Muses | Jasmine

NOTE: This character's profile is still a WIP!








NOTE: This character profile contains sensitive subject matter.

This character includes triggering themes that include but may not be limited to:

  • Death
  • Violence (minor and explicit)
  • War / Bombings
  • Widespread Illness / Pandemics
  • Suicidal Ideation
  • World-Ending Scenarios

Warrior From Another Era



A warrior wished from another era, second only to Trunks. When she was spirited away, anomalies began to appear in various timelines that could destablize everything. Trunks, by request of the Supreme Kai of Time, made a wish to the dragon Shenron; bring a warrior capable of aiding him in fixing these strange changes. When the light dissipated, it was clear someone had been brought there; a human woman with long, unruly brown hair and crimson eyes.

Yet, it was soon clear that she wasn't what he expected; this was a warrior who didn't even know how to fly, as he found out during her first mission.In truth, she shares more similarities with him than he thought; they're both from different timelines where Earth had been all but destroyed, though by different means. And yet, there was more even Jasmine wasn't aware of...

...That Saiyan blood ran through her veins.


  • NAME MEANING An herb used in tea
  • AGE Mid-20's
  • BIRTHDAY September 27th
  • HEIGHT 5'2'' | 157cm
  • WEIGHT 158 lbs | 71kg
  • GENDER Agender
  • RACE Hybrid
  • Variation Human | Saiyan
  • OCCUPATION Time Patroller
  • JP Voiceclaim Yukana
  • ARCHETYPE The Outlaw
  • NICKNAME Jas, Nuisance
  • ZODIAC Libra
  • PRONOUNS She | Her
  • STATUS Active
  • BIRTHPLACE Alt. Timeline Earth
  • RESIDENCE Conton City
  • Religion Neutral
  • EN Voiceclaim Nicole Balick
  • Inspiration Prevolt (DOD3 OST)








5'2'' | 157cm


158 lbs | 71kg













What is each scar?

  • A scar left from when Jasmine's tail was removed in infancy, and thus is one she's unaware of.
  • Miscellaneous scars left from injuries in battle or during the decade she spent surviving on her own.
  • A slash and attempted stab from a sword caused these, wielded by a Demigra-controlled Trunks. She's aware they're there, but refuses to give any indication so that as to not place more guilt on him.
  • A fatal blow from Demigra. The scar was left from when this part of her body was reformed by Shenron so that she would come back to life.





  • BODY & FACE:
    • Anatomically speaking, she's female, often leading people to refer to her as such
    • Body doesn't show muscle mass very well
    • Skin is more peachy now than when she first arrived
    • Eyes have a very intense look to them
    • Broad shouldered
    • Fairly short, being the same height as Frieza in his final form
    • Has many scars on her torso, legs, and forearms [see Scar tab above]
  • HAIR:
    • Chocolate brown in color
    • Very messy and unruly
    • Parts stick out in different directions
    • Looks very soft despite how wild it looks
    • Tangles easily, but she doesn't seem to notice or care
    • Similar to Yamcha's when his hair was about the same length
    • Was cut to neck length at one point in her fight with a Demigra-controlled Trunks, as Demigra had grabbed it to hold her in place in an attempt to have Trunks kill her - it has since grown back
  • clothing:
    • Dark bluish-gray gi with a circular pattern on either side
    • Black leggings and a white undershirt
    • White tabi with black sandals
    • White guards on arms and legs with black ties securing them
    • Leather guard with a metal crest in the likeness of an orge (or possibly an oni?)
  • equipment:
    • A New-Model Scouter, has a green lense. Worn over left eye. [Lense Opacity = 65%]

Body Language

  • Very guarded, aloof, and standoff-ish. Extremely cautious unless alone.
  • Occassionally mutters to herself. Toys with her hair at times in thought.
  • Crosses arms often, as a subconcious way to create a barrier between herself and others.
  • Eyes are the easiest way to tell her current emotion, provided others know of this tell.
  • Especially cautious of anything being near her neck, even if it's not potentially harmful
  • Posture tenses up fairly easily, even if there's no threat
  • Almost always hypervigilant
  • Very expressive when she's not trying to hide her emotions
  • When she smiles, it's normally very soft if not timid as well
  • Almost never seems to fully relax
  • Will try to hide her face with whatever she can when embarrassed, even if it's very rather pointless to.

Other Outfits


Smokes: No
Alcohol: No
Takes Drugs: No
Physical Disabilities: None
Mental Disabilities: C-PTSD, GAD, CD


She doesn’t care much for any kind of drug or alcohol, but also doesn’t care if any one else uses any of it. Most of the time, she’s the sober one that has to make sure her friends get home safe and sound. While she has no physical ailments worth note, she does have undiagnosed symptoms of PTSD because of her background. Sirens in particular set off involuntary responses, normally flashbacks or panic attacks. All conditions are officially undiagnosed.


Introvert Extrovert

Loud Quiet

Cruel Kind

Reckless Cautious

Ill Healthy

Impatient Patient

Ignorant Knowledgeable

Energetic Calm

Lazy Hardworking

Perceptive Unobservant

Emotional Composed

Careless Diligent

Selfish Altruistic

Resilient Sensitive

Strong Weak

Competitive Cooperative

Materialistic Spiritualistic

Arrogant Humble

Haughty Submissive

Serious Silly

Unfeeling Compassionate



  • Altruistic
  • Loyal
  • Confident
  • Extroverted
  • Sarcastic
  • Observant
  • Selfless


  • Cautious
  • Secretive
  • Gentle-Hearted
  • Anxious
  • Distrusting
  • Depressive
  • Lonely


Guarded • Casual • Civil

Jasmine presents herself as being rather informal, but a bit polite. She hasn't forgot her mentor teaching her to always respect all, though it has eroded some into a very private and closed-off way of acting. She doesn't speak of herself often, and though may come off as sarcastic or guarded at times, doesn't seem neccessarily mean-spirited.

Once someone grows close enough to her, it's slowly revealed to be more of a facade. She's actually quite fearful and anxious, but forces herself not to be in order to live, then later to aid both Trunks and Chronoa.



Jasmine has a tendency to stare off into space. It happens seemingly at random, and either she's thinking about something deep. Thankfully, she's only really prone to this when nothing of substance is happening. The other possibility is that she knows someone is lying, and that's how she shows that she knows it's a lie.

Hair Twirling

An idle gesture she does rather often, she'll toy with one of the two locks of hair hanging from the side of her face. It's something she's done since she was young, and acts as a way to hold her attention on a particular topic. To a lesser extent, it also seems to be a way to soothe anxiety.


A verbal tick she's had since she was a kid. It was stronger then, but now only really stutters when emotions are high - be them positive or negative.



Typically very polite, but a bit soft-spoken. She struggles with being louder and it isn't uncommon for people to ask her to repeat herself. Can come off as sarcastic without really intending to do so.


Surprisingly, she does, normally when she’s angry or hurt in some way. Generally nothing big but it is certainly there. She does try to keep it toned down, but she can’t deny that there is something oddly satisfying about giving up on that idea and just letting all that rage loose. That is quite rare though, and in fact it's more often a curse under her breath.


When something goes wrong, she has a habit of saying ‘Crapbaskets’, albeit to herself. She doesn't really know when she started saying / thinking it when something happens.


"Sorry old man, I was running out of ideas."

— to Elder Kai on a mission

"I promise, I won’t break it anymore! I’m just not used to flying yet."

— to Trunks after breaking her scouter

"Why don’t you come here and test that theory then, overgrown hedgehog?"

— to Raditz

"I must’ve lost control of the ki for a second…"

— to Trunks, after failing to land properly while flying


Max Health

Max Ki

Max Stamina

Basic Attacks

Strike Supers

Ki Blast Supers


Increased Strength

Having Saiyan blood running through her veins, Jasmine's strength quickly proves to far outmatch that of a normal human even as a teenager. She had always chalked it up to her just not knowing her own strength, and while that assumption wasn't exactly wrong, it was more of a problem than an aid before her arrival. Now that she's in an enviroment where such a thing is equalled out more, it's easier for her to use it to her advantage.


Like many Saiyans, Jasmine is capable of withstanding much more damage than that of a normal human. Injuries that would normally kill a human are less of a problem, so long as no vital organs are damaged, and she can manage overall even with a number of severe injuries. This may have also contributed to why she was able to survive in the harsh conditions of her Earth.


While her sense of speed was worse than a normal half-saiyan at first, her overall agility was quite well-maintained. According to her, such a thing was important in scaling some of the more dangerous structures left barely standing after the bombings, so such a thing likely came out of the natural need to survive.

Prior Training

Being the student - and daughter, as she later found out - of a notable martial artist in her home era and later using it to survive a post-apocalyptic world, Jasmine has had plenty of training in hand-to-hand combat. Given that she already knows how to fight, she was able to at least hold her own even without yet knowing how to utilize ki, though the time did come where it clearly wasn't enough to go off of.


Universe Ignorance

Jasmine is not from the same timeline or universe as anything currently going on, and thus is vastly unaware of many things that others in this realm know plenty about as well as notable individuals residing in it. She has tried to curb this by watching the proper history from within the Time Vault, but she's still caught off guard by certain factors that seem a little more fantastical than what's found in her home era.

Emotion-Driven Recklessness

Jasmine tries to think with facts, but she's extremely emotional. If she sees something that sets off a reaction, she's going to deal with it no matter how dangerous it may be. This leads to some pretty dangerous situations that could have been avoided otherwise, as well as some additional psychological or emotional torment. Some, such as Demigra, have also used this fact against her - and played her like a flute.


While she can mostly manage to keep it lowkey in battle, in every other case, Jasmine is actually horribly clumsy. This was the case fairly early on, as she fell when Trunks was teaching her to fly, and she seems to break scouters rather easily for the same reason. It's improved some since her arrival, but only so much.

Social Difficulty

Given Jasmine's isolation from most non-hostile people and relatively sheltered childhood, it's not shock that she has quite the difficult time navigating social situations and thus rendering her quite awkward. This wouldn't normally be too much of a fault, but with plenty of extremely powerful figures in this universe being angered at even the wrong look... Well, she has to be very careful.



Ki | Ability to manipulate energy

Ki, chakra, spirit - no matter its name, this is the energy each living organism has, from the smallest seeds to enormous animals. While she had to learn how to utilize it, Jasmine - like many - has the ability to utilize her own energy in battle. It takes various forms, some visible while others are not. Despite her fairly decent control of it, however, it is still relatively difficult for Jasmine to use. Therefore, she uses ki less overall when compared to physical attacks, mainly using the energy to fly.


Kaio-ken | Fist of the World King

An ability Jasmine learned early on in her role as Future Warrior, and a technique created by King Kai. When activating the Kaio-ken, the user gains a red and fiery aura, and in turn, their whole body and clothes acquire a reddish tint, also bristling the user's hair and clothes. It's as if everything is heightened to an intense degree; power, speed, even hearing and vision improve dramatically. However, it can be extremely dangerous if you don't finish something quickly, as it puts a large strain on one's body. In the worst case scenario, it can end up fatal.


Super Saiyan | Transformation into a higher power

Awoken when her anger exploded upon finding out Towa was trying to erase Trunks from all existence. Her ki became much stronger, evidenced by the physical change in her hair and eyes, and resulted in a sharp increase in all her skills. However, the realization that she was never a full-blooded human makes this ability difficult for her to stand dealing with, and thus only uses it when the situation is dire. Later, she was able to reach SSJ2 against Demigra. So far, she can reach SSJ3, which she unlocked when she faced an opponent far more close to home; Trata, her Saiyan mother, controlled by Towa's magic.


Time's Wrath | Transformation of the Future Warriors [ x ]

A special transformation created by Chronoa, meant for those who would defend time itself. It gives the user various physical changes, the most unique being the gear-like rings of ki that appear to be similar to Angel halos, and must be achieved through very specific means. Only when one from the True Realm is able to exist on the same plane as their connected counterpart from the Mirror Realm is this form able to be reached. The only known users currently outside fusions involving them are Jasmine and Trunks.



Fighting | A Formidable Martial Artist

Being the student and child of a formidable martial artist in her era, Jasmine was one of the first her father - Master Juhua - taught, though he hid the familial tie from her. It appears the style seems to be a mix of Northern Shaolin and Xing Yi Quan, focusing on aggressive movements in order to end a battle quickly. Jasmine's style has since broadened as she's learned from figures in this universe's history - particularly Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Krillin, and Piccolo - but the "Shèngkāi Style", as she refers to it, is still very noticable within her movement in battle.


Flight | Using ki to travel by air

Originally, Jasmine didn't know how to fly like many of the others in Toki Toki City, as she soon realized was probably going to be a neccessity from her first fight with Raditz alone. Trunks had to teach this to her after he helped her to figure out how to utilize her ki, and if nothing else, the teaching part went relatively smoothly save for her falling when he forgot to tell her how to safely land. Now, this is what she uses her ki for the most - unless she's just spending time around Toki Toki City and later on Conton City, in which she uses the Flying Nimbus instead.


Sensing Energy | Noticing presense with ki

When she learned flight, Trunks also began to teach her how to use her senses to pick up on different energies of different people. This is what took her the longest to learn and, arguably, she's technically still learning it; she's still not quite used to utilizing her own ki all that much. So Jasmine's not very good at this, and thus still has a scouter to aid her along with having communication with the Time Nest, but she does know how to do it.



Sheilding Alarm | Sound-Created Ki Barrier

An ability Jasmine has had since arriving in Toki Toki City. When under the stress of battle, Jasmine can let out a screech that reverberates with Ki, creating a barrier around her and her immediate vicinity. This barrier can withstand some stronger attacks, but not all. It’s strength can only be held up for so long, however, so it can only be used sparingly; it causes strain on her vocal chords.According to her father, who was allowed to enter this Otherworld when she was killed, this is a skill her mother Trata wanted him to pass on to her despite his own difficulty in ki usage.


Blooming Fires | create a flowery explosion with ki

A technique mainly belonging to her deceased mentor, made stronger using her newfound ability to control ki. The user creates a ring of fire using their ki, and allows it to explode outwards at their opponent. It's supposed to resemble a flower opening its petals to bloom, and is an effective move for clearing a crowded battle.


Flame Retort | A burning counterattack

A counter attack that works similarly to Blooming Fires, in that the attact uses ki to create what appears to be fire. In this case though, the ki is wrapped around the user's hand or foot - whichever is being used to counter at the time - to deal extra damage to the attacking opponent. The ki can then either be shot as a blast or allowed to dissipate during the user's next move.


Wait Just A Minute! | Teleport and kick the opponent

A sneak attack Jasmine devised from combining an technique of her mentor's with her newfound skills. She first used it against Jeice in her battle with him, before he knocked her in between Goku and Ginyu in the midst of 'Change Now!', supposedly because something he said irritated her. Since then, it's been one of her more commonly-seen techniques, and has even spawned an encore technique - 'I Said Wait Just A Minute' - where the user kicks the opponent's head with both feet after teleporting.


Thirteenth Hour | Perform twelve strikes enhanced by ki before using a ki explosion

This is a series of strikes that are meant to distract an opponent, twelve in total, before a thirteenth attack comes in the form of a ki blast fired at point blank range. Rather it's a rather simile strategy, it's proven to he helpful at some rather surprising moments. In fact, the first usage of this attack that was successful was entirely accidental.


Moment of Evil's Bane | Immense beam of ki

The most powerful attack Jasmine has, and thus only used for very specific circumstances. It's a large beam of ki fired at the opponent at high speeds, enough to render their body to nothing. Made even stronger when others give her ki to her or when using one of her transformations, further adding to its firepower. Jasmine so far has only used this attack twice, once against Demigra's final form and again against a fused Mira. The reason for this is the strain it puts on her body; when she fires this attack, almost all her ki is gone and she can't fight after. It has to be what wins the battle, or else she's surely dead.


Wolf Fang Fist | Unleash an endless barrage of claw-like strikes

The first attack taught to her since being wished to Toki Toki City, and also the one she uses the most. The savage movements of this attack work well with how she tends to fight, so it's no surprise that it would be extremely useful in battle. It's even been the finishing blow a number of times, which shows the strength of the attack all on its own.


Burning Attack | Perform specialized hand signs and launch a powerful Ki Blast

Trunks hadn't expected Jasmine to try and teach herself his attack, but found her trying - and failing miserably - to use Burning Attack. She wasn't actually doing any of the handsigns when she was trying to teach it to herself, apparently she wasn't even aware there were specific ones, so Trunks wound up teaching this to her too. Apparently she just thought it was a cool attack, and wanted to use it on the various missions she was being sent on.


Meteor Crash | Attack in a fierce rush of kicks and punches

Another technique Jasmine will use frequently in an attempt to overwhelm an opponent and end a battle as quickly and painlessly as possible. Though it can be a bit difficult to keep the attack going, it's been shown to her to be quite effective in fights - at least in the case of weaker opponents. It's thankfully also quite difficult to block normally.


Orin Combo | Kick the opponent upwards until striking them back down

An attack taught to her by Krillin that, surprisingly enough, bears some similarity to an technique her father taught her. It's rather helpful in catching her opponents off guard, which can open up opprotunites for her to finish a battle quickly. This was likely the easiest technique for her to learn, given the similarities to what she already knew.


Neo Tri-Beam | Launch a powerful ki blast taking a geometric form

Tien's signature attack has proven to be helpful to Jasmine in battle in the same way as Krillin's Orin Combo. Though it's harder for her to execute due to the energy it requires, the concentration comes a little easier to her. Perhaps it's because of how Tien taught it to her, using Shielding Alarm - an attack given to her by Master Juhua - as an example for her.


Hellzone Grenade | Attack from all sides with a swarm of powerful Ki "grenades"

A rather difficult technique for Jasmine to use, due to her less-than-excellent ki control, that Piccolo taught her. While she has more than enough ki to use it effectively, it's hard for her to control so many bursts of energy at once, and uses the attack very sparingly because of this fact.


Super Explosive Wave | Throw your arms high and create an explosion around you

An effective way to keep opponents from crowding around her, something often needed given Jasmine's reckless fighting style. This was a technique taught to her by Piccolo not long after he became her mentor, and has so far been incredibly useful. Although, she struggles at times to activate it at the right time, leaving her open to attack every once in a while.


  • Writing letters
  • Hugs
  • Music
  • Fairytales
  • Robotics
  • Divination
  • Flying


  • Dating
  • Waking up early
  • Cold weather
  • Inactivity
  • Children
  • People getting close to her
  • Being alone


  • FOOD Pocky
  • DRINK Tea
  • COLOUR Blue
  • WEATHER Stormy
  • ANIMAL Ferret
  • HOLIDAY None
  • SEASON Summer
  • TIME Night
  • SONG I Burn




Jasmine isn’t great at it, but if (she thinks) she’s alone, she might start singing if she’s listening to a song. Though, she will get embarrassed if someone catches her in the act - especially if she was supposed to be training. This has probably happened once or twice since she came to Toki Toki City; in particular, there was a time - after defeating Demigra - that Trunks caught her singing to Tokitoki, much to her embarrassment.


listening to people talk

She's never been much of one for conversation, even as a child. A lot of the time, Jasmine will just be somewhere and quietly listen to what's going on around her. She won't chime in unless asked, and in most cases, doesn't even seem like she's paying attention unless the matter involves her. Before, it was just because she found other people talking fascinating as a kid. That still is the case to a lesser extent now, but she's also been in so few civil interactions with other people that it's hard to now. Gotenks has compared her to a silent protagonist in a video game because of this.



A rather new - and highly unexpected - interest of Jasmine's. She's always had a small passing interest in the concept of divination itself, but never this much until recently. Though she doesn't put much weight into the idea, and doesn't yet know much about the whole concept itself, it's oddly fun for her to see what the cards say. This may be the first hobby she's had not directly linked to her training in some way, aside from singing. She keeps a deck hidden away in her quarters inside a simple blue cloth, and the cards themselves are constellation-themed.



The stars have always provided a sense of comfort to Jasmine, so it's no suprise that this would continue after she was spirited away. This is because now, with her role as the Future Warrior, Jasmine knows that they'll always be there so long as she's alive and able to protect it. The constellations and patterns are different than what she's used to, which was jarring to her for awhile, but she's since adjusted to it and has even begun learning about the stories behind them.

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Defend Time

History is changing and no one can find why. However, if it is to continue, there could be severe consequences for the entire universe. As this was Jasmine's reason for arriving in Toki Toki City in the first place via a wish to the Dragon Balls, this is her most important priority. She must find the cause of these anomalies and stop them.



If there's one thing Jasmine hasn't known for years, it's peace. In fact, being in Toki Toki City at all - despite the reason for it - is the closest she's been to a peaceful area in a decade. It's a simple dream, but she doesn't think it's in the future for her any time soon.



For the most part, Jasmine gives no indication of the horrors she comes from, even after realizing it's not terribly different from Trunks's own past. In fact, she only ever talks about it when she's forced to, after Towa and Mira's actions left her with no other options. And when she does at last, it's extremely difficult for her to do.


Cicadas & Locusts

A fear she's had since early childhood. Though she knows these insects aren't of any harm to humanoids, she has a near-crippling fear of them. She won't kill them, thanks to her mentor Juhua, but she will absolutely be avoidant of them. This becomes very apparent when she has to fight Imperfect Cell the first few times.


  • Cha-La Head Cha-La | AmaLee
  • Bad Apple!! | RichaadEB & Cristina Vee
  • Lifelight | Amalee
  • Angel of Darkness | Yasmin K.
  • Take My Breath Away | DAGames
  • Only My Railgun | Jayn
  • Fighter | JubyPhonic
  • Oh No! | Marina & The Diamonds
  • Warriors | 2WEI & Edda Hayes
  • Remedy | Little Boots
  • Unbreakable | Fireflight


  • It's easy to make her blush.
  • As a child, she also had trouble pronouncing "R"s. That's not the case any more, but it was quite prevalent then.
  • She has quite a few similarities with Ocarina of Time's Link; Completely normal person thrown into this mess, travels through time to fight Demigra, is revealed to be not a human but a half-saiyan.
  • Jasmine's not very comfortable with her Saiyan side; she much prefers considering herself more human. So if she uses any grade of Super Saiyan, it's going to be when she's running out of options.
  • Jasmine is physically a woman, but doesn't see herself as any specific gender and thus will not follow any specific role. She won't correct anyone on what they percieve her as either, as she doesn't even care enough to do that, and will answer to just about anything. Since her physical appearance is very feminine though, she generally expects to be referred to as such by others; there's only one time someone assumed her to be a man, and many others when they weren't sure.
  • While she's both aromantic and asexual, a partnership of some kind is not off the table for her. They just take a different form for her, but the love and care she gives is still very similar to that of a romantic.


Extra Info

History | Origins of the Future Warrior

Plague Saga

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An Unlikely Pair; The Warrior from Space and Martial Artist from Earth

All of this began when a martial artist, having just recently gaining his own dojo to teach his style of martial arts, found a strange pod that crashed into the eath nearby one morning. There was a woman inside, dressed in odd armor, who had been injured and fallen unconscious. The martial artist - a man named Juhua - carefully got her out of the strange circular pod and brought her inside the dojo. There, he could more easily tend to the wound on her head and let her rest. She awoke a few hours later, though she wasn't the most docile person when she came to.

She moved right to attack the stranger, but he didn't react at all or move to block her attack. She stopped it right before her fist could make contact with his face, Juhua only commenting that he was surprised by how tall she was - they were almost the same height, and Juhua was tall even for a man. Since that seemed to distract her, he went on to explain what happened earlier that day. At the realization of her space pod having crashed, she rushed out to it to assess the damage. It was a quick revelation that she'd be stuck there for awhile, until she could fix what was broken, so Juhua offered for her to stay at the dojo until its repaired.

Over the next year, the woman - who eventually told him her name was Trata - ended up acquainted. He insisted on helping her repair the space pod even if he wasn't the most knowledgeable about normal Earth technology, let alone that of another world, and eventually she also began training with him. Over time, it was fixed well enough to be sustainable in space, but there was a little problem that came by the time the repairs were complete. Trata hadn't exactly intended to get as close to the human as she had, as such feelings - at least the kind by Earth's definition - were seen as a weakness.

Still, the two wound up a couple. And, as luck would have it, Trata figured out she was with child just a few days before she planned to leave Earth. With there being no possibility to risk the force of leaving Earth to return to her actual ship, she had little other choice but remain on Earth until the child was born.

The Small Child With Ruby Eyes

When her daughter was born, Trata could only stay for a short time to recover before she would need to return to her duty as a Saiyan warrior. The day before, she warned Juhua that other Saiyans may come looking for her, leaving Earth in the night after Juhua and the infant fell asleep. It was for the best, in her eyes, as Juhua wanted other things for the child than she did.

When Juhua awoke to find Trata gone but Jasmine still asleep, he had to sort out what to do. He hadn't wanted her to know of her Saiyan lineage if Trata left Earth, knowing it would surely be dangerous if what she warned him of was true. So, he decided it would be best to hide both it and the fact that he was her father. He removed the tail she was born with, and tweaked the story of what happened in his head. Instead of Trata leaving alone, he would say that her parents entrusted her care to him while they explored the vastness of space. It wasn't entirely wrong, though he felt guilty that he would have to change the truth a bit.

Juhua raised Jasmine as a normal human, and although she was mostly like your typical toddler, there were a few interesting quirks. Particularly, while the little girl's hair was softer than a full-blooded Saiyan's, it still was quite wild. Most means to tie it failed, and she also seemed to recover from injuries a little easier than normal human children. Jasmine, believing 'Master Juhua' to be her mentor, was set to become his apprentice and eventual successor of the Shengkai Dojo.

A Visit From Space! Where did this illness come from?

Six years after Trata left Earth, three Saiyans arrived with just one mission; find and retrieve the Saiyan child mentioned to be there. However, because Jasmine was only half, many features common in full-blooded Saiyans weren't apparent with her; she had different hair and eyes, and was unaware she ever had a tail. With Trata having neglected to inform them of where she could be found, the Saiyans eventually left empty handed.

However, they also left something behind. It was a minor illness to them, hardly any different for them than the common cold for humans, but Earthlings didn't have the same immunity to it. As the illness spread, it became more and more serious. People began to die from it, and the pace of these deaths only increased over the following weeks. It grew into an epidemic within months, but thankfully, it hadn't yet reached the Shengkai Dojo.

About this time, Jasmine had begun her training as Juhua's apprentice, having been told that her parents entrusted her to him before they left to explore space. Though the concern over this illness was growing, they continued to live a quiet life as Juhua taught her all he knew. Though, there were some training mishaps; Jasmine hit her head on the edge of a door at one point, and at another, was somehow able to get herself caught on the peg of a training dummy. She had to wait there until Juhua returned from gathering herbs to be freed; he was actually rather impressed that she managed to do that.

A Pandemic; The spread of a dangerous illness!

Within about two months, the illness grew to pandemic levels, infecting people across the globe, It was killing many, and even more who survived had side effects from the disease that may never leave them. Although it didn't seem that the disease would make it to the Shengkai Dojo, Jasmine and Juhua were still rather cautious of wandering away from the dojo. They were lucky not to get it; Juhua simply out of luck, and Jasmine due to her partial immunity.

Jasmine's training continued despite the growing pandemic, as it could thankfully be done with just herself and her mentor, away from most other people. She quickly gained an understanding of what she was being taught, just as Trata had told him she would due to her Saiyan blood. Combat and discipline both came easily to her, and by the time she was ten, she had begun learning techniques most didn't learn until their late teens at the earliest.

As time passed, the world adjusted. A cure had just begun undergoing development, but there was no telling when it would be completed. All the people could do was wait and persevere.

Wartorn Saga

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A Potential Cure At A Cost

Over the next few years, medical personel across the world were working feverishly to find a treatment - even a cure - to the illness that struck their world. One was eventually proven effective, but there was a problem; the two major powers in their world had begun arguing over who would recieve the first supply. Neither seemed to budge on their stance, but talks were being arranged to decide on a solution.

The first two went well, but that didn't last.

During the third discussion, one side had an assassination attempt occur, although it failed. The culprit revealed that they were hired by the other side and was able to give valid proof of this, and so, the discussions fell through. The leaders of both returned to their own contries, preparing for what would be done about this. Jasmine could tell something was wrong when news broke out, but Juhua tried to assure her that everything would be fine.

But his smile was ever so slightly off after that.

Retaliation; The moment everything fell apart

With the failed assassination came grave consequences for everyone.

War was declared and things quickly escalated. The two global powers decided to use their most powerful weaponry against each other to decide who would gain the chance to cure their people of the disease; bombs made from uranium. Many locations were targetted, including the large city that could be seen in the distance from the Shengkai Dojo, and there wouldn't be enough time to flee.

Juhua asked his apprentice to go into the bunker, where she would be safe, but refused when she asked him to come with her as it could only sustain one person. Jasmine rejected the idea with that realization, trying to push her mentor inside but he was immovable. Juhua then came up with a plan; he offered Jasmine to stay with him, knowing that what was to come would only be more difficult alone. Jasmine agreed, but when she was distracted, was knocked unconscious with a hit to the back of her neck.

Juhua caught her, and took her into the bunker. He activated everything neccessary for her to survive until the end of this nightmare, then left the shelter's interior and activated the lock. He returned inside the dojo, and awaited what was to come.

Sheltered From Destruction and a new friend

When Jasmine awoke, she was alone in the shelter. The doors were sealed tight, and what technology was there was already operating. In particular, there was a little computer that, when she started thinking out loud, actually responded to her. It called itself G4-14 so Jasmine nicknamed it GALA, and soon the AI began to tell her what had happened. GALA was installed into the bunker before Juhua found it, and is why the shelter was still able to be used; while he managed to fix some minor problems, most required GALA to fix and so only needed to keep its power going.

It showed the footage it captured before its camera was broken, depicting her mentor knocking her unconscious and entrusting her to GALA, before leaving the bunker. The next it showed her was the blast from the bomb, before the footage cut to static. That was where its camera failed. The young martial artist broke down, with the AI awkwardly trying to console her.

Once she'd calmed down, she asked if she'd ever be able to leave, in which GALA told her eventually she could - at least, once the fallout cleared. GALA had a monitor that would tell them when it was safe to leave. However, the AI warned that once she left, it would be deactivated as its purpose had been served. And so, Jasmine spent the next few months with the AI, until its readings showed that the fallout had cleared. GALA thanked Jasmine for treating it as a person rather than an AI and quietly deactivated, allowing the doors to unlock on their own.

Survival Saga

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Alone and Afraid On The Scarred Earth

A few months after the bombings occurred, the fallout finally cleared enough to leave her small shelter. When she came out of the bunker, only vague remnants of the Shengkai Dojo remained; the blast had obliterated just about everything in sight. A young Jasmine was left there within the ruins of her lost home; whatever food was still in tact had long-since gone bad, safe for a few spare days' worth in the shelter.

She spent the next two weeks there, her fourteenth birthday passing without her even realizing it. She built Master Juhua a makeshift grave, filling it with whatever flora was left nearby as there was no body to bury, where the tea flowers he had been growing once were. Eventually though, her body became weaker from the lack of food, and fresh water was starting to become harder to find in the immediete vicinity too. Finally, though she was terrified to, she finally left the ruins of the Shengkai Dojo.

Eventually, she collapsed from exhaustion, only to be found by a small group of other survivors. They'd originally thought her dead, but once they checked and realized the teenager was alive, quickly got her back to the little settlement they'd established. She stayed with them for a time, but it didn't last. One of the survivors grew irritated with her, thinking she was getting special treatment, and began turning everyone else against her.

Jasmine was eventually run out.

Learning To Survive; A Decade-Long Trial

Over time, Jasmine got used to surviving on her own. Amazingly, her training beforehand proved quite helpful, allowing her to handle the harsher conditions a little easier than the other survivors. It allowed her to set up multiple little "bases" around the area she stayed in, fairly out of sight or in places others would think impossible to act as shelter. She even managed to find some old books in a library that still stood somewhat, which allowed her to avoid any dangerous flora and fauna.

She appeared to other people less and less often, eventually only showing up once in a blue moon to trade or very rarely pass along a message to another settlement. However, this isolation soon became a double-edged sword; while she was often safer by being alone, she also grew to fear other people and what social skills she did have quickly deteriorated. She became extremely guarded and blunt over time, private to a fault in order to avoid any mishaps with other people.

Of course, even that would never prepare her for what was to come.

The Fateful Day! A Life Turned Upside-Down

Ten years to the date after the bombings occurred, Jasmine found herself negotiating with a small settlement just outside the ruins of a small (almost village-like) town where her current "base" was located. She'd tried to talk into lending her a bit of food in exchange for the ammunition she'd found. She didn't have much use for firearms, given her exceptional martial arts abilities, but she slipped up and said the wrong thing to their self-appointed "leader". She recieved some nasty cuts - one from a bullet that grazed her leg and another from a knife put to the base of her neck - and fled, leaving half of the ammunition there. They chased her for a short time, but eventually she lost them after ducking through a few alleyways in the ruined town.

She managed to return to her makeshift base, the lowest level of the town's small library (or rather what was left of it), otherwise unscathed. She began to treat the injuries with a first aid kit she grabbed from an abandoned hospital a few days prior, but she hesitated. Something was watching her, but no matter where she looked, no one was there. Thinking herself just paranoid, she continued her self-treatment.

That was when she heard the deep, bellowing voice - not audibly, but in her head. She hardly had a moment to think before she was blinded, and felt something around her shift. It was as if she were moving, but she was entirely still.

Xenoverse 1 | Tale of the Demon God


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Time Broken Apart

Outside the bounds of time, the Supreme Kai of Time begins noticing anomalies appearing in the many branching timelines. The powers of those who once threatened so much were growing unexpectedly strong, so much so that she hadn't known what she and her assistant could do on their own. The Supreme Kai of Time Had devised a group of time travelling warriors referred to as the Time Patrol, lead by her assistant - a man who managed to travel through time to create a better future, Trunks - but would they be enough? It didn't seem so, they needed more help. Trunks came up with an idea, one to utilize a powerful relic.

They could gather the Dragon Balls. With all seven, they could ask the Eternal Dragon to bring someone to Toki Toki City, someone with the potential to help them in this mission. The Supreme Kai of Time came to agree with him, sending him off to gather them. Thankfully, it wasn't particularly difficult for them, and Trunks began the preparations to make that fate-defining wish...

A Wish Granted; The Future Warrior Appears!

Having gathered all the Dragon Balls to Toki Toki City’s pedestal, Trunks summons Shenron. When asked for his wish, he explains that he needs a warrior with the potential to help him stop the force manipulating the timelines. The dragon’s eyes glow as the wish is accepted, and with it, a bright light begins to shine. It gains a humanoid figure, and once the light fades, reveals the warrior Shenron brought to Toki Toki City; a woman barely any older than Trunks, with crimson red eyes and long brown hair. Problem was, she didn’t exactly look like a warrior, being dressed like just a normal civilian. The woman looked confused, glancing around only to eventually spot the huge dragon looming in the sky behind her before it disappeared, scattering the Dragon Balls in doing so.

Trunks approached her, and the woman was immediately put on guard once she spotted the sword on his back. Apparently she was right to do so; without so much as noting her confusion, Trunks lunged at her with the blade unsheathed with the woman only barely dodging the sword’s motions. Though, he instead decided to come at her without any weapon, given she herself didn’t have one. She had a lot of trouble fighting back, but eventually, came to realize she’d have to. The scuffle came to a halt when something occurred that shocked both of them; with a loud yell, a barrier seemingly made of Ki keeping Trunks at bay, only ending when she went silent. With that, Trunks stopped fighting her, apparently impressed.

Tossing his sword into the air and letting it land perfectly in the sheathe on his back (and scaring the woman half to death in doing so), Trunks apologizes for attacking her, explaining that he had to test her. The explanation began once introductions were out of the way, that Trunks wished for the woman - Jasmine - to be brought to this city that seemed outside the grip, all to help him fix the worrying changes in history. Jasmine has doubts that she’s anything of the sort of warrior he’s looking for, but he disagrees; Shenron wouldn’t make a mistake like that. And so, although uncertain of what she must do, agrees to help Trunks in his mission.

With that over, Jasmine officially became a Time Patroller, and Trunks lead her to the Time Nest.

A Temple Where Time Gathers, The Time Nest

Upon entering the Time Nest, Trunks pulled out a scroll with a strange violet aura flowing around around it. As he began to explain what was happening, he placed the scroll on the table before them - unraveled - as it showed a scene play out. A man in odd armor had an aura around him similar to that she could see on the scroll, completely overpowering the other two fighting him. As she watched the scene play out, Trunks continued on with his explanation; that none of this was meant to go on the way it had, and that he needed her help to stop it. When she questioned why he needed her to stop it, it was revealed that he had wished her there for that exact purpose. He would be keeping an eye on things, but had to stay in the Time Nest for the time being.

Trunks closed the scroll back up, and held it out to Jasmine. Though she was reluctant, she accepted and allowed it to send her back to the time he'd shown her; Age 761.

Raditz Saga

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Gohan Kidnapped! The Saiyan From Another World

As Raditz fights Goku and Piccolo, he at one point knocks knocks the two away and dodges Gohan's attempt to stop him. Seeing the opening, Raditz tries to kill the then-unconscious Gohan with a ki blast, but misses as a new power level is detected by his scouter. When the dust clears, Jasmine is seen lying the sleeping child in a safe place on the ground before her attention is turned to him. Though Goku and Piccolo are confused, having never seen this woman before, they assume she's on their side since she just saved Goku's own son from certain death. The two of them get back to their feet, and they begin to fight again with their newfound ally.

The fight itself isn't easy. Apparently the flight Trunks was capable of and those energy-like attacks were actually pretty common among these guys, with her being the only one that couldn't utilize either. Still, despite this, their efforts combined were enough to defeat Raditz. It was in a way that Jasmine hadn't been prepared for, though; Goku, the father of the kid she just saved, sacrificing himself to ensure Piccolo's attack would land. She took that time to hide away, watching from behind the face of a cliff before allowing the Scroll of Eternity to bring her back to the Time Nest.

The Supreme Kai of Time Appears

With the first of her missions complete, Trunks and Jasmine began to head their way out of the Time Nest in order to take care of the numerous wounds she'd recieved while fighting Raditz. However, as they left the Time Vault, a rather large owl caught their attention, and with it a small Core Person. Trunks was quick to introduce her as Chronoa, the Supreme Kai of Time whom governs the entire place. Though, Jasmine learns quickly that the idea of wishing her there was merely a suggestion made by Chronoa - and that Trunks was supposed to prepare her better for the fight.

After scolding Trunks for - as Chronoa put it - not treating Jasmine 'like a lady', she uses her power to both heal her and replace her tattered clothing with a new gi that would be much easier for her to fight in. She then instructed Trunks to teach her to use ki and to fly, so that she would have a bit less trouble in the next part - it would be needed, as apparently more scrolls were beginning to change. Though he's uncertain about the idea, she encourages him - besides, it was his responsibility to help her since he was the one that brought her there.

With that out of the way, the two leave the Time Nest to begin Jasmine's ki training.

Time To Manipulate Energy!


Saiyan Saga

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Namek Saga

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Ginyu Force Saga

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Frieza Saga

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