┊magic & masks


┊Masks Shapes:

Masks can be any size and shape. It is preferred that it dips near the top-middle making almost a vague heart shape (or barn owl face) but that's not a strict rule, just a preference.


  • Maximum of 1 eye.
  • Eye must be only on one side of the mask.
  • Eye can be any shape, style, or size so long as there is only one. (it can also be forever closed or forever open)
  • Only Variant 1 Vexes can have horns. (the horns can be any style, length, or amount)
  • Variant 1 can also have antenna, extra ears, and/or wings on the head without it costing an extra ability.
  • Masks can have drawn mouths but they cannot open (unless it is an extra ability of theirs)


┊Masks and the Powers Given:

Masks are holy items handed down from the Gods, they grant the Sommus Vex holy abilities. Some are granted to all masked Vexs, while some masks have specialized abilities that most other masks do not obtain. Specialized abilities often go with the temple or holy place the Sommus Vex was left to guard. These abilities also can lead to physical traits such as wings, special vision, or water breath. Abilities that are not visible are more common though.

All masks include these abilities: 

┊ gold blood

┊ strength incomparable to any wolf or lion

┊ maws with the strength of an alligator  

┊ claws made with the durability of raw steel

┊ large, powerful fore paws

┊ immortality

Some common special abilities are:

┊wings (either two on the back or four with two on the head)

┊mouth tails

┊multiple eyes/mouths

┊sharp teeth

Keep in mind all abilities have their limits. Their strength could not lift a mountain, they probably could not lift a whole bus by themselves. Everything has it's breaking point.

A mask can only have a max of 3-4 abilities. Maybe more if they are purely cosmetic, but special vision or better hearing or stuff special like that will be limited to only 2 per mask.


┊Temporary Removal:

The mask can be removed temporarily, but a bond between the mask and the soul is still kept. When this soul bond between the Vex and the mask is kept, the mask (and thus, the magic) cannot be shared or transferred. A Vex can be maskless without breaking the soul bond for only a short amount of time -- an hour or two but they will become sickly. Their magic is weakened as their connection to their mask is dimmed due to the distance from the Vex and the mask. Physical abilities such as wings or water breathing may be affected by those extra limbs by being weaker or sore.

Their appearance without a mask varies heavily from Vex to Vex and from the location they are designed to guard. They tend to have multiple eyes or large maws but really anything is on the table. It is preferred that they have the aesthetic of a misshapen archangel but that is definitely not a requirement.



┊Transferring a Mask:

To give magic to one's child, the connection between the soul and the mask must be severed, causing the mask to rebond with its new host. Magic cannot be made or shared, and once magic is transferred to a child the Giver will lose all of its magic. A mask with a physical ability will cause new limbs or abilities to grow.

A mask with special abilities will always have the same ability regardless of the Vex. A specialized mask will always be the same no matter what, its magic cannot change without an act of God.

A mask with physical abilities or physical alterations is best to give to a child at the youngest age possible, as growing new limbs is easier on a child than an adult.


┊A Maskless Vex and Losing Magic:

A maskless Vex is a soulless Vex. Without magic, they will turn into an unblessed creature left to roam. They lose all form of identity or higher thought, they are no better than the deer the wolves hunt. 

A maskless Vex (also known as a Revor) is larger than a wolf, but is incomparable to a Vex in anyway in strength or power. Revors are not social creatures, unlike the Vexes which are known for their family units. Revors are solitary and hunt alone, they do not stick together. Unlike Vexes, Revors do not fear the locals and are known for ravaging farms for their live stock. Vexes have a strong instinct to run from other creatures of all kinds, while Revors do not have that strong fear-driven instinct in them. 

Revors are strictly carnivores, and only eat other food sources out of pure desperation. They are not sadistic, violent animals. They only kill when they must, but when they do kill they are brutal. They are known for leaving bloody messes and throwing intestines and guts around while eating. They rip apart animals violently and are known for playing with their food.

Revors have a life span of 20-25 years max.

Revors cackle like hyenas and seem to smile. They have an almost puppy like demeanor, with wiggling tails and play-bows. They aren't dumb enough to care for your emotions, but they also aren't smart enough to understand fences or windows.
