Clear Info




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Another header oops

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Basic Info

Current Residence:
Character Theme: Link

Omega had been shattered into thousands of fragments, though how or why is unknown. Some time after, it began to attempt to reassemble itself, and continued to this end in spite of any obstacle. Clear ends up in Teros - the fragment of a world where his crystal became active - where he stays until Bolbol makes him a cloak of Flying Water to cover his entire body and hold his power at bay. It is by fate that he encounters Ai after she had fallen off the submarine in the Ocean Puzzle. Clear tried to steer clear of Ai out of fear of killing her by accident, having self-loathing for destroying everything he touches.

Pist Shaz XI sends his Omega-hunting minions to track down Clear. They find him, but Clear flees with Ai. Safe in a cave, Clear introduces himself to Ai as being a part of Omega, in search of his "siblings" which are the other pieces of Omega. Kaze discovers the two and attempts to destroy Clear because of his true nature as the heart of Omega, but Ai stops him. Pist's three minions appear again and capture Ai. Clear saves her, but his glove comes off and he unleashes his destructive power. Ai is saved by Lisa and Yu on Chobi, leaving Clear behind to be caught. Later, when Clear becomes the last piece of Omega in existence, he fuses with his Flying Water suit to create a stable crystal for Earl Tyrant to absorb.

In the series aftermath Clear's crystal is retrieved by Crux and given to Makenshi, who entrusts it to Ai in the After Spiral. Clear was inserted into the Airship Sylvia to serve in the ship's Flying Water Recycling System (allowing said airship flight), giving him a peaceful end to his violent story. At least, for the time being, until he became active once more...

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