Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

Raphael x Prisma

10 Puppies

USD Only

Litter Rules Apply

Our Story

Raphael's ancestry includes generations of war machines, bred and created purely for fighting. Raphael's legacy was to be no different. He was to fight enemies he didn't know, without question or care. The problem was, he did care. He broke a lineage that wasn't supposed to have emotions or concerns for their actions. He began to question why it was they were fighting, and through a life where he was tortured and broken down, he questioned why he should even continue to listen to people who only cared about what he could do for them. He was very skilled, but very shut down and all he wanted anymore was to run away from war. Running wasn't easy, though. He had nowhere to go, he had no one outside of his comrades he could trust to help set him free of a life that left him traumatized.

That was, until Prisma was captured and handed over for him to train as a new soldier. She was from the outside. She had a family who missed her, a family who was part of the civilization he was trained to destroy. He was seeing someone for the first time as a living creature instead of a target to annihilate, and he fell in love with how innocent, and how resistant to his lifestyle she was. From the moment she arrived, she had her sights set on escaping, and together, they managed to make it work.

Falling in love took longer than executing their plans of escape, though. At first, Prisma saw him as a way to get out, and nothing more. But she learned through her time with him that he wasn't like the rest. The simple fact that he wanted to help her was proof of that, but she learned even more about him after they were back in her world with her people. Raphael had a lot of adjusting to do, and she felt it was her responsibility to help him learn what it meant to live a life where he had freedom in his choices. Where his days weren't filled with training and attacking. Where his sweet, compassionate nature was allowed to flourish. It was clear that fate led her to him, and while she resisted for the longest time, eventually it was too difficult to ignore the connection she had with him.

When it came to his children, all Raphael knew he wanted was for them to never be touched by the violent ruins of the war that still surrounded them. Instead of weapons, they were to shoot with cameras and document the beautiful moments of life. He wanted them shielded from the atrocities he endured. They became skilled with their weapons of choice, but they would never hurt anyone, only help spread awareness and creativity in the world.

War is what happens when language fails. – Margaret Atwood

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