

I - Basic Info

II - Lifecycle

III - History & culture


Crabpups are small, omnivorous creatures with the intelligence of an average human. when full-grown, their feral form height can range from 6-23 inches, and their human form height can be anywhere in between 4-5 ft.

Their size and appearance is partly dictated by the environment they live in. This is due to their adaptability and tendency to evolve to suit their needs. Most crabpups tend to prefer tropical environments, but a minority are rumored to live in colder climates.

Most crabpups live in ocean bays. All crabpups try to live near bodies of water since it's the only environment their eggs will hatch in. 

Crabpups can live both underwater and above land. They can also switch freely between their feral and humanoid form

Their diet consists mainly of seaweed and fish. Hatchlings and crablings are only able to eat algae.


Crabpups start off as small, spherical eggs that resemble fish eggs. These eggs are usually laid in areas of shallow saltwater.

The eggs hatch to reveal a tiny, translucent crabpups referred to as hatchlings. Hatchlings stay in the water for a few months to mature, at this stage they are too small and fragile to survive outside of water.

Once able to survive outside of water, they've reached the crablet stage. At this point, crabpups are able to turn into their humanoid form (if they have one).

After 20 years, a crabpup has completely matured into an adult. 

Their lifespan is 70 yrs on average, depends on how developed the society they live in is.


Crabpups have a more tribal-type culture. They're seperated by the lands they inhabit, such as underwater, the beach, and the arctic. they try to preserve their culture and adapt it to the changing times, but younger generations of crabpups have abandoned these lands entirely and assimilated into humanoid culture on land. 

Crabpups adapted their humanoid forms a few centuries ago. other humanoid creatures were encroaching on Crabpup lands, so they developed a similar form to communicate & gain respect to preserve their territory.


Crabpups have a very territorial nature. Their society mainly consists of different tribes with varying ideologies and social structures. One thing that unites these tribes is their values of land, community, water, and rocks. Crabpups are able to crush small rocks in their claws, and almost always use rocks in their architecture. 

Some tribes have sacred stones they believe to be magical in some way. Other tribes may have special waters for egg nurseries or bathing. All tribes have designated lands which all members live upon.

Tribes are created when a group of crabpups come together and claim land. It’s common and accepted for crabpups to make new tribes, join other tribes, or leave their old tribe.


Crabpups didn’t start wearing clothing until they adapted a humanoid form, so it’s still sort of a new thing. Some crabpups will acquire clothing from other humanoid species, while others will use seaweed, leaves, and plant fibers to make clothing. They don’t use furs unless they live in colder climates.

Crabpup-made clothing usually looks pretty crude since they have to make it with their giant claws.