
Written by FIRST RESPONSE Scientist ███████ F██████. May he rest in peace.
Some information has been censored as to protect confidentiality.


It's been ██ years since the Apocalypse wrapped the Earth in its deadly embrace.
No one expected it to happen - even though there were games, movies and books made on the subject, there were no warning signs, no changes at all - or so we thought.

Maybe, because of our achievements, we were too blissfully ignorant of the things around us.
Maybe, because of our current issues, we did not care enough about our surroundings.
And this would lead to the beginning of what seemed like the end of humanity.


This year, humanity is flourishing.
This is the year of technological advancements. It appears as though advancing steps are being taken every single month.
New technology leads to more efficient methods of producing items, leading to rapid growth of humanity's advancements - faster than any year recorded by far.
People begin to prepare the coming of a new century, hanging up decorations to decorate now-ruined cities, creating giant dishes for feasts that would never come...it seemed so bright.
Yet that light would be snuffed out in mere moments.


The first sightings of FL3uR have been reported in ████████, AUSKIA. An unidentified pathogen that brings on symptoms similar to the common flu, such as fever, a runny nose and a cough. Because of this, it was left unreported for a while - it is suspected that the pathogen may have first shown up months ago.
Currently, it is classified as a VIRUS.

Minor research on this new virus has revealed the following:
- This virus is a relatively new and unstable virus with unknown origins, although it has been suspected to have been from a biotech lab █ kilometres away from ████████.
- It is spread through bodily fluids instead of being airborne.
- The pathogen is HIGHLY prone to mutating, having mutated ██ times over the course of ██ days.

 F██████ adds a note: "I was one of the scientists who would discover this virus shortly after this outbreak. 
Known as the FIRST RESPONSE Scientists now, we would be the first to realise that this pathogen was like nothing we've ever seen before."

The first deaths related to FL3uR have been reported.
These deaths cannot be grouped into a specific demographic, but all of the deaths appear to be due to complications regarding heart issues.
Governments are warning citizens of this virus and are recommending them to limit travel as much as possible as it begins to be reported in different countries.
Living samples of the virus have mutated even more, causing it to potentially become a bigger hazard, much to the concern of scientists.
I'm trying to make sure my family doesn't get sick. I don't let my kids go out as much and my wife has become a full stay-at-home mother.
My dog has gone missing, though I don't think we can risk leaving.
It might be an overreaction, I know, and my wife thinks so, but I know something's gonna happen. I stored up on as much food as I can.
Let's hope we can get through this.

Another note is added by F██████: "We tried everything we could to neutralise the virus before it could spread to much, but it wouldn't respond to regular treatments. 
Only using dangerously potent drugs appeared to hinder it somewhat. We panicked and tried other medicines not meant for viruses...and it only made everything worse."

Several countries have gone into lockdown due to FL3uR, including major countries such as CHINA, USA, and AUSKIA.
The virus is spreading at a much faster rate than expected, and is causing more deaths as it continues to infect people.
Health experts warn of an upcoming crisis if more isn't done about the virus.
Although many listen, some don't, and protest against the lockdowns, claiming it to be a breach of their rights and freedom.
The first major protest reported on the news breaches the border of a small town in AUSKIA bordering ████████, and the townspeople celebrate.
However, within mere days, the town falls to the infection.
The pathogen is now dubbed FL3uR.

The virus continues to mutate as politicians and scientists alike struggle to do something about it. Cemeteries are being filled each waking minute of the day.
For some, the situation seems bleak. Some people are beginning to hoard food in the case of a major quarantine. I'm trying to provide the best I can for my wife and kids, but I can see the ribs beginning to show.
My children...their cries of hunger, their pleads, begging me to give them just a little more food because their dinner wasn't sufficient.
And I wish I could. But I can't.
I'm beginning to lose hope that we can ever get out of this.

It's the new year. Yet, no one's celebrating. Who, who would be insane enough to....
I gave my children a little more food because I didn't want them to become what I had, even a toy I found during one of my many fruitless expeditions to find more food. They were overjoyed - to finally not hear their stomachs rumble. My wife and I sang a few songs from our culture, praying to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We even gathered with a few survivors in our neighbourhood and had a sort of bonfire, despite the danger.
Many of the smaller countries, with less military power have already fallen to these monsters. It's not long before the major powers will fall, too, but they seem to be doing fine right now. Maybe we'll be able to make it to one of them.
There's reports of dead people reanimating and becoming aggressive. Like zombies. The virus has mutated once again. Why, it even travels through bites and wounds, apparently.
Just like zombies. Fortunately, our neighbourhood lacks them.
I wonder if anyone will help us?

It has been discovered that the virus can be transferred to fauna, but only specific strains. Subjects who are infected in the late stages become aggressive before dying.
Survivors have observed infected victims reanimating after they die, their body twisting into what was once considered impossible shapes and growing abnormal, dark growths. Their eyes bulge out of their head, or even pop out, replaced by what looks like eyes, but they're crystal-like and shatter. Parts of the body are ripped open to reveal new, gaping holes to devour prey.
They're violent. They're invulnerable. Guns cannot penetrate the dark growths, and bombs only work sometimes. They run faster than any normal human being. These things cannot be stopped.
They've killed all my friends. The people I've known. My family is dead. I killed them. I starved them. No, they died by the monsters. No, no, did I kill them or did they kill them? Not enough food...I could not find...

How- how...
How am I still alive?



This journal, written by FIRST RESPONSE Scientist ███████ F██████ was found near his body in an abandoned laboratory during the XX of May, 22XX. He seems to suffer from a self-inflicted headshot wound. A pistol of unknown build rests next to him, as well as the tablet these entries were recovered from. As of ██/██/████, this data has been kept safely in the Archives.
