sommus vex

"To be alone at night"


Sommus Vexs are an open species created by faurnn. Please be sure to read this entire front page before creating your own though as there are a few rules set by moderators that I suggest you follow before making a Vex of your own.


Name sommus vex (“vex” or “vexling”)
Life span 45-50 years without magic
Diet omnivore with meat preference

  • deep forests and ruins.
  • areas of less light.
  • inactive spots in the forest where there are less critters running about.
  • they like their peace.

  • overlapping noise or noises from any other creature besides the sommus vex.
  • comotion and busy spots.
  • creatures larger than them.

Creation rules

  • Sommus Vex are an open species.
  • The only requirement is that you tell a moderator when you’ve created a Sommus Vex so we can include it in the Masterlist.
  • All Vexs must be included on the Masterlist or Toyhouse world.
  • There are no levels of rarity in traits, every trait is available for you to use



(NOTE: Heaven in this world is less of where people go after they die, but rather Heaven is a place only for the angels and Gods)

Created by the Gods to protect their ruins, Vexs were fierce guard dogs sitting beside the earthly gold thrones of Gods. Breed to be loyal and obedient, blood blessed by the trust of ancient deities. Heavenly beings chained to earth to protect the Gods’ ruins and artifacts -- forced to watch Heaven from marble castles in the dirt and grime of the Earth.

The Gods gave them everything. Vexs were handed down masks from the Gods, which allowed them magical powers. The Gods gave Vexs golden teeth and large gold-claw paws to tear their enemies. Vexs were handed everything; immortality, strength, claws and hides of steal.


Many decades have passed from those days, now it’s cold without the Gods.

Vexs are aimless creatures. They are no longer forced to protect the ruins, no ties hold them back, no future laid out for them. Now there is no Heaven to look to. They are running out of their gifts, no Gods to fix their new found mortality. Their masks are running low -- their magic is fading. No new masks are being created to combat the growth of the Vexs population. Many Vexs are born maskless, and elders must give up their masks for their grandchildren.

They are guard dogs with nothing left to guard.

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