Good evening, Drakomis from across the universe!
Today I will present the update of our Magic system in the world of Drakomis. Magic is extremely important in the universe of Drakokynesis and has an ancestral connection with the creation of the Guardian Dragons and consequently the Drakomis. In the world of Drakomis, magic comes from the so-called ascetic lines. There are a total of 12 lines, and each creature has at least a little bit of at least one line.

It can be compared to the DNA of our world, the composition, quantity, or absence of each line in the body of each Drakomi is unique. -
When a creature has all 12 lines in its entirety, it is classified as a God, and our galaxy of Drakokynesis was created by a Goddess named Gytris. The universe is vast, and we Drakomis do not know how many Gods exist, if there are any others, but Gytris exists. She created us and now illuminates our lives every day.
The goddess Gytris was the first form of life to reach the space of our universe, which will later be called Drakokynesis. On her journey, she chose this corner of the universe to make her brood, as she called it. As a goddess, she had all the necessary energy within herself to create life and to create her galaxy. For that, she used all her lines of energy, a total of 12, to create her 12 children, the first Guardian Dragons.
The truth is, we know very little about the goddess. For each of these 12 Dragons, she transferred almost entirely one of her 12 lines. With only the necessary amount left to continue existing within herself, she entered hibernation, coiled her immeasurable body, and rested. Today, she is what we call the Mother Star.
The Guardian Dragons passed on some of their chosen children, or in the case of Hydroer, many of their magical abilities, becoming the Primordial Apices, masters of a single type of magic. And the earlier a Drakomi of the First Generation came, the stronger they are.
For the Primordials, generations are important. The first generation consists of Primordial Drakomis who came directly from the Guardian Dragons.
The Primordial Drakomis of the Second Generation gradually became mixtures of primordials of different rarities, and so on. The newer a Primordial is, the less specialized and powerful they are in a single type of magic.
This applies to normal Drakomis as well. The first generations - which came soon after the creation of the first Primordials - specialize in a single type of magic, and there are still clans that try to maintain this tradition.
In the current time, the majority of Drakomis have within them a vast mixture of an average of 10 out of the 12 lines, and a larger minority has 11 out of the 12 lines. This allows them to choose from a range of spells from the 11 schools of magic.
Regarding the schools, the magic guild has named the mastery of the 12 lines as domains. However, the twelfth line is one that only the oldest Drakomis know about, and it is more than a taboo in Drakokynesis; it has been erased from history.
What have we learned today? Every Drakomi can use the 11 available types of magic, and it is up to the owner to choose. Can I specialize in fewer types? Yes, you can! And the fewer types of magic a Drakomi has, the more powerful they can become in using them.
Speaking of which, let's review the power scale, considering the maximum potential reached from strongest to weakest:
READ FIRST - IMPORTANT!! The power scale is ONLY based on the maximum potential reached by the lines and does not include factors such as intelligence, strategy, team composition, unity, and other factors. It is simply a RAW understanding of how the Universe works within a concrete worldbuilding context.
Goddess Gytris > Guardian Dragons > First Generation Primordial Drakomis > Second Generation Primordial Drakomis > Primordial Drakomis > Drakhollow and Drakascend Drakomis > Standard Drakomis (Common, Rare, Drakstar Astromi) and Event Drakomis.
Due to each rarity being directly linked to a specific line, there are spells that are EXCLUSIVE to the rarities of that magic. This month, as it is the month of Rare updates, we will present all the options for the basic Elemental spells, which are the specialty of the Rares.

I plan to post the list of elemental spells so that you can choose the elemental spells for your Drakomis. Now, for context, I will mention 10 out of the 12 schools of magic and their specialized rarities.

  • Fortification Magic - Common Drakomis
  • Elemental Magic - Rare Drakomis
  • Spatial Magic - Drakstar Drakomis
  • Projection Magic - Astromis Drakomis
  • Sentimental Magic - Draklove Drakomis
  • Ruin Magic - Drakhollow Drakomis
  • Decay Magic - Drakensect Drakomis
  • Nature Magic - Drakenfae Drakomis
  • Nourishment Magic - Drakenskye Drakomis
  • Stagnation Magic - Draksnow Drakomis
  • Immenseness Magic - Drakaqua Drakomis

Again, access to all basic spells is free (obviously). Every school has forbidden spells, and these can be acquired through events if the Drakomi meets the prerequisites, which will be explained later! Each rarity has a maximum limit of how many spells can be learned, as follows:

  • Common and Rare Drakomis: 6 spells
  • Drakstar and Astromis Drakomis: 8 spells
  • Event Drakomis: 10 spells
  • Primordial Drakomis: 16 spells.

Once again, the more different schools of magic a Drakomi learns, the less specialized they become. So, if you want a Drakomi to be highly proficient in a specific type of magic, you can and should focus their powers on fewer schools!

Access to magic is ENTIRELY free. The magic system is part of the Worldbuilding and Roleplay of Drakomis, so have fun choosing the combination for all your Drakomis. Over time and through events, we will release the basic lists of all spells, the advantages and disadvantages of each one, and new spells. Feel free to share your opinions in the comments about spells you would like to exist and where they could fit within the schools. We will take everything into consideration, and we plan for members to help us create spells!

The old spells that existed before the update are being analyzed to see where they fit within each school. The distribution and quantity of spells may change over time based on your feedback!

I hope you enjoyed it. I am doing my best to make the worldbuilding of Drakomis a delight for you to create stories and much more with us!
Here in the image, we have the symbol of the 4 specializations of elemental magic. Have a great night, Drakomis!!!