Welcome to the Angimps world! I've gotta spruce this up with a code eventually, but I think this'll do for now! >:>

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Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by WillBeRedeemed

So, with redesigning one of my characters into an Angimp, I have come up with new lore that’s actually pretty spooky! You can read more about it in the Basic Info page, but! To summarize-!

Angimps ARE able to change their alliance, but it causes an entire wave of issues due to it being so hard to achieve anyways.

Ones that experience this are changed both physically and mentally, and are very body horror-y. They’re called Terrors and are very bad.

Most don’t know they’re possible though, and are simply regarded as ghost stories-this is thanks to the Soul Searchers-a very hush-hush organization of Angimps and Links-keeping them locked away whenever one pops up.


I believe the mod hosting it is currently on a hiatus of sorts (they can correct me if I’m wrong) at the moment, so that’s what’s happening with that-

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have a question, since a switch can fail and like half work can someone become half of a Cootie Catcher? if so what alliance would they be if they are like half alliance??

I'm not seeing where it's saying it can fail, but that may just be me not having the best memory, or somehow missing it in the info page? Unless you mean the 'Getting rid of Cooties with a Switch won't always work' or 'half of the heart gets transferred away' things.

I'd say half of a Cootie Catcher wouldn't entirely be possible, since it's like... a disease rather than just something you are born with.

As for half alliance, I feel like that might fit more into the Terror category, since the only real way to change an alliance is with attempted murder, essentially. If they only absorbed half of the magic needed to change it, I'd imagine that'd mess one up a LOT still, depending on the alliance-

Also as a side note, this comment reminded me I need to revamp the aesthetics of that world a bit at some point. Dunno when, but that is on the to-do list-

3 Replies

Kinda wanna make one,,

Feel free to do so if you wish! :D

1 Replies

should i redesign my first angimp?

Up to you if you wanna! I do like how he looks currently though! :D

There shoud be a party one!

That COULD easily be a sort of noise one... but I do like the idea of it being it's own alliance! Do you have any colour in mind for it?

5 Replies

Also there a fear/shadow u pick