eingel anatomy

unlinked eingels 

the following information applies to all eingels, linked or not 


- head with one eye, humanoid body. no mouth 

- only two colors are present on an eingel, the major and minor color

- major color is shared with the body and pupil

- minor color is shared with the sclera and blood/ scars/wounds

- both the major and minor color can be any solid color [no gradients or patterns]


- the eingels pupils can be any shape, as long as the pupil shape is constant between all eyes

- an eingel always has two extra eyes on its body, more often than not they're on their palms. if for some reason the eingel has no hands or for some other reason it's not on their palms then the two extra eyes can be anywhere else on the body, however if both eyes are present somewhere inconvenient it may render creating offspring impossible


- an eingels tail may be any solid singular shape, no floating parts

-  a long string with a shape at the end is the most common, but not mandatory 

- the tail must have one eye at the end [same color and pupil shape as the rest]


linked eingels 

this appearance is also referred to as an eingels flipped form when possessing a bipedal body


- once linked, an eingel will start to grow its wings

- an eingel can have as many wings as it wants to, one single wing? fifty? both allowed

-while it can have any type of wing it wants, an eingel is only allowed to have one type of wing 

- feathery or solid wings can be either the minor or major color, the eingel can also have a mixture of the two

- skeletal wings must be the body color

- if a wing contains membranes then the membrane must be the minor color

- if the wings are containers filled with liquid, the container will be the major color and the liquid the minor color

-these wings must be attached to the body, they can't be floating, otherwise it makes having them redundant 

[extra characteristics]

- the eingel will also start to sprout characteristics so that it appears similar to its link partner

- characteristics such as animal ears[if it's not a human], tufts of fur/hair, whiskers, scars, birthmarks, spikes and fins

- animal ears and tufts of fur/hair will always be the major color, the others can be either the major or minor color

these characteristics must be present on their link partner, i

- cuts and wounds received by it's link partner will also show up on the eingels body in real time


possessing a biped

this appearance is referred to as either it's unflipped or possessed form

[if the corpse is a human, kemonomimi, or digitigrade or plantigrade anthro]

- the eingel will replace the soles, inner legs, stomach, inner arms and palms of the corpse, this is one connected piece. It's possible for certain parts such as a leg or a hand to be missed out.

- the eingel can also replace the neck [or just the front region] and up to the lower jaw, if it covers the mouth then its unflipped form will no longer have a mouth.

- regardless of whether the corpse originally had a tail or not,  the unflipped form will only have the eingels tail 


- the corpses eye and pupil color is now the same as the eingels

- it still has an eye on each palm. If for some reason the eingel is unable to have an eye on one or both of its palms [either because the eingel hasn't replaced it or the corpse is missing it] then the eye will be moved to another region where the eingel is replacing the corpse. It's common in this case for the eingel to replace an animal ears if available


- the eingel can choose to keep or remove its wings whilst it's in its unflipped form [when flipped it will still have its wings regardless]


possessing a quadruped

[this appearance is referred to as either it's unflipped or possessed form]

[if the corpse is a feral]

- the entire underside of the corpse is replaced with the eingel as well as the soles. can either stop at the neck or go all the way up.

- the tail is replaced with the eingels tail [if it didn't have a tail originally it does now]
- if the corpse has fur it will become much fluffier or thicker 


- the corpse no longer has paw pads

- only the front paws grow claws. this is mandatory to keep the eingel on the ground

- the front paws each have an eye where the paw pads would originally go

- the corpses eye and pupil color is now the same as the eingels

unless the corpse originally had wings, the unflipped form will not have the eingels wings

[new flipped form?]
- rather then the previously discussed anthro link/flipped form, eingels possessing ferals will no longer be anthro when flipped. they instead take on the anatomy of the corpse

-they also no longer have the wings they had in their linked form [it is extremely rare for them to keep them, but has happened]
