Cid Info



Blog Info

Independent | Selective | Mutuals-Only | Low-Activity | Crossover Friendly | OC / SI Friendly

  • Independent: This blog isn't really affiliated with any particular group or fandom, I'm just kinda in my own lil bubble.

  • Selective: I'm quite selective with who I follow, as I tend to get overwhelmed very easily. This is nothing against you if I happen to not follow you back, as it could be as simple as things not being tagged properly or our writing styles not seeming to mesh.

  • Mutuals-Only: To keep myself from getting too overwhelmed, I have to keep my blog private. Like before, it's nothing against you if I feel RPing with you wouldn't really work out! This is just to keep me somewhat sane. This is a sideblog of my FFXIV OC, paradoxeyed! So, if that blog follows you, we're mutuals.

  • Low-Activity: Soooo I can't be here all the time. While I do not work, I'm not always able to focus on RP stuff, a lot of the time I'm at the mercy of my attention span. Not only that, I also do commission work and as of right now I'm redoing my Vtuber stuff to return to streaming sometime in 2023. Both take a considerable amount of attention since I do everything myself.

  • Crossover Friendly: Most of my past muses were for fandoms that relied heavily on crossovers, as I was often the only person RPing for that particular series, so I'm very open to them! In fact, I will bend over backwards to make one work if it means a possible long-term bond for my muse, so don't be scared to follow! His series is pretty much made for the concept.

    However... I do have my biases for / against certain series, but I’m not going to turn away a muse outright just for the series they’re affiliated with. The ones I write in have plenty of, frankly, fucked up things that happen in them either due to the time they were written or necessary for the story. I would be a hypocrite for doing that, so as long as the other mun understands the factors surrounding their character, they’re fine with me. Mun does not equal muse, after all - whether or not I write with someone 100% depends on the contents of their blog and what I can glean of the person behind it.

  • OCs / SIs Loved: Listen. LISTEN. I love OCs and I love self inserts. This muse is an OC, I have other OCs off Tumblr, and I have a few self inserts myself! You are welcome here, I just need some basic info available somewhere. OCs and Canons are treated equally here, and I mean it, because I myself know how favored Canons are and how hard interactions can be to get for OCs despite how it takes so much more to create them.

Out-of-Character Interactions

  • Adults Only: I'm sure there's a lot of younger RPers who are really good writers. However, I have decided to not interact OOC (or IC) with muses whose muns are below 20. I'm in my late 20's after all, teenagers don't need to be talking to me and I don't need to be talking to them!

  • OOC Asks & IMs: Open to all! Please, feel free to send anything, be it a random question, a meme, a headcanon, anything! Just nothing hateful - even proper critique is accepted. The IM system is only for mutuals, and is always OOC. Best for plotting when I haven’t given someone my Discord.

  • Passwords: I do not require a password, but I will always check around for one. I will do this for the sake of those who need them, I don't mind even despite my anxiety.

  • Formatting: I don’t worry about your formatting, just make sure I can read it. Note that any text smaller than the normal small text and/or large spacing in between each word hurts my eyes and is hard to read, especially when heavily formatted, even though I have no vision impairment. Basically, if I have to move your reply to a text document and remove the formatting so I can read it, prooooobably not a good sign.

In-Character Interactions

  • Asks & Memes: IC interactions are kept to mutuals only. Likewise, continuing IC answers are also regulated to mutual-only. They can be reblogged so long as I haven't disabled the reblog button, as I will for some (mostly OOC and HC) posts!

  • Unacceptable Topics: Rape, Pedophilia / Ephebophilia, Incest, Bestiality, Homophobia / Transphobia / Aspecphobia. Dare try any of this with me, and you’re gone. Don’t want “pro-shippers” around either - the idea of fiction being fictional doesn’t work as an excuse to partake in horrible topics without the necessary nuances that come with it.

  • Child / Teenage Muses: I don't outright reject muses who are minors - everyone was a kid once, and the muse's age doesn't dictate a compelling story - but interactions with younger muses will always be platonic, and likely some sort of mentor and student bond. However, if I see anything gross being done with that muse inside or outside of my interactions with them, it's an instant block.

  • Fights: I’ll try to write them! I’m not so sure how often they’ll end up happening here though, at least as of right now, but given that many forms of combat are a big part of some of my characters, with Faelux being no exception... it’s bound to come up.

  • Godmod: Godmodding and metagaming is absolutely not okay. If you try to do either, I will mention to you that you should not be controlling my character or knowing information about her that your muse ordinarily wouldn’t without her showing or telling your muse. The only exception is Echo users, and that must be discussed beforehand as I will do for you.


  • Likelihood: I'm not entirely sure if there will be shipping here! Jury's still out on it, come back later for when I have a better idea~

  • Forcing Ships: Just… no. Do not do this. This is not okay. Don’t be afraid to approach me about your muse’s feelings, but don’t say our muses are together without talking to me first.

  • Smut: I do not write smut. If you write it, no reason to worry, you do you. Just do not try to involve me in it, and put it under a read-more (or at LEAST give me a tag to block). It makes me very, very uncomfortable, as I am a highly sex-repulsed aroace - the mere thought quite literally makes me physically ill, as if I'm going to lose my lunch. Consider my muse asexual or otherwise uninterested.

Drama Policy

  • Involvement: Leave your drama at the door. I’m fine with lending an ear (or eye?) if you need to vent, but don’t try to get me involved. And for the love of gods, don’t shit-talk about me behind my back, vagueblog about me (whether you'll think I'll see it or not), or any of that shit. I do not have the energy to deal with middle school drama.

  • Theft: The headcanons, any art tagged with my mun art tag, theme, and Cid’s graphics were made from screencaps I took myself. Please, do not take anything you see here as your own. If you want to see the raw images, I can provide the raw screencaps. if it’s art or a PSD you want, then we can discuss some sort of agreement via my commissions. Just don’t take anything.

  • Anon Hate: Don’t even think about sending it. It will be deleted, it will be blocked, and you will be outed if I find out it’s you. I’m tired of the harassment. Anon is a priviledge, not a right; if people can't behave like adults, then it will be revoked. If it's IC it's one thing, and even then there are limits, never send it OOC.

  • Callouts: You will not see callouts reblogged to this blog, but I do pay attention to them. However, this is all left up to my decision if I continue to interact with someone after reading one. I will only ever entirely cut off a person if they've both done something objectively bad and do not seem like they will change their behavior. More likely is that I'll read it, do my own research, ask around, and then make up my own mind. I do not participate in witch hunts or harrassment of anyone, even if I were to find that it isn't suitable for me to continue associating with that person.

  • Blocking: I have a right to block whoever I see fit, for whatever reason I deem it neccessary. Most of the time, I will only softblock, unless there is a case where continued attempts at contact is a likely situation to happen. If I block someone, I refuse to speak to them, simple as that. On top of that, though I do not mind people interacting with those I've blocked, their URLs will be filtered out in both tags and content filtering systems. Apologies if that makes me miss something, as Tumblr's filtration system isn't perfect.

The Mun

Cloudy | 27 | She / They | Agender | AroAce | VTuber

  • Oh hey there, that's me! I'm the dork behind this silly muse~ I feel more comfortable when I know the people I write with, so I figured I’d make this page to return the favor.

  • I can be very, very timid. Even without the mental issues I have, it’s just in my nature. Speaking of that! Yes, I have been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder as well as Chronic Depression, professionally of course. May also have some form of neurodivergency, but I can't get a proper diagnosis. I am working on managing all these, but I still do have setbacks a lot. I just ask that you bear with me when they happen, as they will affect my activity - it's the only reason I choose to disclose that information.

  • All my strongest triggers are audible, but I may still request things to be tagged if it squicks me out too much - if it isn't already tagged anyway!

  • I am extremely familiar with Unlimited, but I understand that most people aren't. Please, feel free to ask for explainations on anything that may seem confusing to you. I would also suggest checking out shiroi---kumo and kazeofthemagun, as they are primarily the two other FF:U RPers I interact with. They will be brought up in other threads.

  • I like using Lavi as a mun FC~ If you see him and not Faelux, you know for sure it's me talking! Well, if the OOC tag isn't enough anyway-

Basic Info

Name: "Cid"
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 21 (by appearance)
Occupation: Comodeen Inventor
Class: Mechanic
Current Residence: Wonderland
Character Theme: Cid the Genius Scientist

Cid is a cheerful, optimistic, and energetic technician, a wizard at anything electronic. A member of the Comodeen, he spends most of his time, building, maintaining and piloting his many inventions. He has the unusual habit of naming his machines with female name, and treating them as if they were alive. When ever they are damaged, the normally timid technician will fly into a rage, activating his Ultimate Hammers to destroy whoever or whatever has brought harm to them. He is well versed in things other people know little about, such as flight water, Soil, and a number of other objects and phenomena of Wonderland.

Not much as been revealed of Cid's back story, but what is known is that some time ago his world was destroyed. When the Comodeen noticed his exceptional mechanical skills, they recruited him in their war against Chaos. When ever the Comodeen is seen in the first section of the series, Cid will not be far away, usually working on a gadget or machine of some description.

In the second part, after the submarine Jane sets sail, he becomes much more influential as the pilot of the ship. He often assists the Comodeen with his various machines, solving otherwise impossible problems with a few key strokes, such as building the airship Silvia to allow the Comodeen to approaching the flying fortress Gaudium, or hijacking the defensive satellite protecting the fortress and many other tasks.

V01: lost in wonderland

Main verse, set post-series. ...

V02: the next magitek prodigy


Blog Tags