Basic info!

Humanity was a special breed of terrible, we all know this to be true... or, at least we should sometimes. And while there are absolutely nice people, there are also terrible ones... ones that should be punished with hell on Earth... not with flames, or doomsday, or any form of death... but with an annoying, chaos-raising little shit.

That's what Angimps are for! Created as a punishment on Earth, the Angimps are linked to one person each. Often, they are people who are terrible, though those with anger issues are highly susceptible to them as well, due to their nature of desiring to annoy or inconvenience any person they come across. However, this is not always the case-whether their link is a nice and calm person, the Angimp doesn't wish to cause mayhem, (often called a 'goody-goody', which is one of the worst insults an Angimp can call another, as it's frowned upon in Angimp culture to not be a nuisance to humans.) or something else entirely.

While it is rare for the Angimp and their link to bond, if one does become close with theirs, that's the closest bond the link will have in their life.

Every Angimp has an alliance-the elemental magic which gives them the ability to cause chaos. With time and development, the species seems to take on more and more alliance capabilities as humanity progresses. None of the abilities are inherently deadly, even with the likes of Fire existing. This is because they were not made to kill, but to annoy. Even so, if linked with an Angimp, please take into account their alliance, for health safety.

Their alliance runs through their blood, and into their heart, and one can always define an Angimp's alliance by the colour of their crown, which not only stores the magical energy needed to use their magic, but is also connected to their heart. On that note, due to their strong connection to their crowns, they cannot be far away from them or they grow weak. Though they cannot be directly on the Angimp's head either, as that will cause an overload-a surge of their magic so strong, it causes a cartoony explosion to occur, and them to be stunned for a while until they recover, being horribly dizzy until they do.

An Angimp's eyes show the alliances of their parents. as parts of their souls go into making a new one.

Half of an Angimp's heart goes to their link, meaning that once they and their link have met, the link also has access to their alliance. Because of this link, while the Angimp will not die if their link does, should the link kill their Angimp, the link will also immediately die. Thankfully, it's EXTREMELY hard to kill one, as their crowns are near indestructible.

Though often Angimps are seen roaming about on four legs, they ARE capable of walking on two! It's just easier to walk on fours.

All Angimps have crowns, wings, and chest fluff-as the fluff protects their heart, and is impossible to go through entirely with any piercing weapon due to how soft and fluffy it is.

Angimp wings tend to be angel-like in nature, however they can be of any nature, truly. It's simply somewhat rarer.

Angimps don't have heterochromia in a usual sense, but the rings in the eyes CAN be a shifted colour! (I.E. One eye is pink with blue rings, the other is blue with pink rings.)

There are VERY rare instances in which an Angimp may need to change their link, for any particular reason they may have. This is known as a Switch, and can only be done once. It uses an immense amount of power on the Angimp's part, and on the link's, it sends them in a state similar to a heart attack, before they are knocked into a coma. This is due to it removing half of the Angimp's heart from their original link, and the length of this comatose state can vary, but is usually not longer than a month. If an Angimp attempts a second Switch, they will instead experience an overload.

Perhaps even worse than a goody-goody in Angimp culture, is what's known as a Cootie Catcher-an Angimp with the unique disease known as 'Cooties', which causes an Angimp to be obsessed with their link. A Switch is the only way to cure this thus far, but that may not even work half the time.

It is possible, though incredibly rare, for an Angimp to change alliances-however this doesn’t come without MASSIVE consequences. If an Angimp harms another badly enough to crack their crown-an incredibly terrifying feat on it’s own-it is possible for their alliance to leak into the crown and change their alliance to the one of their attacker.

Their body immediately reacts to try and make their body accommodate their new magic-often leading to extreme, gut-wrenchingly gruesome deformities in their appearance-be it Mind Angimps having their brains and skulls swelling unnaturally large due to their new power, Radiation Angimps melting and mutating due to their new influx of radiation, and Infinity Angimps leaving the species entirely-often being classed as eldritch abominations due to the sheer power they possess.

Their links get harmed as well due to their new magic, though usually they aren’t as mutated as their Angimps.

On top of this, due to the trauma of having an alliance change, their minds are no longer on annoying people, as they possess a more animalistic mindset. This makes them extremely dangerous, as they will attack anything that appears as a threat to them.

These are known as Terrors, and anyone who causes one to happen is shunned from Angimp Society for it-due to them clearly having the intent to kill, if not cause a mass-Terror onslaught.

Terrors on Earth are very rare, as there are a group of Angimps (and their links) dedicated to hunting them down and sending them to a holding cell in Heaven. As not many Angimps even know of Terrors being more than mere ghost stories, knowledge of the organization of what’s known as the ‘Soul Searchers’ is also incredibly rare. But they exist.