start to open their ears and eyes! They have to be bottle fed as parents do not have means to provide milk. At around 2 years of age, SoftBots will start to have an unstable humanoid form where they can pop into it at small intervals before going back into feral form. They also don't usually have a good grasp on when they pop in and out until about 3 years of age.
  • SoftBots don't know how to swim! They never had to learn as the water on Poltera is either too cold or too hot, plus!! Their fur would probably make it very difficult. The only interaction with water they have is a bathtub or a safe hot spring.
  • SoftBot 'catnip' exists.
  • SoftBots, like animals, need their ears cleaned unless they want infections. Loved ones will usually help clean their ears as a sign of affection.
  • SoftBot babies and toddlers are affectionately called SoftBits, while children are endearingly referred to as SoftBytes! orrr just simply bits and bytes
  • Softbots love to affectionately carry their babies in baskets fluffed with blankets or have a little bag carrier lined with fleece that attaches to their chest. Need to keep those little bits warm!! Adult SoftBots will also carry partners that prefer feral form in these little bag carriers as well!
  • SoftBots can be born with different claw variants. They can be born with either no claws at all, retractable claws like a cat's or non-retractable claws like a dog's! It's rare for civilians to find themselves without claws, the ones who aren't born with claws are usually nobles and royals.
  • SoftBots cherish and prize their manes, and the bigger, fluffier and glossier it is, the more attractive they are to other softbots! It really shows how well they take care of themselves~ As a result, mane conditioner manufacturing is a real booming business!
  • Like dogs (and cats really), SoftBots have different fur densities depending on their region. If they're more toward the poles, the denser their fur will be. Icevenia SoftBots tend to have a double coat to keep them warm... And yes, they shed their coats when Summer comes. Meanwhile, those near the equator, their fur is lighter and shorter to keep them cool. Every fur type is different as well, it can be silky, rough, course or smooth. There are SoftBots with long, wavy fur as well as ones with dense, curly hair. Every SoftBot has individual needs when it comes to their coat, so each has to take care of it differently! And yes, by god, there are SoftBots that shed like crazy, especially those with double coats.
World Facts

  • Hotsprings exist in poltera, but only daring softbots go to them!! The heat from the water causes their blood to literally come to a boil in their tubes, which are then prone to bursting if they're not removed from the water quick enough
  • SoftBots don't have actual physical money currency! Banking is done all online through a privatized network via whatever country they are in. Currency (like their language) is universal!
  • A very popular celebratory feast for holidays and special occasions are hot pots or shabu-shabu. It's perfect for sharing with friends and family!
  • A common origin story for Hearlenia's massive amount of arable land is that an ancient nomadic SoftBot was blessed with the ability to make soil fertile just by walking over it, for an act of kindness towards a nature spirit. as such it's common to thank the spirits by leaving excess produce at the foot of the nearest forest!
  • A common sign of affection in a majority of Poltera's kingdoms is to rub the other SoftBot's cheeks! It helps to improve circulation in the cold, so it shows the other person that the one rubbing their cheeks cares about them!
  • Very little is known about the group of SoftBots who bless guardians that have graduated the academies all across Poltera- making their home in the perilous mountains of Ilele, Guardian Blessers dedicate their lives to learning the secrets of their craft, only leaving once annually at the end of the academic year. You'd be hard-pressed to learn anything about how the blessing process works, as part of their vow is removal of their ability to speak, and they are barred from learning to read or write. Even their internal phone and texting functions are removed! Their brains are also modified to be able to speak telepathically only between each other. All in all, it really makes you wonder just what sort of secrets the process holds.....
  • The internet of Poltera is home to a special virtual reality world that all SoftBots can access: SBVR! Think of it like VRChat, but more real-feeling! There are all sorts of worlds based on all sorts of things, from lounges to simulated jungles and more! SBVR is planned to have a pretty big role in the shaping of the world of Poltera through the ARPG!
  • Poltera is a cold planet, which means if a SoftBot is submerged in the cold waters, it could mean certain death. So, instead, any water activities are monitored indoors with warm pools. There are giant community pools, or nobles have their own private ones. There are also various other activities such as simulated beaches, water rafting and more! There are also entire SBVR worlds SoftBots have created just for waterside fun! Don't have friends closeby enough to go to a physical waterpark? a VR world is just as good!