PET: Yohu


[Space variant]


  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Yohus Yahus

  • OTHER NAMES: Yohu, space slug

  • LIFESPAN: Unknown [up to 20 years in captivity]

  • CLASSIFICATION: Fauna, astronomic

  • FUNCTION: Pet, Companion

  • DIET: Photosynthetic (but can also ingest various minerals)

  • HOMEWORLD: Weyneth

  • TEMPERMENT: Prone to simply standing and staring, but is very docile and somewhat affectionate

The Yohu is native to a faraway system in which it was plucked from, but it's considered an invasive species, even in space. While once they were a creature that dwelled by the sea in great numbers, they adapted to the vast vacuum of space and became longer and more solitary, feeding on the energy of celestial bodies around it.

The Yohu that exists outside of their homeworld are considered a 'space variant', as the original Yohu look a bit different compared to their astronomic cousins.

Despite these Yohu being a variant from the original, ALL variants have two distinct classifications: common and fancy. Common Yohu are considered the stereotypical Yohu - they usually have three distinct colors max on their bodies and don't have very many (if any) extra traits to them. Fancy Yohu, on the other hand, can be any number of colors and are usually the ones with more extravagant traits, and are the ones that are highly sought after for their looks.



Yohu have traits vaguely similar to both that of a nudibranch and an axolotl.

Their most distinguishing trait is their long, thick body - while their original native cousins are short and very round like potatoes, they're a bit more noodly, although their stubby little legs are more or less about the same. They also have a pair of solar gills that they use to intake solar energy as sustenance, which makes them far more useful, because in normal Yohu they tend to be vestigial instead. The undersides of their bodies, particularly their little legs, are sticky like a gecko's.

One of the most popular types of Yohu, the fancy Yohu, are widely loved for their beautiful cosmetic traits and patterns, and will often keep them to breed or place into shows. These are not often found off in space randomly, although it's not impossible, but most of them tend to be bred and based on planets.

A famous example of this is Zeta Four with his prized Yohu Chartreuse, whom he often sells the eggs of and charges exorbitant prices for them, as Chartreuse is a long-running show champion with a rare pedigree.


The space variant of Yohu has evolved to suit its surroundings, and although its brain has stayed pea-sized, their sensory feelers are far more sensitive in order to pick up information around it. They can typically be found naturally floating aimlessly through space, and use their organs to store up hydrogen. This means their tails can grow pretty big to accomodate their organs - not to mention that in all variants, the thicker the Yohu (and their tails), the more desirable they are since it means they're more likely to survive and pass on their genetic material. Yohu with longer and wavier feelers are also highly desirable for the same reasoning.

Fun fact: baby Yohu are called 'nymphs'!


Yohu are a bit bigger than a human hand (think of like... an iPhone 13 pro max except longer), but can very easily fit snugly into the palm of a taller Djubetos. The pictured Djubetos is about 7'11" for reference!

While most Yohu tend to feed on little things like algae and plankton, the space Yohu feeds almost solely on celestial energies. Basically, they photosynthetize - but this isn't limited to light from the sun. It can take in any sort of energy from other planets, which can even have an impact on their overall appearance over time.

Despite it only usually feeding on energy / light / heat etc, considering they have a very limited intelligence, Yohu can also be observed licking various rocks in space or intaking different sorts of minerals, almost for no seemingly apparent reason.


All Yohu can, ideally, exist in any sort of habitat or environment provided they are properly introduced, and will adapt especially better if introduced as a nymph.

On their home world, normal Yohu are considered amphibious and live around bodies of water, be it salt water or fresh water, and...frequently tried to cross these bodies of water, since they participated in a gigantic annual migration (of which a LOT did not make it through).

Since the space variant was taken from its original environment and introduced elsewhere, they are considered a borderline invasive species, but they don't convene in space like they did on their home planet. The space variant can often be found wandering aimlessly around space either solitary or in tiny groups of two or three, and have a high chance of drifting away from its group anyway since they get around by puffing excess hydrogen from their internal chamber stored up from feeding. Although these Yohu don't migrate, they can easily be found in overwhelming numbers in things like asteroid belts, since they like to attach themselves to rocks in order to either ground themselves or to lick off the minerals.

As previously mentioned, Yohu tend to be more solitary when traveling but are extremely sociable and will congregate where large numbers of other Yohu are found, attaching themselves to anyting they can find nearby. They can thrive on other planets but since they're seen as pests they don't tend to last too too long on their own.

They do make great companions, however, and love to latch themselves onto the horns and tails of Djubetos without fear, pretty much just hitching a ride by hanging off of them. They don't taste very good at all and don't have much to fear because of it (not that they'd fear anyway, what with their inability to keep themseves out of bad situations) from most creatures.


Yohu are a closed pet species exclusive to the djubetos species group! In order to make one, a Yohu Egg or Fancy Yohu Egg MYO item is required!

When making a Yohu, please remember:

For both Common and Fancy Yohu, the eyes must ALWAYS remain pure black (#00000) and beady!

Common Yohu

-Can only have a maximum of 3 colors of your choosing! The color of the gills and mouth do not count, you may choose any one color for those

-Can have 4 legs or no legs (may not add an extra set or only have a single set without fancy myo)!

-The size of the tail can vary from thin to very big / round (may not change shape without a fancy myo)!

-Their 'ears' or feelers can be any shape as long as they remain as small as in the anatomy examples

-Yohu cannot have fur!

-Bioluminescense of the gills and/or mouth can be freely applied

-Common Yohu may have basic fishy or snake-like scales

-May have pacu teeth (or any variation of humanoid-ish teeth)

Fancy Yohu

-May have an unlimited amount of colors (not restricted to just 1-3)

-Can have anything a common yohu has, except with the addition of being able to have different shaped tails, different scales, lengths, leg types, fur, any feelers of length or type, etc!

To submit a Yohu MYO design, simply DM iShibanu on toyhouse or discord, or post your design in the #pet-approvals channel in the group discord!