
Tundra - North of Varvis

HEAVILY WIP - Expect information to be added and changed.

Tundra is a very unique tribe since it is the only kind of Akirr that can survive in the harsh, cold weather. They are only found in the Northern hemisphere, since to get to the south is far too harsh for any life to survive in.


The main biomes found in the Tundra territories are as listed below:

- Polar desert
- Tundra
- Taiga
- Temperate broadleaf forest
- Temperate steppe
- Montane forest

Plants found in any of these biomes may be used for your Akirr's leaf cape. Plants found in Other biomes along with one or more on this list may also be used.

Colour coded leaf cape list

Main towns

Homebase - Aglos (agh-los)

Aglos is home to most of the Tundra Akirrs. They thrive throughout the northern mountains, known as the Skayakeu Roost; it is named this as the Skayakeu live on these mounts during the summer, autumn and winter.

Akirrs live at the base of these mountains, protecting them from the harsh winds higher up. Civilians have created a tunnel system through the peaks to be able to travel through the city efficiently. Rideable animals are commonly used here.
Housing is created from wooden structures attached to the mountain walls that are usually carved out to allow for more space. There are many light sources around the area as the sun does not shine through the mountains for long.
Plants, specifically vines and grass, are very commonly planted on the walls and floor to bring more life to the area; it creates a gorgeous and comfortable sight, along with attracting bugs such as glo-flies to light the area.
There is a small stream that travels through the centre and ends at the lake west of Tundra territory, small creatures can sometimes be found living in this water.

Currently, Aglos holds a stable population of ~800-1000 Akirrs.


Snodon (snoh-dun)

The most northern civilisation on Varvis. Snodon is located around a small lake to the North-West of Tundra territory. This area is very barren, as one could imagine. There are hardly any plants around, no creatures, just ice and snow glazing the lands.
Residents of Snodon used to regularly fish in the lake, but as the supply could not meet demand, Akirrs may be forced to travel to the forest further south.

Snodon has a decreasing population of ~120 Akirrs.
Many are moving away further south due to the lack of food and activities, along with the extreme weather that some are not able to cope with. It is suspected that Snodon will deteriorate away into abandoned land within 50 Varvis years.

General Information on Individuals

Tundra Akirrs are some of the lesser active subspecies of the five. As it is regularly below freezing temperatures where they reside, they only tend to travel when hunting or commuting.

Their diet is very meat-heavy (specifically fish), with little fruit and veg available for them to feast on, they may come across the odd berry though. Red meat is hard to come by, so fishing is the most reliable option for them; they most commonly hunt at the surface with tools. Because of this, they tend to be on the larger side weight-wise as the excess fat keeps them warm and the vast amount of travelling builds their muscles.

Tundra Akirrs tend to have a monotonous personality. They much prefer to be solitary and do their own work than work under others.

The information here belongs to the semi-open species Akirrs. 

Written by Birdsblood