Rouver Keep/Castle Rouver

Rouver Keep/Rouver Castle

"I'd rather save it, if I can. There's good people here." -- Chime

  • Ruler: King Rover, the son of the legendary King Rouver
  • KEYWORDS: Dark Castle
  • AESTHETIC: Haunted or Enchanted Castle


  • Darkness all around the castle. The only time bright light comes inside is during the daytime.
  • At night, when you get close enough, you can supposedly hear the noises from the dead buried in castle's the personal graveyard.
  • The big beacon light atop the highest tower of the castle attracts ghosts, which feed on the moths' souls. There are many dead moths and bugs, and therefore many ants..
  • The inside of the castle is very stereotypical in terms of decorating. It's everything you'd expect to see in a castle like this.
  • There is a large corridor where the entrance to the castle is.


  • People wear hats, as they believe it stops ghosts from nipping at their souls. The hats are often decorated with mystical charms and patterns sewn on.
  • The people are very poor, so they worship the ghosts at the shrine next to the Keep. It is said that the ghosts will respond either by taking the offering, or they will possess or nip at the person.
  • The king's absent presence in the village has lead to a sort of police force named the Rouverfuor, named after Fuordor, its founder.
  • A lot of the architecture in the city closest to the castle mirrors the castle's appearance. A lot of these changes were also made after the death of Lord Rouver.


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